Monday, August 07, 2006

On The Disabled List

Dear Reader(s),

Bagwine Ruminations will be closed today due to the fact that Matt-Man is recovering for an overdose of meat and Rose. He spent the last 60 hours gorging himself on bacon, sausage, meat balls, and cheddar chicken nibblers. He washed the feast down with copious amounts of Red Rose.

The climactic point came at approximately 8 PM last night. He was eating an enormous hamburger stuffed with butter and Velveeta, when the dam wall of his colon gave way. If not for the fact that he was using his “Pastor Parsley Anointed Prayer Cloth” as a napkin, we could have very well lost him.

He is sleeping soundly and seems to be “working things out” in fine fashion. Hopefully, tomorrow his colon will be cleansed and his liver de-toxified. While we apologize for this inconvenience, we hope that your thoughts and prayers go out to Matt-Man.

The Bagwine Ruminations Staff

And Now…Our Moment of Hinn:

From World Harvest Church, Pastor Rod Parsley:

“As you send me your prayer cloth and your most generous gift toward our Breakthrough ministry, I will send you my 3-tape audio cassette series, ”Releasing the Anointing ... Your Breakthrough to Victory.“

--Rod Parsley


jbwritergirl said...

Been there done that. Hope you feel better tomorrow as I'm sure the elastisity of your colon wall hopes as well. Just watch out for the mad mad mad cow shit goin' on. If you start swinging your head back and know what to do.


Schmoop said...

Thanks for the tip...If I show signs of Mad Cow, I'll send Benny Hinn some cash and wait for my miracle...

Unknown said...

Aw man! I'm so sorry!! I hope yo'ure feeling better. I know that after reading this, one of my arteries is 90% blocked. ;)