I have my favorite pair of black jeans on and am not wearing underwear. I feel so liberated. I wish it was socially acceptable for men to wear skirts in public. I would wear one everyday, ahhhhhhh lettin’ my boys drift in the breeze. Man, I wonder if Mo is starting to rub off on me…er…maybe that was an unfortunate way to put it.
In a related note, last night I was laying on the couch scratching my boys and Schmoop asked if I had an itch. I said, “No, why?” Is Madonna trying to adopt an African kid because it is in “Vogue”? Does anbody still douche? And if so, isn’t it disturbing that something can be made fresher with the use of vinegar? I’d really like to rub honey all over Rush Limbaugh’s body and throw him into a cave with a hungry, horny bear. I’d wear chemical gloves of course.
I was watching the news on MSNBC this morning. On the crawler at the bottom of the screen there was the following item: “Bahamas Probe Anna Nicole Smith’s Citizenship”. I found that line to be quite erotic. Who says, the news can’t be sexy? Walter Cronkite, that’s who. Clang Clang Clang went the trolley.
Joe and I are going to write a sit-com pilot for NBC. It’s a show about nothing, and keeping with the feel of this blog it is going to be called “Winefeld”…The weekend is 49 hours long this week. The sausage patties that I ate last night aren’t sitting so well. I hope I remember that I have no underwear on when I zip up after going to the bathroom.
Wow, that’s cool. Hey!! Anyway, ladies and gentleman…you know him, and love him. I give you the inaugural edition of “In the Know with Hair Care Joe”.
Dear Hair Care Joe:
I am attending a Halloween party this weekend and it will also be my first date with a woman I have always wanted to go out with. Any suggestions on what costume I should wear, and any ideas on how to impress her?
Fast Eddie
Peoria, Illinois
Dear Eddie:
First, it is my experience that ending a sentence with a preposition is inappropriate, and as such, chicks will not melt in your hands with sophomoric grammar. Secondly, the best costume is Tom Cruise. Women truly enjoy the Tom Cruise persona…An egotistic, self-centered, controlling male who has well documented knowledge of psychiatry and the inner workings of the female body and spirit.
Good Luck and BAM,
Hair Care Joe is Director for MAMPLA, “Mid-America Man Poodle Love Assoc.”, as well as President and CEO of "The Pablo Picasso School of Cosmetology". He is also a reformed cannibal.
Have a great weekend and spend it with someone tasty. See ya Monday. Cheers…
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year. Please give my friend President Bush a trip to meet the Wizard of Oz so he can get a brain. If not, please send more Cialis.
Bob Dole
Dear Bob:
The Wiz told me there is a limit to what even HE can do, so your Cialis is in the mail.
Ho Ho Ho,
streaming fridays never felt so good, rubbing off on the Matt-man, hee-hee, maybe under kilts is where the scots stow their bag-pipes.
Dubya finally said that the war in Iraq is fucked up just like the New Odd Couple starring Michael J Fox and Rush Limberger. Political ads are getting old, except in Tennessee (the lost manatee state) where they're getting bold:
Pssst, Matt-man, Call Me
Bob Dole's virility is never in question.
I am Scottish and your comments are loved by us hairy Scottish men.
PS The hair is not on my back
LOL....Excellent comment Mo...And there is no way in hell that the chick in the ad is a bunny...
Hey Dole, Dont make the Matt-Man go "third person" all over you.
Adav, I am in, and the dirtier the better...Bottom's Up!!
Ah....Hence the Name "Hair Care"
I love streaming Fridays. I always thought it would be cool to write an autobiography in stream of consciousness. Maybe no one would get it, but it would be interesting. Is it okay that I'm just a little disgusted by the idea that probing Anna Nicole turns you on? And tell Haircare to get himself a razor for all that hair...wherever it may be.
Ha...I just like her smile Aisby...really. As far as Hair Care, I'll get right on that..So to speak
Sheep shears
Right on about ending the sentences in prepositions, Joe! That is something I've always wanted to do a blog topic on.
Just her smile, eh Matt-Man?
Well, I guess I would like to make her numb...i.e. Move my face back and forth between her boobs and go "num, num, num, num..."
Ahh, going commando. That takes balls. Oh, wait. Never mind. Kilts are nice.
There's a Scottish talk show host named Craig Ferguson. Someone once asked him what Scotsmen wear under their kilts. He replied "Well, on a GOOD day, LIPSTICK."
Kilts are nice but I would prefer something airier..Ferguson is funny sometimes and that is a good one.
I'll just stream what caught my eye...
Ha...I hope you are in better spirits Cheesy. Go Ducks!!
Willie Wonka rules...
Hasenpfeffer is the best
You ate sausage patties...hehehe...sausage... ;)
Worse yet, It was Bob Evans' sausage...He didnt seem to mind though...You Nut.
Clever, the Rush part made me laugh.
Would you help me out with this when you have some time, please?
Thanks, Matt.
He is a horrid individual Jess...Sure I'll glady do whatever I can.
Sputnik is a strange word
Lmao...great blog!
Thanks odat!!
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