And let me tell ya…This Saturday in Bagwine?
The mercury and my libido are going to be rising quickly and breaking the glass of the thermometer and the Matt-O-Meter as I spend the day, and the night, with a quartet of uber-hot babes.
Now dig it…
My friends Bubblewench and Metalmom, are trekking westward from Penn’s Woods on a acutely focused mission of partying their asses off along the way.
After a stop or two to see friends of theirs, they are picking up Sybil, and after much quasi-lesbian and black magic debauchery, that aforementioned satanic Trio of Babylon are headed to Bagwine, Ohio on Saturday.

What could be better? Exactly. Nothing. I mean c’mon…
I am going to be in an undisclosed Bagwine Motel room with four hot babes and a river of booze, beer, Bagwine, and immorality.
I know that Easter has passed, but holy shit, I think my resurrection is still four days away.
Oh the sights we’ll see, imagine, and manufacture. They are even going to be taken on an exclusive trip through the world famous Beer Mine by me. I spare no expense, my friends.
In fact as we all know, when people visit Bagwine, what is mine is theirs. Hey-Ooooooooo. But, I digress…
I was thinking of a name for this epic event, and initially came up with, The Bagwine Tour of Truth. And then I thought to myself…
That is so pathetically Charlie Sheen, and c’mon, this is gonna be bigger than his lame tour so I came up with the …
Bagwine: Tumult In Town Spectacular 2011, or as a more simplistic acronym:
Bag-TITS 2011!! Sponsored (unofficially, for now) by Wild Irish Rose!!
Yeah, I like that, and guess what?
Our three feminine party partners may be here at the digs in time to help Jayman and me with this Saturday’s I’m With Stupid show at Noon EDT on Blog Talk Radio!!
Holy Cow, That’s Hot!!
That’s all I have for now, however, speaking of I’m With Stupid, you can listen to our Easter Extravaganza from this past Saturday by utilizing the following handy dandy BTR machine:
Listen to internet radio with Im With Stupid on Blog Talk Radio
Have a wonderful day; I must be off in order to start eating dozens of eggs and drinking Vitamin Water.
Jay, leave now and pick me up on the way. We can be there by Saturday easy.
Epic does not begin to describe what this Saturday shall bring...
Personally...I'm scared shitless;)
Mike: Maybe it would be easier and quicker if you and Jay take a boat. Cheers Mike!!
Bubble: Don't build it up so much that I end up suffering from performance anxiety. Cheers Wench!!
Schmoop: Oh Schmoop it'll be fine, really, no...really, well...probably, I mean, there's a hospital close by. Cheers and Zooooves!!
You lucky bastard!
That is all....
Joker: Fun will be had by all. Cheers Joker!!
I love "satanic Trio of Babylon" Now to think of creative ways to work on your resERECTION....
Metal: Work it baby, work it bay. Can't wait. Cheers Metal!!
Have fun!
Evil: I shall have more fun than Mark Foley at boy's school swim meet. Cheers ETW!!
I'm a little scared, now, too! Ha! See you soon!!
Now THAT is something I would pay good money to see! Have fun! Don't do anything I wouldn't... oh, never mind.
Sybil: Scared of what? My failing liver and droopy balls? Pfffft. Party Time. Cheers Hot Lips!!
Rat: You won't have to pay to see it...It will be on video. Cheers Gorgeous!!
Can't wait for the after post!
Raquel: I can't either, but I hope the "during" events are much more hotter. Cheers Roc!!
Let's try to stay out of jail.
Jay: I'm friends with the Sheriff, so maybe that'll help, well...probably not. Cheers Jay!!
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