“Every Single One of us the Devil Inside…”
The mark of the Beast is upon us. Don’t take this day lightly my friends. There are definite signs that this could be a most unholy day. Please consider the following:
Today, 6/6/06, is not only the date 666, but it is also the 62nd anniversary of D-Day. Hmmm, D-Day, the DEVIL’S Day? Coincidence? I think not.
Where is President Bush going to be today? He is touring the desert southwest with the Border Patrol. Pretty hot out there. In fact you could say that it is hot as HELL. Interesting, no?
The remake of “The Omen” hits theatres today. Obvious marketing ploy, or the influence of LUCIFER himself? I’m thinking the latter.
There’s more evidence. I checked Ashlee Simpson’s web site. Interestingly enough, she is on tour, but no concert on this day. You know why? Because she is doing a private gig for the one who spawned her….That’s right, SATAN
Yesterday, and continuing on this unholy day, Senator Sam Brownback has been pontificating on the evil that is Gay Marriage….Do NOT trust this man. He is not who he claims to be. His real name is Mark Cobbs and he bears the DEVIL’s mark. How do I know, you ask? When you anagram his name, it spells out Mark Awn Cobbs.
Lastly, consider one Sean Hannity. The outspoken virtuoso on True American Christian Family Values. Nice try slicky boy, but I have unraveled your true identity. Anagram Mr. Hannity’s name and you get: SATAN HEY INN !!!!!!
The end is nigh!!! The facts are irrefutable. Take heed my friends, as I summon the only man who can help us…..
Ladies and Gentlemen….Our Moment of Hinn
We can take no chances today, so I am summoning the Founder and President of The Trinity Broadcasting Network…Truly a Man of God…Paul Crouch
"If you have been healed or saved or blessed through TBN and have not contributed to (the) station, you are robbing God and will lose your reward in heaven."
--Paul Crouch
Is it also coincidence that I've been hearing Carmina Burana in my head since I woke up??
Fortune Plango Vulnera !!
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