Two New Jersey assemblywomen, have, according to some right wing media outlets, called for Ann Coulter’s new book, “Mindless”…er “Godless” to be banned in the state of New Jersey. This indeed, if true, runs in complete opposition to the fleeting and eroding freedoms which we have.
Yes, Coulter is bat shit crazy. Yes, she is filled with hate and jealousy. Yes, she is an anorexic freak who is in desperate need of the high hard one. Mad, perhaps, but we all know the method to her madne$$. And what is more American than making money off of someone else? With all that said, it should not give anyone, anywhere the right to ban a book. But let’s look at the statement of the two assemblywomen to see if they actually called for the book to be banned.
Hate-filled Attacks on NJ 9-11 Widows Has No Place on NJ Bookshelves
(TRENTON) - Assemblywomen Joan M. Quigley and Linda Stender today castigated political commentator Ann Coulter for vicious remarks made against four New Jersey September 11th widows in her new book, "Godless: The Church of Liberalism."
FOR RELEASE:June 8, 2006
CONTACT:Assemblywoman Quigley(201) 217-4614Assemblywoman Stender(908) 668-1900James Sverapa IV(609) 292-7065
QUIGLEY/STENDER CALL ON NJ MERCHANTS TO BOYCOTT 'VICIOUS' COULTER BOOKHate-filled Attacks on NJ 9-11 Widows Has No Place on NJ Bookshelves
"Ann Coulter's criticism of 9-11 widows, whose only desire since the attacks have been to repair their shattered lives and protect other families from the horrors they have experienced, is motivated purely by petty greed and hate.
"Her assertion that these women enjoyed watching their husbands die on national television is hateful, hurtful, and runs counter to every sentiment expressed since the September 11th tragedy.
"Coulter's vicious characterizations and remarks are motivated by greed and her desire to sell books. By making these claims, she proves herself worse than those she is attempting to vilify - she is a leech trying to turn a profit off perverting the suffering of others.
"No one in New Jersey should buy this book and allow Ann Coulter to profit from her hate-mongering. We are asking New Jersey retailers statewide to stand with us and express their outrage by refusing to carry or sell copies of Coulter's book. Her hate-filled attacks on our 9-11 widows has (sic) no place on New Jersey bookshelves."
I do not see anywhere in this statement that they are asking anything to be banned. Boycotted, yes, but not banned. And boycotting of late has certainly become an America pastime. Just ask Christian groups who have boycotted Disney for being “immoral” and ATT for profiting from 1-900 phone sex lines. We surely can’t forget the testicularly challenged Bill O’Reilly who has called for boycotts against Pepsi, Canada, France, and along with Gov. Riley of Alabama, the Aruban tourism industry. O’Reilly thinks big, baby.
Here’s the bottom line, the two Garden State assemblywomen should have just ignored the book because it will only give the book more publicity; however, they certainly have not asked for a piece of “literature” to be banned. The irony of all of this is that it isn’t the widows who are making anything out of the deaths of their spouses, it is Ann Coulter.
But isn’t that the American way…….?
And Now…Our Moment of Hinn
“I'd be a fool to be in this for the money.”
--Benny Hinn
You are exactly right, Matt. I have lost count of the number of times that Christian family groups have asked that stores like Wal-Mart not carry certain book, even Jon Stewart's America book!
This whole thing is just more cognitive dissonance on either side.
God, I really hate politics, but it calls to me the way a crack pipe calls to Whitney Houston.
Ha...I concur
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