Matt-Man Interrupted!!
I had a post for first thing this morning, but noticed this in my inbox. The lovely Sanni of Coffee2Go has created a timeless piece of art in honor of my Birthday. I had to share it with the world. I have a couple of post for later on, but in the meantime enjoy this Sanni-Ization and stop by her site and give the HBTF her props. You can click HERE to go to her site.THANKS SANNI!! YUM-OH!!
Happy Birthday Matty
All I can say is YUM OH
Thanks TB!! Deeee-Liissssh
Happy B!day cutie patootie!
Thanks Oh Cheesy One...Right Back at Ya!!
They say it's your birthday...
Happy Birthday to ya.............
Hugs....and very nice nice pic...suitable for framing if I must say.....
Sanni did a good job with your poster, happy birthday.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
You look like your monkey
and I bet he's pickled tonight too
Raising a pint of WIR in your honor!
Morgen told me to came and say Happy Birthday to the "Old Fart" <-- his words not mine.
Happy birthday!
Odat...I told Sanni that I am indeed framing it!! Thanks...
Thanks Sgt. Sanni did a most excellent job.
Mo, thank you my friend. The majorit of pickling may take place on Saturday...But I'll toss a few back tongiht as well. Cheers.
Nice Poster! happy birthday you crazy nut ball enjoy your day to day Matt-Man!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Puck
Thanks alot Roger, now go have sex with your car!!
HA...Thanks Small-a-Hi...I like Gir.
haha she takes a lot to warm up these days
Happy Birthday Mr Matt-Man! Hope Rach shuts up as I told her... if not, I´m sure you know what to do =)
A most happiest of days to yor me darlin'. I dink I'll be tossin' back a wee bit tonight meself in honor of yer birthday, don'tcha know?
Thanks alot Sanni...I'll put the Bratwurst February (my porn name) to her...That'll teach her. The AFOS song on your blog was the icing on the cake. Thanks again!! Smooch Smooch : )
Thanks Songbird...Toss 'em back with a smile and do a little chair dance. Cheers!!
happy birthday to youuuuu young man, here via Sanni's!
Thanks for stopping mar...Cheers!!
Sanni is one wonderful, thoughtful lady, isn't she? That's a great poster. :-D
Happy, happy birthday, Matt-Man! Wishing you more good craziness, lots of sex, and a lifetime supply of WIR!
Awww you are too kind. It brought a smile to my face to see the Flag of the Phillipines pop up on the right. I missed ya, and yes Sanni is very thoguhtful.
YO DUDE HAPPY BIRTHDAY ... ya young pup....
Thanks my good man!!
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