MY D-Day!!
It was a hot, sweltering day. To add insult to injury, I was living on the west end of Bagwine. Oh, you’re not familiar with the west end of Bagwine you say? Trust me…
It’s a cesspool.
That particular day, my air conditioning was blowing cold, the beers were flowing (duh), and I, being the much younger, cuter, and more flexible version of my current self, had my intended target in my pubic crosshairs.
I put on my game face, and went for the kill.
What could I do, it was me against him? I had to arm myself.
So, I tossed out the deck full of drunk, sweaty people, and I went into the cool house with my intended victim.
As I left him on the couch, along with a menagerie of dogs and cats, I retired to my chambers, but only for a brief moment…
Then…the fight was on.
For the next six hours, the battle raged.
Then, just as the sun was coming up, and the morning
Oh, he continued to contact me in his sick and twisted way, but I remained adamant about our parting.
I moved out of my kept house and three months later, he moved in with me into my newly, single girl apartment.
No more house, deck, or yard (thank God). To this day, this madman and I live in a tiny one bedroom apartment, and I could not be happier.
Now, nearly eleven years later…the older, wiser (ha!), and not so flexible combatant that is me, has come full circle.
Kids, don’t try this at home. It was a risky maneuver; some may say foolish, but…I WON!!

Happy Monday and don’t forget to listen to Jay and Matt-Man Monday morning at 11 AM EDT on I’m With Stupid on Blog Talk Radio.
In addition to taking your calls at 661.244.9852 , they will be discussing Sarah “Paul Revere’s Ride” Palin, Mitt “Multiple Choice” Romney, and the TRUE facts about the invasion of France on D-Day 1944.
You can access their IWS Radio page HERE.
Also, if you get a chance…Make sure you listen to their Wedding Show that they did on Saturday. It was a fucking hoot!! You can listen to it right here:
Listen to internet radio with Im With Stupid on Blog Talk Radio
See ya all tomorrow, you pretty people, you.
We really should do a re-enactment of that historic event. SOON!! Cheers Schmoop!!
You know it my man;)~
Sweeeeeet. However we're a lot older now...instead of 6 hours, can we whittle the action down to 6 minutes? Cheers and Zoves!!
Sure! That would be lot easier on these old bones!!
Aww... sounds like a PG movie... ;) happy meet-a-versary!
Bubble: Ha! Thanks, it was quite a different way to go about things;)
Awwwwww, So cute so cute. Waiting on a post-D-Day post.
I hope there's a plaque or statue or something erected to commemorate this great moment in history.
Raquel: As I remember, it was quite feral!
Jay: There is!! Downtown next to the fountains, and George Rogers Clark!
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