Monday, November 27, 2006

Turkey Breast and Bladder Infections

Wow what a Thanksgiving weekend. It turned out to be a rollercoaster of high and lows, smiles and frowns. It started out Wednesday evening on a sour note.

Bagwine’s favorite cat in the world, Corky, had to be rushed to the vet. She hadn’t been eating and was hacking for a couple of days. We assumed she had a fur ball. It turns out that she had a very bad bladder infection. Her bladder had swollen to the size of Larry Hagman’s old liver. The vet has been very helpful and Corky is making progress; hopefully, she will be returning home some time today.

I got out of my pre-turkey day funk, and went to the grocery Thursday morning. I bought a three pound Butterball turkey breast, a can of chicken broth, a can of Cream of Broccoli soup, some Rosemary, a box of Stove Top herb stuffing, a can of regular corn, and lastly a can of cream corn. I cooked the breast in the crockpot with the broth, soup, and some Rosemary. I made the stuffing and some scalloped corn. Voila, Thanksgiving dinner for $12.22. Matt-Man: “The Culinary MacGyver”

I spoke briefly with my son T-Day morning and he was excited about going over to his Grandma’s house for dinner, and spending much of the day with me on Friday. The joy was short-lived. When I arrived at his home Friday morning, he was sick and his hamster had died. I guess an uninvited flu bug showed up at his grandma’s house and infected the majority of attendees. My son was whiter than Ward and June Cleaver combined, and he spent the day sleeping and puking…poor little fellow. While he slept, I buried his hamster.

I went to see him Saturday, and he was back to his old, wise cracking, sarcastic self. I was however, happy sorry to see that his mom had come down with the virus. But, like a trooper she went to work and my son and I spent a couple of hours together…Nice.

I really enjoyed watching some great college football games Saturday, sorry to say that the Notre Dame/USC game wasn’t one of them. My beloved Irish were beaten down like a black man at a Michael Richards stand-up comedy act. Alas, I have gotten over it, because I found solace Sunday morning by watching Pastor Rod Parsley.

Big news kids, Pastor Parsley was preaching yesterday and informed everyone of his big Miracle Healing worldwide broadcast taking place next Monday December 4th. He wants all of us to send in our prayer requests right away so he can pray over our personal miracle cloth next Monday, and then send it to us. Hallelujah!! He said that we should send our most urgent prayer request. I am sending mine to him today. Pastor Rod: “I need you to pray for me to get laid!!” I mean I need a nice piece of ass, some high class trim. It has been so long since I’ve had sex. I think the last time I had intimate contact with a woman was when my mom shot me out from between her legs some 41 years ago. Pastor Rod…I need sex of biblical proportions, give a shout out to the Almighty, and ask him to send me a wet and ready Jezebel…Amen.

So there you have it…a weekend of ups and downs that ultimately seem to be turning out just dandy. My son is better. My cat is better. I ate like a pig, and with any luck I am going to score some holy honey hole next week. All in all, it was a pretty good holiday weekend, and I hope yours was as well.


adav_11 said...

All's well that ends well. I had bagwine withdrawal. Also glad to hear corkey will be okay. Matt junior sounds like a chip off the old block.

Schmoop said...

Ha...Sorry about your withdrawl pains. And I just got the word that Corky will in fact be coming home today...My son is quite a chip off the old block, and reminds me daily of how obnoxious I must have been as a kid!!

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm reading you while you're reading me!!! LOL..
So sorry to hear of all your trials of Thanksgiving.....But glad the cat and your son are doing fine.....Now about you...
you really should take care of that!

Peace (or should i wish you a piece?) ;-)

y.Wendy.y said...

Aaah bum re the hassles but glad it's all okay now.

My weekend was a washout too..had to cancel all plans as my youngest son came down with chicken pox...aaagh! He looks like a poxy monster - utterly gross, poor little sod.

Gald you are was too long.

Schmoop said...

Ooooo weee Oooooo. We must be psychically connected odat. And you're right, I need to find a little somethin' somethin'...

Sorry to hear that Wendz. I remember when I had them, no fun. And thanks for the kind word : )

Anonymous said...

holy honey hole....that is a new one.

Thanks for the new quote

Schmoop said...

Take it strong to the hole KB, and this time try not to bite her.

furiousBall said...

glad to hear your son AND cat are doing better.

Schmoop said...

Well thank you much van, I appreciate that.

Mo and The Purries said...

I, too, was suffering Bagwine withdrawl symptoms...
so glad you're back, and in fine form (Holy honey hole -- you crack me up!)
Hope that Corky is doing ok -- haven't heard of bladder infections in cats (but LOL at the thought of on e the size of Larr Hagman's former liver!)
And you are quite the culinary macGuyver! I love me some scalloped corn. Next time I make dinner, that's gotta be on the menu!
...whiter than the Cleavers... Classic Bagwine! Right up there with the Crucifixions! Hope your son is on the road to a full, smart-assed recovery.

Unknown said...

Yeah dude... what's it gonna take to get you to post on the weekends??!?! Don't you know that some of us are on call 7 days a week??

I missed you too, dear... I'm glad that all ended up turning out well and that Ryan and Corky are on the mend. :)

Schmoop said...

Ha Thanks Mo. Yeah my kid was feeling nearly 100% by the end of Saturday. The vet was shocked by the infection as well. She is only 4 1/2 years old and has never had any problems. Hey other than, mayo what is whiter than the Cleavers!?

Laura said...

I will just point up to Morgen's comment. He covers everything I was thinking - Larry Hagman's liver, Holy Honey Hole, whiter than the Cleavers...Good stuff! Though I missed you over Thanksgiving, this post was a veritable feast! I laughed, I cried. No need to mention Cats. Oh, Ok - Glad Corky's better! Tussy/Tully, with her still skinny-looking shaved paw sends her regards.

Glad MM2 is feeling better, as well!

Schmoop said...

Allie, even as big a blog whore as I am, I need down time to douche my hard drive. I apologize for the inconvenience, and yes all are well now. Thanks!!

Oh and Mo, it's the cat that is 4 1/2 years old, not the vet.

Schmoop said...

Why thanks Laura, and I hope you are feeling better. By the way, be forewarned...Studies show that parents of autistic children are stressed...; ) Give Tully a big lick of the fur for me.

y.Wendy.y said...

Ha ha I just saw that bit about your urge for sex..don't know how I missed it first and me both old chap...I have claw marks on the wall paper behind my bed...NOT from any nefarious activity but lack of.

Schmoop said...

I feel your pain, Wendz. Maybe we could contact NATO and they would allow you and I to get together for some joint "military exercises".

Mo and The Purries said...

Laura's MM2 comment was funny.
I'm picturing a little Matt-man mini me running around spouting smartass quips and channel-surfin' TBN.

And Holey Honey Hole, Matt-man -- joint military exercises!

Schmoop said...

Ha...He used to look exactly like me when he was younger, but even today there is no denying he came from my gene pool. As far as the "exercises", I am just trying to promote better Franco-American relations!! I am sooo very selfless.

Unknown said...

Franco-American... suddenly I'm craving Spaghetti Os...

Cheesy said...

Snow... yes snow is whiter then mayo! Cripes.. I too was having MattM withdrawls...

So happy your turkey day finally happened for you kiddo.. I may have to try that crockin a breast... sounds interesting.

BTW we raise bees in these parts.. wonder if you could find a honey hole there?? LOL

So grammy infected the yougun eh?? Did she at least give you pie?? Glad you had a grand weekend after all the drama sweets!

Must be something in the air,, football SUCKED this weekend..geeeeeze

mist1 said...

Couldn't you just give Corky some cranberry sauce?

Schmoop said...

Allie, how 'bout we get together and wrestle nekkid in a big bowl of the stuff?

Cheesy, why must you always correct me, and if you do decide to crock your breast let me watch. By the way, when you say "honey hole" I melt.

Mist, I will keep that tip in mind for future infections. Maybe if I mix it with some Wild Irish Rose it would work!!

Schmoop said...

Woo Hoo best advice I've had in awhile Lizza ; )

Cheesy said...

Sorry big guy... but if it's any consolation.. I like mayo more than snow~~~

Janna said...

If Corky ever gets bored with the "catnip and milk" activity, you could always get a spatula and spread some Fancy Feast around strategic areas...
Now that's a cat food commercial the world will probably never see.

Why do I suddenly have this awful mental image of a cat picking a pubic hair out of its teeth?

Schmoop said...

Good God Janna that's disgusting...I like it : )