I’m really getting’ tired of it. No. I’m not gonna end Bagwine Ruminations. But…
Let me tell ya…
Doing the same shtick for pretty much the same people day in and day out, is really wearin’ on me, and…
I’m sure it is just as tiresome for my regular commenters as well…but I have a larger, non-commenting audience out there, and I need to address them.
I have to address my two true loves…Religion, Politics, and Seriousity….and when I make up new words. Okay, three loves.
I know how those topics bore many of you, so to you, I say adios, because I know many of you don’t like that sort of thing.
But…I have found when going back through my posts while putting my book together, I am best when I write seriously. And particularly…
I am best when I write about religion, politics, and with a funny yet, serious edge.
I may even take a day or two off, and for the change, I apologize in advance.
Sometimes ya gotta shake things up and re-energize.
As long as you are not shutting down the BR and giving up on WIR.
Everybody needs a break sometimes. Enjoy your time off!
Well that's it. I'm outta here.
For tonight.
I'll be back tomorrow.
Write about whatever the hell you wanna write about. It's your blog after all. ;-)
So apparently being a radio star has shaken your world up.
I know we all write our best when we are passionate about something. So I salute the change wholeheartedly. You had lost just a percent or two of your all-consuming FIRE over the past 2 or 3 months and I’m so happy you are going for it again.
I support you man!
JR and I like your politics posts the best. I like to read them to him when......he's drinking his coffee.
David: Nevah!! Cheers David!!
Chick: I gots to re-tool, I just gots too. Cheers Hot Stuff!!
Jay: I know, but I lose myself sometimes and just try to be funny about things I really don't give a shit about. I have to stop doing that. Cheers Funny Man!!
Mike: Ha. You are a funny son of a bitch. I dig ya man. Cheers Mike!!
Scott: More the problem is that other things have been all-consuming me. Cheers Scott!!
Michele: Why thank you very much and pass that on to JR. I appreciate that and more so needed to hear something along those lines at this very momernt. Thanks again. Cheers Michele!!
...will there be pictures of spam?...
Umm no I object! I have only been following a couple of months and your blog is often the highlight of my day. Sad, I know but it is what it is. Reconsider will ya?
You blog every fricken day of the year for almost four years and the only break you really took was when you were half dead across the street in the hospital, and now you want a break? Sheesh! What are we supposed to think, that you "deserve" to take a break? WTF? What do we do, just wait till you feel like starting back up again?
You damn well know we'll come here every day anyway, just to check to see if your pulling another bag of horeshit on us again.
P-Man: There's always room for a SPAM picture or two. To ignore the greasy deliciousness of SPAM is just, well....wrong. Cheers P-Man!!
Raquel: I am thinking I am going to keep a couple of things I do, like Friday's Private Conversations, but my focus may change most days. And that was incredibly nice of you to say. Don't fret yet. Thanks and Cheers, Roc!!
Mick: Ha. I was thinking about my sidlining by my lung the other day because the anniversary of my hospitalization is about a month away.
I just need to change my focus as to what I write because I am beginnning to get bored. If I am bored, it'll show on here. Cheers Mick!!
seriousity is a seriously fine word
I don't know how you post every single day
I can't
even between the regular wordy blog and the photo blog I can't post every single day
regardless of who your audience is you need to post what YOU want to write about, the way you want to write about it
it's funny - I used to do way more political stuff and now my heart just ain't in it and I find silly and Hope and stories about day to day is where I'm at
I lost a few regulars but I gained a few new ones and in the end well - this is all supposed to be enjoyable, it's not like we're making money
the truthiness of it is - I love ya no matter what the fuck you write about
Dianne: Ha. Summed up in manner that only you can do. Cheers Sexy!!
You should get back to doing what you love. It's all about you babe, and I'm not being flip this time ;)
Schmoop: Ha...Thanks Schmoop. I believe I shall. But I have a question. Can I flip you tomorrow night? I'llllll cooook for ya first. Cheers and Zooooves!!
Most certainly!!
Schmoop: I'll try to repeat my hat trick performance of last night. But remember, it will be Friday and I'll be shit faced. Cheers Schmoop!!
Eh ... any of us readers who have paid attention over the year know what you do best and what your goals are. This comes as no surprise and makes sense ...
... which worries me ...
... and gets me off the hook ...
Dana: Ha...Don't get TOO comfortable. Your name will be coming up during my Private Conversations tomorrow. Cheers Dana!!
Sounds to me like someone is experiencing Blogger Burn out....
I can so relate to this....
I'll keep on coming even if the subject matter bore me, you Sir do not :)
Hey did you receive the package? We sent some stuff out to Walnut Creek Ca. and it never arrived; I think it was kiped.
Hi Dearheart! I've been away from my own blog for so long that the spiders have moved in! My friends keep nagging me about when am I gonna put up the photos of *our* trip. The farther behind I get, the more I procrastinate.
I think I write best when I get all Ed Abbey - but the mood just hasn't been striking me.
It's Fall, so that means purging months' worth of shit that has accumulated in the house, beating the garden into submission after a summer of neglect, and changing all the batteries in the smoke detectors. It's no wonder I've been absent from the blogosphere!
OMG!! You scared the living shit outta me. I thought you were talking about shutting down your blog. I was thinking - does he want to send his commentors to Bagwine rehab? Phew! Don't scare me like that buddy. Thanx God you ain't going NOWHERE!!!! YAHOO! Cheers Matty!! Your priceless!
You take all the time you need to re-energize yoself. Ya here? Den, come back with yo best shit still. Cheers!!
JOker: More than a touch, but I shall muddle through it. Cheers Joker!!
Lu: Luuuuu. Thanks dear and no. Nothing arrived here either. : ( I hope you find out what happened and ain't gettin' screwed. Cheers Pal!!
Rat: Ha Well written. And I looooove the picture. Yowza. I have indeed missed ya, dammit. Hope you are well. Cheers Adorable One!!
BBG: Ha. I would nevah shut it down, and thanks hot stuff. I just need a shot of B-12...or penicillin, and then I'll be fine. Cheers Michelle!!
blogging, even the half assed job I do of it, is kinda like work and it's easy to get burnt out.
Damn it I was wondering... The stuff to Ca. left from the same post office as your package; what a bummer!
Marilyn: It can be and listen, you are not half-assed, Cheers Marilyn!!
Lu: Man, that blows. Sorry Lu. Cheers Dear!!
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