We here at BR are proud to be part of the inner circle that has received an advance copy. With that in mind, we will try, as we always have, in promoting the glory and righteousness of the Bush Agenda by posting his speech…A speech that includes hope, inspiration, and
Folks, I offer to you, the President of the United States…
My fellow Amurricans,
The days seem dark…As dark as trying to find the Alka-Seltzer in the medicine cabinet during a power outage and ending up stubbing your toe on a half empty bottle of Cutty Sark. Yet our freckle faced freedom fighting soldiers in Iraq and Afghandastan are not only continuing to shoot bullets, they are sweating them as well.
And with that being said, I want to make one thing very clear, I am NOT gay…I have NEVER been gay. Although a few times after clearing brush on my ranch back in Crawford, I have USED Ben Gay. But I have gotten off point, and I digest.
The lovely General Petraeus addressed those folks who live on some mystical hill near the Capitol this week, and said the surge is working. He would like to bring some of the troops home next summer…30,000 to be exact. I admire anybody who can cope with, and has the eglogistical skills of bringing 30,000 people to his own home. All I can say is…General, are you serving burgers or chicken? Hehehehehe…
Seriously, David, Laura has always loved you and I would like to as well. In fact, if you were a Marine, I would say to you “Semper Fi”, but since you are not, I will settle for a kiss. Until then, let me get back to the hand that is tasking…
Me fella Amurricans, we must not retreat from the bowels of victory. We must remain fedstast in the face of sexterrian violence, uncongenial Islamic exuberance, (Ha, didn’t think I could say exuberance didja), and of course, the Trial Lawyers Association, and the National Endowment for the Arts.
If we can crush the danger that these organization pose, we will be able to convince those Yellow Devils in China to lend us another 3 Gazzillion Dollars and have them cut their percentage of lead paint in toys by 33%. Just remember, if we don’t do this, and listen to me now and hear me later Amurrica, little Tommy’s Christmas present which gives him cancer and lead poisoning is on your hands, not mine.
In summaryzation, we must continue to throw good money after bad, life into death, and continue our policy of making Iraq our governmental version of the “Fear Factor”. Maybe next year we will take our reality show to Iran and swat President Alphabet on his butt. We may even have Sen. Larry Craig do the honors. Until then, keep the faith and know that victory is nigh.
And what is victory? In retrospeculation, victory is a big cookout at General Petraeus’ house, victory is having a Starbucks in every burg and hamlet, and most importantly, victory is having every Iraqi exercising their right to bear weapons.
May God Bless the US of A…
At least we have one of three conditions satisfied…Cheers!!
OMG!!!! Brilliant!!! Bravo!
all in all... and with respect to your international readers... I would still rather live in the United States of America than any other place on earth.
Schmoop: Why thank you very much!!
Katherine: I would rather live here as well, because it affords us the freedom to have fun and speak our minds. However, two weeks with some Swedish babes in Stockholm would be nice too. Cheers!!
Wow, Matt -- I didn't realize you had written in that post that you didn't want to live in the United States anymore... but maybe I didn't read it the same way Katherine did. lol
That's a brilliant speech by our own Presidente. I particularly loved the venerability that was exhibited in the phrase: "uncongenial Islamic exuberance." lol
Now, I was the pharmaceutical that makes apercreme, I would have to be upping my lobbying funds, since Ben Gay seems to get the presidential nod.
Fear Factor, no I think more like Kid Nation.
Dammit, its only funny if I spell Aspercreme right
You'll never be awesome like me.
Allie: He does have his moments...
Sparky: Spelling doesnt count here, I knew what you meant. Cheers!!
""sexterrian violence""
I always knew he liked it rough--bet he's NOT a top ;-)
ahhh...allie...not sure I implied Matthew didn't want to live here...I'm certain he does...I was just commenting on how I felt...
*perks* since when did the National Endowment for the Arts constitute a national danger? Speaking from that side of the playing field, I can heartily concur that most of us don't care what's going on ... because we don't understand ... ohhhh, mayhap therein lies the inherent danger to which W was referring?
Now if ONLY this was the actual speech - I might be inclined to watch.
For once, I'll be glad to be stuck watching my daughter cheer at a football game.
Great job - AWESOME!
I think if W would actually give a speech like this I'd understand it a little better-even if he STILL didn't know what he was talking about.
Well now I can watch reruns of Family Guy instead of listening to this speech a second time this evening...
Katherine: And yes I do.
TB: I dunno, I think maybe he likes diggin his spurs into someone.
Tigger: Thanks and it sounds as though you will be having more fun than I. Cheers!!
Metal: Ah, a fan of cognitive dissonance I see.
Bond: I try to help when I can. Cheers!!
Mike Deneut: Sorry to have skipped over you...It must have been youir awesomeness. Cheers!!
I agree with Katherine on this one as well. I think I would pull an asner (food/drink out the nose) if he DID actually read this to the nation. I'd been think oh no...poor Ben!
Jillie: What did you call me?
I think your version had more content,but I'm probably biased.
Well, I'll be goddamned. Bushie seems almost more intelligent than usual :-)
So now we don't have to watch it on television 'cause we know what he's gonna say! :)
Thanks, dude!!!
I never have nor will I ever want to hear that beady eyed ... oh nm... I'd rather watch Freddy Kruger than listen to that nut job.
Nothing but good stuff Matt...It's all good! LOL!!!
Wow, it's like you're PSYCHIC!
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