I came across something a few weeks ago that will also help a writer make a buck, but it is the dignified manner in which it was done that impresses me. "All the Roadrunning" is a collaboration between Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris, and while every song is well done, one is incredibly poignant.
Perhaps you have heard some of the tapes that were released, of cell phone calls from people who were calling loved ones from inside the WTC and the hijacked flights. Recordings of calls from people facing certain death and yet had the burning determination to get one last message through to those that they loved.
After listening to the tapes, Knopfler penned a song that gets to the most base, raw, and permanent emotions of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Without “stickin’ boots up someone’s ass” or alleging that widows are trying to capitalize off of the death of their husbands, he captures the most powerful and compelling aspect of the tragedy of September 11, 2001 with the following…"If This Is Goodbye"
My famous last words
Are laying around in tatters
Sounding absurd
Whatever I try
But I love you
And that's all that really matters
If this is goodbye
If this is goodbye
Your bright shining sun
Would light up the way before me
You were the one
Made me feel I could fly
And I love you
Whatever is waiting for me
If this is goodbye
If this is goodbye
Who knows how long we've got
Or what were made out of
Who knows if there's a plan or not
There is our love
I know there is our love
My famous last words
Could never tell the story
Spinning unheard
In the dark of the sky
But I love you
And this is our glory
If this is goodbye
If this is goodbye
Sure there are no bombs bursting in air, no finger pointing, and no flag waving pep rallies. It is merely a song that illustrates the unwavering strength of love in the face of tragedy….And That’s All That Really Matters….
Do yourself a favor and buy the CD. It is one of the best I have heard in a long time.
And Now….Our Moment of Hinn
Yes, Lord, I'll do it. I place a curse on every man and every woman that will stretch his hand against this anointing. I curse that man who dares to speak a word against this ministry. But any man and any woman that raises his or her hand in blessing towards this ministry, I bless that man. I bless that home! I bless that family. Under this anointing, the words I speak cannot fall to the ground. Under this anointing, everything I say, happens.
---Benny Hinn
Thanks for making me tear up, dammit. Good thing I haven't applied my mascara yet. ;)
No kiddin...It's even more of tear jerker when you hear them singing it along with his melancholy yet brilliant guitar licks
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