Mizz Marshall among other things, has a national radio show every weeknight.

As her political punditry pulsates through my hard drive and breathily sings through my speakers, I swoon like a little school boy…a reform school boy.
My feelings for her are quite similar to what National Review’s Rich Lowry experienced for Sarah Palin when he watched Palin participate in the 2008 VP Debate:
“I’m sure I’m not the only male in America who, when Palin dropped her first wink, sat up a little straighter on the couch and said, “Hey, I think she just winked at me.”…it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerizing. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America.”
That’s so warm, so human, so parallel, because Lowry and Palin are just like Leslie and me. Well…
Except unlike Lowry, I’m not a nitwit neo-con suffering from short man’s syndrome and unlike Palin…
The lovely Leslie is not a vacuous, half baked, half term, GOP, Eski-Ho!!
No sir…Leslie and I are moderately Liberal and of course, Uber-Cute.
Marshall has even exchanged tweets with me. Our tender Twitter moments are precious to me. She has even tweeted me to call her.
Well, call her show. I always do, except for the one night when I was pretty damn drunk.
When I do call her show, I don’t feel like a mere ratings number, I feel like I am King of the World!!
For those reasons, Leslie Marshall is Hot and I Love Her!! In fact…
Before the ice delivery guy Luis, departed the Beer Mine on Monday, I slapped a sign on the back of his truck professing my love.
I’m working 10-9 on this glorious Tuesday d’amour, so don’t none of ya chuckleheads try to move in on my Leslie during my absence.
Oh yeah, she'll let you know how much she appreciates this post alright. In the form of a restraining order. haha ;-)
Jay: Ha...I sent an email to her Exec. Producer emphasizing that if they read this, to assure the lovely Ms. Marshall that I am NOT really a stalker. Cheers Jay!!
I just watched some clips of Leslie Marshall on Fox. One, I can't believe she's on Faux news. And what I saw didn't surprise me. Every time she had a good point going they cut her off. They had two republican opinions to her one. But she does hold her own fairly well considering Faux BS.
I will add this current restraining order to the pile my dear!
Schmoop: I appreciate that. Are you still saving the ones that have expired so I can still cite them in my memoirs if need be? Cheers and Zoves!!
Eski-Ho? Love it! Im gonna steal that and add all kinda variations to it. Beth- is hilarious too. Perfect match for ya, I gotta say!
Raquel: Ha. I dig Eski-Ho. Schmoop is pretty damn funny...when she's sober, which isn't often. Cheers Roc!!
schmoop's comment made me laugh
never heard of Leslie but now, thanks to you, I love her ;)
Well Matt, you have caught me at a disadvantage. I will have to tune in to see (or hear) what you are talking about. I have never heard her speak before.
She looks hot!
I'm sure your (stalking) email to the show's producer will claiming you aren't STALKING will calm their fears.
I'm sure you'll be seeing that restraining order soon and will be notified of your addition to TSA's passenger watch list.
Wow! Thanks Matt!
I listen to some of her stuff and I like it.
Dianne: Oh she's a funny one alright, and glad you like Leslie. Cheers Di!!
Joker: she is hot. And I just recently "discovered" her. Cheers Joker!!
Dana: I got nothin' from them. I am sooo dissed. Cheers Dana!!
Al: Al, my good man!! Good to "see" ya. yeah, I kinda dig her too. Cheers Al!!
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