Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Reason for (a) Change II

"It's vile. It's more sad than anything else, to see someone with such potential throw it all down the drain because of a sexual addiction."

--Mark Foley, on Bill Clinton, in 1998

Fast Forward to Foley’s chat with a 16 year old a couple of years later…

Foley: You in your boxers, too?
Teen: Nope, just got home. I had a college interview that went late
Foley: Well, strip down and get relaxed.
Another message:
Foley: What ya wearing?
Teen: tshirt and shorts
Foley: Love to slip them off of you.
And this one:
Foley: Do I make you a little horny?
Teen: A little.
Foley: Cool.



Mo and The Purries said...

Just think, in 1998, that now-16 year old page was an eight year old!

Schmoop said...

Awwwww...Only you could manage to make it worse!! Ha.

Unknown said...

Foley is using a defense mechanism Freud referred to as Reaction Formation. It basically forms the entire moral platform of the Republican Party.

y.Wendy.y said...

Paedophilia is a crime and yeah sods like that should be stoned to death after a 15 yr sentence at a penal colony doing hard labour...

but apart from that..why do people care what these guys do on the side? Why is sex and purity with voters such a big issue when everyone has their little quirks and foibles? Does being a sex freak make one a shitty leader?

The French are much more prosaic about these matters. We all bonk - men or women or both together..so what? It isn't going to make a whit of difference in policy making.

Sorry I just don't get this morality furor. Its hypocritical at the very least.

y.Wendy.y said...

I'm sorry - maybe I should just keep my big gob shut. I guess I really don't understand American politics.

Unknown said...

No Wendz, you are right. Very right. But you must understand- Most Americans still hold very true to their Puritan roots, and we are a young country still. France has got a much longer history of duking these things out. I give it another century or so until we're a wee bit more progressive in these matters. LOL

Schmoop said...

Hiya Wendz, I'm not exactly talking about someone's "morality". I dont care what kind of legal sex someone is having...But when someone is busted for something they have publically railed against, their hypocrisy infuriates me.

Mo and The Purries said...

Amen Matt-man (about the infuriating hypocrisy).

y.Wendy.y said...

Yes I agree with that. But how do these people have the gall to go on campaigning and running for whatever office when they have been busted? And why do they still get voted for?

I am fascinated by the differences in electoral platforms around the globe.

Here, it's not about morality at all - well not sexual/ethical morality - and I'd fall over if a French politican brought that into issue...the stuff going on here is about social and economic change. Of course they are still a bunch of hypocrits. :o) All politicans are. Roll on 2007 and the French presidential elections. There's even a woman running. Should be interesting.

Unknown said...

Well, the dynamic here is different because (and pardon me if I am really ignorant about French politics, but you are a Parliamentary system, right?) in our system, we elect single member districts in winner-take-all elections. And in order for someone to win, they have to appeal to the middle-of-the-road voters (who make up the majority) by sounding very similar on all of the issues. But to distinguish themselves, they have to run on personality and character.

It's actually kind of pathetic the way the system has degraded over the years. Of course, it wasn't this bad really until FDR was President. When he took all of these government initiatives to end the Great Depression, the Republicans found they needed to go to extremes to set themselves apart from the Democrats whom they thought were ruining the country. And to do that, they befriended the racists and religious folk of the South and started running on the things that those people felt were most important - morals and family values.

Schmoop said...

The Republicans have been abusing their power of late Wendz...It's time for them to go. Ah, Mo-Man the writer is still among us...; )

Allie you just gave me a headache.

Merritt Fields said...

Actually the south didn't fully go Republican until Reagan (after Southerners felt the hometown boy Carter screwed them over). The South was so poor during Roosevelt that they really benefitted from his Alphabet Soup programs. In fact most of those programs were designed specifically for the South.

Lizza said...

Jeez, I'm learning a lot about politics in France and the US. Philippine politics, I think, is kinda patterned after US politics. Some politicians decrying "sexual immorality" -- when they're up to their eyeballs in it!

These people give sex a bad name. Do something, Matt!

I think pedophiles should be hanged and quartered after being neutered and made to eat their balls.

y.Wendy.y said...

Go Lizza! :O)

Thanks Alli that's great- isn't it Aisby who wants to teach history though?

heh heh heh

Merritt Fields said...

"I think pedophiles should be hanged and quartered after being neutered and made to eat their balls." Amen Lizza!!

Actually Wendz, Allie knows much.

Matt-I seem to have hijacked your comment thread.

Schmoop said...

Go with it Aisby. Hell Gouda hijacked my entire site!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

That's right, Aisby... I went back and double-checked my notes and it lookes like I criss-crossed my points. The Republicans didn't develop the Southern Strategy until around the time of Nixon, actually, where they appealed to Southern whites and conservative Christians who felt alienated by the progressive policies of both FDR as well as the Warren Court of the 60s.