On the same day she was born, South Korean President Park Chung Hee was gunned downed by his “friend” who headed the Korean CIA. Park Chung Hee very quickly became Dee Oh Ay.
A few days later on November 3rd, 5 members of the Communist Workers Party were killed and another 7 wounded by Klansmen and Neo-Nazis, during a “Death to the Klan Rally” in Greensboro, North Carolina. Hmmmm is this infant, “Baby Gouda” or “Baby Goebbels”?
Oh it gets better. The very next day 3,000 Iranians storm the U.S. Embassy taking 90 hostages, 53 of which are Americans. Interesting, when her parents named her, did they name her Allison or was it really Allah-son?
Later in the month, 4 people were killed at the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan. December opened up with 11 people being crushed to death while trying to get into a ‘Who” concert in Cincinnati and the hits kept on coming when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, seizing control in mere days. Is this just a coincidence Komrade Allie? Da? Nyet?
These “coincidences” make me wonder if Gouda is a God-Send or the Spawn of Satan spewed forth from the loins of a donkey. Should we refer to her as Allie or Allie-pocalypse? I don’t know the answer to that, but either way I dig her, and I hope you join me in wishing her a kick ass birthday. HAPPY B-Day My Friend…Cheers.
Tomorrow is a special day here at Bagwine Ruminations. Not only is it Stream of Consciousness Friday, we will be featuring the inaugural installment of “In the Know with Hair Care Joe”. Don’t miss out!!
And Now Our Moment of Motto…
Rhode Island: “Not Really an Island, But Rather a Very Small State on the East Coast”
Happy Birthday Allison. Have a good one. I will drink a pint in your honor. Cheers.
Just one? C'mon adav...Thanks for stoppin.
Happy Birthday to the Gouda Girl. Thought I would add to Matt-Man's Goudalicious birthday treat.
On October 26th,
1979 - Gouda Girl born
1982 - US budget deficit reaches more than $110 trillion
1983 - USSR performs nuclear test
1984 - "Baby Fae" gets baboon heart transplant
1988 - US and Soviet Union free two grey whales from frozen Arctic
1994 - Jordan and Israel sign peace accord
October 26, 2006:
George Dubya still President...
Tell me that's not a sign of the Allie-pocalypse!!
Not much of a beer drinker, Martinis are another matter. I had to give up the Grey Goose over here. Too expensive. It is like $20 dollars more a bottle than Absolute. A crack habit would be cheaper.
Matt-man, that is a truly cheezy dedication to our favorite Gouda. Bravo.
My personal favorite: allah-son
Happy Birthday, Allie D!
Drinking Wild Irish Rose is worse than crack, but much, much cheaper.
Thanks Mo...I hope Allie feels the love.
Well, you've given me more reasons to get drunk tonight than I can count now! LOL And I wasn't spawned from a donkey, you ass, I was born in the year of the goat!
Get it right!
God, I hate you.
I was right. You are Satan's child. You just said that you hated GOD!!
Just call me Goudamien.
"Look Goudamien, it's all for you..."
Goody Gouda...wishing Allie all the best. What a great friend you are, Matt. Reminding her of all those momentous events in history around the time of her birth.
I just cant help going the extra yard for her, Lizza.
I don't know what to think. Allah, er, Allie, I had no idea about all of this stuff. I mean the Who thing happening a mere 38 days after your birth? It's just too much of a coincidence, what with the whole being named for a song and all. I need to go lie down and prepare for the Apocalypse.
I was just as shocked as you Laura, but I couldnt keep it to myself.
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