I watch the news, video of morons shouting down legislators, and chicks telling Barney Frank that Obama wants to bring Nazism to America, and I say to myself…
When did Americans get so fucking stupid? This entire “debate” also made me think of something else…
Politically, where do I lie…?
Am I a Liberal, a Conservative, or a Moderate?
And…What do those terms mean? Because seriously, how can I know what I am, if I am not exactly sure what those labels mean?
I guess being a Democrat, that pulls me towards the Liberal bent as far as being in favor of such things as gay marriage, a woman’s right to choose an abortion, and health care for all.
On the other hand...
I guess being a Democrat, that pulls me towards the Liberal bent as far as being in favor of such things as gay marriage, a woman’s right to choose an abortion, and health care for all.
On the other hand...
I wonder why gay people want to be recognized as being married when that term is a religious term, government shouldn’t pay for your mistake, and why can’t a person just live well?
I have a typical Conservative Republican streak as well….
I am all for spending anything and everything on the military (I’m a military historian for God’s sake). I don’t want a government health plan that tells me what services I can get and not get.
I have a typical Conservative Republican streak as well….
I am all for spending anything and everything on the military (I’m a military historian for God’s sake). I don’t want a government health plan that tells me what services I can get and not get.
And, while not an NRA member, I am all for the Second Amendment.
While I am all for spending dollars on the military; I am not into taking on stupid, non-sensical expeditions into militarily flaccid Persian countries. I like a strong military for defense…for defense of THIS country.
As for the government health plan…Why not put the funding mechanism within the hands of the government rather than in the greedy hands of a for-profit private company?
You can talk all about what government health care will “let you have”, HMO’s already dictate that, so what’s the difference? Why not save yourself some money?
As for those of you Second Amendment whackos…Hell yeah, if you want a gun, that’s great…Have at it. However…
I think that there should be control on automatic weapons…After all, when the Second Amendment was written, firearm technology was based on the flintlock.
It’s kinda hard to rob a store when you miss the attendant and have to re-load. With a flintlock pistol, it takes you thirty seconds to re-load your gun, as said attendant is bashing in your head with a baseball bat.
Which leads me to something else…
I hear many, simple-minded people say, “The Constitution is what it is. It is NOT a living breathing document; quit trying to change it.”
Can anyone prove folks wrong on this? I have questions on this, dammit. Anyhoo…
Do you guys think of yourselves as one or the other as far as your political trend, or are you labeled as something you don’t think is quite accurate?
Just wanna know…
While I am all for spending dollars on the military; I am not into taking on stupid, non-sensical expeditions into militarily flaccid Persian countries. I like a strong military for defense…for defense of THIS country.
As for the government health plan…Why not put the funding mechanism within the hands of the government rather than in the greedy hands of a for-profit private company?
You can talk all about what government health care will “let you have”, HMO’s already dictate that, so what’s the difference? Why not save yourself some money?
As for those of you Second Amendment whackos…Hell yeah, if you want a gun, that’s great…Have at it. However…
I think that there should be control on automatic weapons…After all, when the Second Amendment was written, firearm technology was based on the flintlock.
It’s kinda hard to rob a store when you miss the attendant and have to re-load. With a flintlock pistol, it takes you thirty seconds to re-load your gun, as said attendant is bashing in your head with a baseball bat.
Which leads me to something else…
I hear many, simple-minded people say, “The Constitution is what it is. It is NOT a living breathing document; quit trying to change it.”
Do you guys think of yourselves as one or the other as far as your political trend, or are you labeled as something you don’t think is quite accurate?
Just wanna know…
As for me?
I dont' know if I am a Liberal, a Conservative, or a Moderate, but I do know one thing...
I'm Matt-Man, Bitch!! And I can dig that.
As for the pictures? I had nothing that went along with this post, so I thought I’d post some old pictures of me half naked.
As for the pictures? I had nothing that went along with this post, so I thought I’d post some old pictures of me half naked.
Matt-Man - this is one of your fine ponderings.
As for the why do gay people want marriage - it is not just a religious institution. It is embraced by government in various laws - taxation (preferential rates for married couples) parental rights, inheritance rights and medical decision preferences. It goes on. And no, civil partnerships can't compare. My gay friends have well educated me on this. The religious aspect is relatively minor actually.
I've long viewed myself as being a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. Sadly, there is no political party that adheres fully to either of those.
Now, if that picture is of your buns...well, I may have to reconsider my sexual orientation.
David: Ha. Yes those are my buns, but let me say...
I know several gay people who almost demand the right to be "married", and another term will not be good enough for them.
I say to myself, "okie-dokie" but if you want to be known as married, you are saying that the government is acknowledging a religious ceremony.
Civil Unions in my opinion should be good enough, if those unions are recognized every bit as much as being legally "married", but call me crazy. Cheers David!!
I understand the second amendment, don't get me wrong. The whole Bill of Rights is there to protect the free citizens from the possibility of a tyrannical government.
But I look at NRA members in general and at the guys who bring guns to the town halls, and I think that if Obama turns out to be a birth-certificate-forger Nazi Communist grandma killer from Kenya, who's hell bent on turning this country to Islam, I'll still take my chances with him rather than with the rednecks.
And as for religious marriage, it should be as legally binding as a Bar Mitzvah. If you want to have one, go for it, but when your rabbi tells you "Today you are a man," that doesn't mean you can buy a six-pack.
But that is indeed the problem - civil unions don't have the same degree of recognition. The terms husband, wife, & married apply in many many laws and regulations. I agree that there is no reason for the religious definition of marriage to be synonymous with the civil definition of marriage.
If all the laws were changed to use civil unions and the term marriage was banished from legal terminology, fine.
I think we agree that it is to some degree a matter of terminology - unfortunately currently both the world of law and the world of religion claim the word married.
"I wonder why gay people want to be recognized as being married when that term is a religious term..."
Gay people can't be religious people? What about gays who are religious and the gov't is denying them something that is a religious ceremony? Marriage may be a religious thing, but it's granted or denied by the state. And to me, the gay marriage issue is about the gov't denying a certain group of people a basic right that it allows for another group. Not to mention all the special rights and benefits that the gov't grants to people who are married. And by "married" we're talking about the definition of marriage as set out by the state.
I think most people can't really be classified as "conservative" or "liberal." And people who call themselves either of those things use their own definition as to why they feel they are that way.
Most people I know who call themselves conservatives think that I'm a liberal. But, truth is I am much more of an advocate for getting gov't out of our daily lives than most of them have ever been.
...call me anything you want, just don't call me late for supper!...
Libertarian ... thank you very much! Too bad most people in this country think there are only two political parties, or buy into the fact that there are only two legitimate political parties anyway. In my own so humble opinion, that that would be a HUGE part of the problem. And no Matt, I know you are not one of them!
By the way, nice ass ... still!
Good post! I’ve always refused to be labeled as well; although I am probably pretty liberal. Living in Europe has made me more so in some regards. They have socialized medicine over here and it’s not bad. I think that we owe it to our fellow human beings to take care of them, whether they are rich or poor. That is an inalienable right. –In my opinion.
I hate what America has turned into, and I blame the demagogues. The country is turning off their individual brains every time they turn on Fox or CNN. They are a bunch of fucking non-thinking robots echoing what they are told by douchebags getting paid millions to make them mad.
I personally think the second amendment is outdated. I know it’s too late now, because everybody is armed to the teeth. But, if you want to hunt, you do it with a rifle. Unless you are a soldier or a cop, why do you need a TEC 9? The only reason the laws haven’t changed is because the gun manufactures pay the NRA and the lobbyist to scare the fuck out of people.
a mighty fine ass ya got there Matty
I love Jay's answer re. gay marriage, could not have said it better
and Scott's description of demagogues/the media
I've always felt that labels separate people and for those who profit from keeping Americans stupid and at each other's throats it sure is working.
I hate how people assume I'm not patriotic - i.e., don't support the soldiers - because my views are usually very liberal.
We all know where assumptions get us.
PITS: So True. The NRA makes their money and livelihood off of making people think that some shadowy someone is going to take their guns away. Theres some freaks in that org. Your Bar Mitzvah comment reminded me of a Seinfeld episode. Ha. Cheers PITS!!
David: No they don't and your comment along with Jay's below is the topic of a future post. Man, I am always setting the table for the next meal, ain't I? Cheers David!!
Jay: As I said to David you raise a good point about gay marriage. Marriage is at least by definition, religious RITE, and not a RIGHT. If a certain religion doesn't want to allow gay marriage so be it, and on the other hand I don't feel that the govt. should be meddling in those RITES and recognize civil unions...gay or straight. Cheers!!
Phfrankie: You're late for supper. Cheers P-Man!!
Dana: If I was to label myself, I would call myself a Liberaltarian. As for there being or two legitimate political parties? In practice, there are. Sure other parties exist, but they aren't viable because people are in general lazy, and it is easier to align themselves with the Dems or the Reps. That way they don't have to think for themselves. Cheers!!
Scott: You know...typically I try to think of a humorous response where you are concerned, but damn...on this comment all I can do is look at my monitor and shake my head in agreement. Cheers Scott!!
Dianne: Jay's answer was great. However, it only scratches the surface of the gay marriage issue. My ass thanks you and told me that it would really love to meet you. Cheers Sexy!!
To All: I apologize for not responding sooner but I have a massive hangover...I am just now, feeling somewhat human. Cheers!!
As I scrolled through your comments, I realized that you must have written a thought-provoking post. However, I saw the 'burger' and 'buns' and lost all train of thought!
If all you want from your government is for them to do as best they can as fair as they can to keep the country productive, protected, and prosperous, what is that classified as?
I've voted on both tickets. (and while I recognize other political parties our system is currently built on two of them only)
I am pretty much conservative on fiscal and foreign policy matters. But liberal on social issues.
I'm a states rights kinda gal too.
As for changing the constitution....just a minute...be right back....
Metalmom: How appropriate because as a result of your comment, I just got a woody. Cheers Metal!!
Micky: Sane. Cheers Mick!!
Kat: Hee Hee...The Constitution question being a "living" document was put there on purpose. I hear often, people saying, "Leave the Constitution Alone!!". Uh-Huh. Cheers Kat!!
I took a picture of this quote carved into the wall at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC last year. I admit to being somewhat partial to Thom as a founding father.
I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances. Institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.
Kat: I love you...and no, I'm not sucking up.
Thomas Jefferson, in spite of the slave holding fun I make of him from titme to time, is one of my heroes.
That quote is so full of common sense it's ridiculous, and many Americans today, would respond to it by saying, "What?"
I have always thought that if our Constitution is what it is, why do we have amendments? I think my thought and that quote go hand in hand, and thanks for finding it.
Cheers Kat!!
I'd like to say something profound right now but your man-meat picture has left me speechless.
I have ALWAYS believed the Constitution IS a living breathing document and MUST be adjusted based upon the growth of the world.
Second Amendment is perfect example... I have said before and will say again - our forefathers would not have included automatic weapons in that Amendment. I desire a ban on ALL automatic weapons except for military and law enforcement.
Anyone who wants to make their love a legal union should be allowed. To spend a lifetime with someone and then be shut out of their hospital room as they dying because you are not legal family is a crock of s**t...to lose the home you built together is a crock of s**t...
Jay - you are a freakin genius...
I am totally liberal when it comes to the right to choose and other social issues. Yes, I believe we have a responsibility to aid those who are less off than we...BUT if you are on public assistance, you should not have the right to birth a baby every 10 months.
I want our military to be strong and for our country to be secure. I do not support excursions around the world to make up for daddy's mistake...
this healthcare thing has me comfuzzled...it truly does. I want reform I want to be able to see any doctor anytime ...I want preventative procedures to be given more importance than having to go through curative procedures.
I think our President (who I support) is trying to bite off too much at a time with the healthcare.
Let's go a tad slower and make sure my parents (and me in 15 years) have the ability to live our lives without having to worry about where our medication is going to come from.
I didn't read all your comments so I might be repeating. I don't think of marraige as a religious term, I think of it more as a status. My gay friends do not want marriage for religious reasons, but for spousal benefits through their employer, tax benefits of filing married, etc. It is my belief that these couples I know that have been together for 19 yrs and 23 yrs deserve that. There are some local large corporations that have just recently allowed "significant others" to be added as dependents on employee health insurance, so I think we are making slight progress. One couple in particular had to go to a lawyer and pay a fortune to get forms drawn up for medical release in order for the dr to share info when the partner was having surgery. They should not have to do that, these people are as married as any hetero couple.
Michele: In a good way, right? RIGHT? Cheers Michele!!
JR always thinks it's in a good way.
Bond: While I agree with most of everything you said, "daddy" didn't screw up in my opinion. He followed the UN Resolution and was advised that occupying Iraq was not in our best interest. Cheers!!
Snugs: Marriage is a religious thing. The governmental intrusion in aspects of marriage itself drive me nuts. Cheers Snugs!!
Michele: JR is a lucky man. Cheers Michele!!
Daddy should have let them keep moving North...it was a mistake...pure and simple...his military advisers said Go...he said I need a nap!
You lost me at the hamburger man. :)
Bond: Au Contraire...He was following the dictates of the UN resoulution to remove the Iraqis from Kuwait. Even his Secy of Defense ironically enough, said that occupying Iraq would be a bust. It had nothing to do with him sleeping or being timid. Cheers!!
Lu: Mmmmmmmmm. It's grilled to perfection. Wanna Bite? Cheers Lu!!
"I say to myself, "okie-dokie" but if you want to be known as married, you are saying that the government is acknowledging a religious ceremony."
Well of course it does. Look at the filing boxes on a W2. Other than that, what Jay said.
As for what I am politically? I'm politally tired. Sick to fucking death of the entire subject matter.
As to health care, I lolz. From an industry insiders point of view all I can do is shake my head at the inevitabliity of the good people of this country completely fucking any chance of making health care something your kids can afford because the populace is either too stupid or too scared of change to bring it about.
Peace out.
Starr: You mentioned something I want to propose. That the word, marriage be stricken from anything governmental. Cheers Starr!!
Fuck the politics. You have a nice ass.
That's all.
God Bless it.
Candice: Ha. Thanks. I always appreciate a medical opinion. Cheers Candice!!
Wait a second. You didn't trick us all by putting a picture of Ryno's ass up there did you?
Then again, that would be weird all the way around.
Just forget I mentioned it. ;)
Candice: I can't forget that you mentioned it. How could I possibly forget the time when I met someone who is obviously far more perverted than I? Cheers Hot Stuff!!
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