Most of his time was spent working and helping to raise seven boys and two girls. He was such a dilemma. I remember him cussing at the top of his lungs after my brother burnt himself. My brother spilled hot tea water on him himself and my dad yelled, “God Damn It.” and then he quickly asked, “Are you alright?” I spilled gasoline on the grass filling up the mower and he yelled at me until Mom said that he better apologize….of course since, Mom told him to, he did…
To us we would typically only see his anger directed at the irritations of family incidents, but his soul also harbored disdain for the greater injustices in the world. I think sometimes he tried to control the little stuff because he couldn’t control the world. While he often ached for his fellow man, we would only see his concern about how long the baloney was in the trunk between Mom getting home from the grocery store, or when someone actually brought potato salad to the cookout…because you know, that can go bad.
My dad in addition to harping on the stupid things in life also made people feel good. We would spend a morning fishing and not catch a fish. He would always say, “Well Matt, it’s only 10:05 I bet they’ll start biting at 10:15.” And when it hit 10:15 he would say, maybe at 10:25. He was always hopeful.
I will always remember how much he loved my mom. When I as a teen, it was pretty much Mom, Dad, and, I. My dad and I would watch football on Sundays. My mom would make hot dogs and soup. That’s all. She made something as simple as hot dogs and soup. When we got done eating, my dad would never fail to say, “You’ve done it again, Mary Anne.” He was so appreciative of a dinner of soup and sandwiches. He was the best.
Dad was many things…a proud and devout Irish-Catholic who could swear with the best, a hard worker, die-hard Democrat, a man who in child like fashion enjoyed shooting bottle rockets into the trees to chase the birds away much like a scene from Steel Magnolias. He would then head inside and sit down at the kitchen table. He would sit down with a couple of Braumeisters, a shot of whiskey and pen and pad. Writing poetry was his solace, and he did it well having two books published.
So Dad, Happy Birthday and thanks for everything. I realize that this tribute is not as poetic as your writings, but much like when I read your works it brought a smile to my face. Cheers!!
In Closing:
I think if I should have to go
Before the things I want to tell you
Have been said,
I could not be at rest eternally,
But must be awake,
And seek your soul instead.
And then if you would smile
Into my eyes and say,
“I know, for it was so with me”,
My happy dust would mingle
With the earth,
As endless rivers flow into the sea.
--JJM 1981
Why thanks Schmoop!!
Very nice tribute to your dad Matty
And I love his poem--thanks for sharing
Thanks TB. The funny old Irishman would have been 86 today. Cheers!!
You're not allowed to make me cry.
Dad just turned 87 this May... my guess is they would have been fast friends.
Now THAT was writing dear.
Thanks Anndi, and I am so glad you still have your dad around. I loved the pics you posted of him awhile back. Cheers!!
I lost my dad 9 months ago and have been having a really hard time this week as Sunday is Father's Day.
This is truly a beautiful tribute to your dad.
*says to self* you're not gonna cry, you're not gonna cry....
It was hard for me for awhile too Dixie, but it's been nearly nine years now, so for the most part I just think of the good times that we had. It'll get better for you. Cheers!!
That was so sweet. Thank you Matt.
Matty me boy, dinna ye know that it's not nice to make me weep this early in the mornin'?
A fine Irish man he was, yer father. God rest his soul.
This is particularly special for me given the circumstances I find myself in. Thanks! :)
Why thank you very much Marilyn, Cheers!!
Songbird quit your cryin' I have plenty of good memories. And thanks.
I'm glad it helped if only a tiny bit Nat. Hang in there friend. Cheers!!
"I think sometimes he tried to control the little stuff because he couldn’t control the world."
Reminds me of myself and my father. Your dad sounds so much like mine, in many ways.
This was absolutely beautiful!
Serendipity indeed.
Here's to the dad's, those before us, and those that we are, and those we are raising.
Thanks Deb...And I meant to put him in a world dictator view in a good sense. He would have dictated that there would be no hate, no bigtry, and only fairness and peace. Who knew an Italian such as your dad and my Irish dad could have so much in common!! Cheers!!
Great post you had Boy and yes here's to all of us past, present, and future. Cheers!!
Lifting one up for Jack. Happy Birthday. Oh, and you're not too bad either MM.
Ha...Thanks Nick, he was a good dude, and so are you by the way. Cheers!!
I shouldn' be reading this at work, I'm telling e'one it was the onions!!! What a nice, nice tribute to your Dad...brings back memories for me and my Dad too, only it was baseball and beer on Sundays...
Beautiful poem too!
Your dad sounds like he was a great person, Matt. It reminds me to cherish my parents while they are still alive and breathing.
And what a fantastic poem. I wish you'd post more of them from time to time...
4 beers and a shot........
Ah sorry odat, and yes my dad and I shared many abeer and baseball game together. Cheers!!
He was a good guy Allie and I would post more but he might come back from the dead and sue me for copyright infringement.
Damn Straight Joe, and if he had no bottle rockets he would just clap his hands. I know that you found that amusing.
Lovely ,just lovely. Dad's day is fast approching and the whole fam damily will be in NC for my oldest daughters 30th bd. It will be so nice for all the kids to be together and raise a beer to the memory of their daddy. I will sit on the beach and raise a scotch to mine. [with a twist... I got my twistedness from him!]Cheers to Papas past.....
Happy Birthday to your father.
That poem is wonderful. Sounds like you had a good example. No wonder you've figured out how to raise a fine boy of your own.
Cheers my friend.
sounds like he was a great man and father. beautiful poem.
What a fine tribute to your dad, Matt. A toast to him and to you!
Cheesy: Thanks Cheesy and enjoy the gathering, the time off, and the toasts to your Dad.
Trav: Thanks dude...He did his best and I do mine. Cheers!!
Eyechan: Hey dude I'll be sure to stop by today, and thanks. Hope things are going well.
Lizza: Thanks. My dad probably steamed by your way some 62 years ago. Cheers!!
Very nice post, Matt-Man! I almost cried, too! The poem was very poetic. Yeah, I shoulda been a poet, too, with lines like that!
HA....Yes you should have Laura...
My Friend... As i was ill yesterday I did not get to see this. I am glad i scrolled past your Peace globe to read this.
A warm, loving tribute Matt....Thank you for sharing Jack with us...
I trust you are getting better V. Cheers!!
THAT was a wonderful tribute. Thanks for sharing his poem, it's lovely.
My pleasure Lisa.... : )
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