On most days I arise at 5:30 A.M.…
Or to be more accurate, at 5:30 A.M., I get off of Kelly in order to go take a leak, plug the coffeemaker in, fire up the day’s first cigarette, and then turn on the TV.
The channel on the Bagwine TV is immediately turned to MSNBC.
At 5:30, MSNBC kicks off with, Way too Early with Willie Geist. I dig the Willie, and his half hour show is a great way to wake up. It’s news, but he makes it amusing.
Morning Joe is hosted by Joe Scarborough, a former Congressman from Pensacola, FL. His co-hosts are Mika Brzezinski, and the aforementioned, Willie Geist.
Scarborough is almost as conservative as people can be. His lifetime voting record in Congress earned him an ACU rating in the low to mid 90’s. How could I, Matt-Man, enjoy watching a guy like this?
He’s not a nut job conservative who believes in Death Panels or the claim of Obama being born in Kenya, and is more than comfortable in criticizing his own, beloved GOP. On top of that…
Scarborough can be pretty damn funny. I like that. He and Willie Geist are the Abbott and Costello of morning shows…but it’s in a smart way.
Mika Brzezinski is sitting next to Joe the entire time. And Mika? She’s easy on the eyes, can read the news as well as anyone, and…she is freakin’ annoying as hell!!
She’s a nanny state chick who wants everything that is bad for a person’s health, such as Big Macs, sugary drinks, and of course tobacco to be taxed out the ass. Rarely does a day go by that she doesn’t bring it up. And, she…never…shuts…up!!
And while I don’t find Mika to be too bright, her IQ is still at least 20 points higher than the combined IQ of Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, and the uber-vacuous Gretchen Carlson over at Fox and Friends.
Morning Joe, unlike the right wing propaganda over at FOX with Hannity and The O’Reilly Factor, and the left wing love fest that takes place on MSNBC with Countdown with Keith Olbermann and The Rachel Maddow Show, is incredibly balanced.
The show is balanced not so much by the trio of hosts, but by the guests that they have on. They have the best guests on morning show TV, period.
Whether a person is Liberal, Conservative, or Moderate…If that person is someone who has influence in our country and the world in all areas from economics, health care, or international relations, they appear on the show.
Recurring guests include Liberals such as, Eugene Robinson, Lawrence O’Donnell, and Mike Barnicle.
Conservatives include Pat Buchanan, Dan Senor, and Peggy Noonan. Anyone in the know, appears on Morning Joe (Brewed by Starbucks).
There you have it folks. Nothing really funny here today, but I just wanted to give you a tip.
If you are tired of all of the left and right wing crazies that appear on cable TV, and want to hear informed and thoughtful opinions (whether you agree with them or not) being bandied about, there is a place that you can go.
And that place is called…
Morning Joe (Brewed by Starbucks)...in spite of Mika.
There you have it folks. Nothing really funny here today, but I just wanted to give you a tip.
If you are tired of all of the left and right wing crazies that appear on cable TV, and want to hear informed and thoughtful opinions (whether you agree with them or not) being bandied about, there is a place that you can go.
And that place is called…
Morning Joe (Brewed by Starbucks)...in spite of Mika.
Maybe it's just me but whenever I see Joe I run screaming from the room rending my clothes. Of course, I hurl whenever I see Ben Stein so maybe my reaction is normal. Lately, I have not been able to watch any of the news(and I'm using the word news lightly) channels.
At first I was going to leave a long rant comment about Mika and her hypocrisy, but I deleted it.
You can follow Joe on Twitter @JoeNBC. But, if you prove him wrong about something he'll block you.
But, the show is better than most. Mainly because it doesn't devolve into a mindless shout fest between a liberal and a conservative throwing hissy fits.
I have never minded Scarborough, and I like Willie from what I’ve seen of him. All I ever get to watch over here is ‘The Daily Show.’ I know that it’s not even news, but it is entertaining. Comedy Central is one of the only US channels that will even allow their replays to be aired abroad. The only time I get to see real news of any kind is when something big happens and the stations broadcast live through the web; which is rare.
so the early bird does get the worm.
the dogg
Michele: I'd like to see that rending thing. I find Joe to be a genius compared to the other talking head hosts. But I'm with ya on Ben Stein. Cheers Michele!!
Jay: Ha...We're on the same page. I was going to rant about Mika as well, but I though I should do a post about the entire cast of characters first. And I agree with your assessment, as usual. Cheers Jay!!
Scott: I dig Willie. He is very quietly quite amusing. I like THE Daily Show too. And I loooove Colbert. You can always get your news here my friend. Cheers!!
Doggy: Insightful as always Doggy. Cheers!!
I'll take a good TV tip any day. Most talkshow blah blah blah progarm host just bug the shit out of me. Have a good day.
Lu: As you know, Lu. I am always here to help. Cheers Pal!!
What a contrast from MSNBC at night huh? They run all the evening whack shows over and over all night long then, 6:00 AM "pop" Joe, Mika and friends. I like Willie but I haven't caught his new morning slot. I like to slip between local news and The Morning Joe in the mornings.
And to think last year at this time I'd be watching The Today Show. Silly huh?
Micky: Oh yeah...At night MSNBC is as far left as FOX News is far right. At least Morning Joe offers a viewer some level of political equilibrium. I usually get my local news off the local TV stations' and newspaper websites. Cheers Mick!!
I'll give Joe another try. I have to say I have the same reaction to him that Michele has. He has a petulant look, always and his voice makes my skin crawl.
Vocabulary addition of the day: uber-vacuous
>>>crazies that appear on cable TV,
I thought that MSNBC is a cable news channel...
Cheers Matt-Man
Dianne: Ha. He does have a petulant look, and can be quite contemptuous, but he spreads it around. Like this morning, he was utterly stupified that Tom DeLay said to Chris Mathews last night that "Obama should produce his birth certificate."
And truly, it's the wide range of guests with their differing views that makes the show, it's not just because I like Joe. Cheers Di!!
David: It is a cable "news" channel but as we know most of cable "news channels are nothing but opinion. However, at least his show has thoughtful opinion and not headline grabbing talking points.
And Gretchen Carlson? Some how she graduated from Stanford and came out no brighter than the burned out light bulb that currently sits in our trash can. She is uber-vacuous. Cheers David!!
Eh, Morning Joe is alright. I am like my local news and Good Morning America. But I'd choose Fox and Friends over Morning Joe on a normal day.
You angling for a guest spot?
"And now, from Bagwine, let's welcome in our mid-west correspondent...Matt-Man..."
Karen: Oh how I loathe Fox and Friends. To me it's like watching the Three Stooges sitting on a couch. And the rhetoric, oh Dear God, the rhetoric. Cheers!!
Bond: Angling? Hell I've been angling since I changed the direction of my site towards the end of May, first of June. I'm getting lots o' bites too. Cheers!!
LMAO at Vinnie...
THAT would be rich!
Sponsored by... Wild Irish Rose and Millwaukies Best.
I was going to say something about how your post titles seem to be a call to the internet. I could tell your angling, and Why Not? You need to be found by the right people.
Micky: I dig your sponsorship idea. A perfect fit. And you're right, my titles and content are now there to capture readers through internets searches. Hell, my Al Roker posts still get dozens of hits a day. Over the last month, my hits are up 352%.
I am still going to do to personal posts but I am going to try doing more topical stuff (and hopefully be funny at it) more often than not.
Maybe if I become well-known, a certain chick will stop to see me the next time she is in Bagwine to fuel up. ; )
Cheers Mick and Thanks!!
I have long watched local news from 5:30 to 7am....it is habit now. There have been too many times my work day is restructured by what is on there.
Local news will give me any major national or international stories I may want to hear about....and then...I read about what I want to know about online. You can get a pretty broad reporting that way.
When I have the luxury of time...I do enjoy reading The San Jose Mercury.
I hate Hate HATE the way all news has gone to these personalities who seem to either want to entertain us or tell us THEIR opinion on the news.
Kat: I understand but with Scarborough's show you get both the news and great back and forth of opinion and not a bunch of inane, rhetorical screaming matches.
Richard Haas, The Politico Guys, Jon Meacham (my man crush), Sam Tanenhaus, and other non-lightweights are often on the show. It is quite informative. Cheers Kat!!
yeah...but the only time they tell me what's going on in Santa Cruz is when it's declared an emergency...
Kat: Ha. I know what you mean, and they never mention what is going on in Bagwine either, but fortunately our cable system has an excellent Emergency Broadcast System set up. Cheers Kat!!
Did you say internets? I was going to say that too but thought it might be to easy to miss and I'd look stupid again! Duh!
I don't have to tell you, the titles are what moves through the tubes the fastest.
Micky: Ha...Yep and I am tryin gto plug those tubes up with Bagwine. And internets?
I am still amused by that term, it may be the best thing Dubya ever gave us.
Although when Sen. Max Baucus was being hounded during a Town Hall meetiing yesterday, instead of saying that protestors were filming him with cameras, he said that many of the protestors were using those "You Tubes." Cheers Mick!!
Oh ya, I saw that too.
I'm partial to the "fool me once and I'm fooled bla bla bla" line that he never got right. The look on his face was PRICLESS. Duh!
Micky: Dubya, if nothing else, has left behind a treasure trove of humorous quotes. Cheers!!
Don't forget to give a shout-out to your loyal fans when you make it big or we will all just watch Al Roker in the morning and do posts protesting MSNBC!
Bond: No worries. In spite of my myriad of personal flaws, vices, and imperfections, my strongest and most prominent virtue is my loyalty to people whom I like. Cheers Vin!!
If mateo gets his own gig...I want a weekly segment. Just a little something to upset all his other viewers....laughing....
Vincent could have a little music segment.
Starr...pop culture.
DS...health parenting and sarcasm.
Kat: Aha...I still always kick around the idea of doing an internet radio show and I always think of you as the perfect counter-balance to my political bent. So, just keep that in mind. Cheers!!
I don't have TV at home but when I was visiting family the last month or so, I watched a little news and I have to say that TV news in general sucks. When did they start replacing news time with stupid little conversations among themselves? I felt like screaming at the idiots behind the desks, "we know you don't have brains. They put you on TV because you look good, so just read the copy and get on with it. Nobody wants to know what you did over the weekend." Alas, somebody must want to because they wouldn't be talking about it otherwise.
Marilyn: I like Scarborough's show the best but even then I still yell at my TV when it's on...so, you're not alone. Cheers Marilyn!!
Amen and Hell Yes, Kat. There is far too much personality in the news these days. I miss Kronkite and Jennings and I really really hate political shows. I'd rather watch The OC. And I HATE the OC.
Scratch that, I'd rather read Hemingway than watch political talk shows.
Starr: You'd rather read Hemingway? How many vicodin have you taken today? Cheers!!
Nada. Still at work, was out yesterday due to cat drama and leaving town early Sat for Cali and Green Day.
I just really loathe those shows. I can barely watch the news anymore. I tend to get most of my info from the online versions and BBC America.
Starr: You are soooo eclectic. Tell BJ I said Hi. Cheers Starr!!
holy shit!
Starr you must really REALLY hate these shows....cause I know how you feel about Papa. smile.
mateo....keeping it in mind.
even without anyone else you're internet radio show would be brilliant
Exactly, Kat. I do love his 6 toed cat legacy though. Far more than his literary (snort) one.
If I get my way, Kidlet and I will be as close to the stage as possible. I wanna get hit with the supersoaker! What did your daughter think of the SJ show, Kat?
she LOVED it...and had a great time.
She lives in The City and is not a big fan of going to "the Ho" but it was worth it she said.
I forwarded a clip she FB to you.
Kat: Well keep it in mind..I think it would be a good show with two average Americans with differing views. Cheers Kat!!
Starr: Here's to Idaho and Papa. Cheers!!
Morning Joe was the go to morning show even though Mika was a huge negative.
Mika sitting there rolling her eyes, schooching in her seat and contorting her face like a 5 year old is hard to stomach.
Joe just did an Olbermann hatchet job on Glenn Beck.
Personal hatchet jobs 'ain't' working for Olbermann's ratings, why does Joe think it will work for him.
I liked Joe because he appeared fair, but I assume the higher ups are demanding he tow the wacko MSNBC line.
Glenn Beck -- awful in every way -- BUT, at least you learn of important things that other news outlets purposely avoid.
Van Jones, a self-avowed communist in the White House, now that IS IMPORTANT!!
Beck convicted Van Jones with Van Jones own statements.
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