I spent most of the day with my eyes fixed to the various Cable News shows. There was the tragedy in Pennsylvania Amish country, and of course the continuing scandal over Mark “I Prefer Veal” Foley. There is nothing much to say about the shootings, because I think we all feel the same sense of grief and tragedy. This Foley thing though, I am bewildered, and have a couple thoughts.
First of all, Foley is a pedophile and this non-sense of checking into alcohol rehab is a joke. Look, I have a head full of Wild Irish Rose frequently, and even in my psychedelic state I don’t yearn for the fertile loins of a 16 year old boy. Nor do I yearn for 16 year old girls. You know why? First of all, because it is CHILD ABUSE, and secondly 16 year olds do not have the slightest clue of what good sex is. I know this from first hand experience.
When I was in my teens I had my share of sexual encounters, and I think if I were to add the duration of all encounters together; the cumulative time would be 11 minutes and 7 seconds. At that age, the girl would just lay there and my biggest concern was getting naked, pulling an Emeril, “bam bam bam”, and getting dressed again, so I could go tell my buddies of my conquest. No siree, teens don’t know how to have sex. If I am going to have an illicit affair, I want someone who is experienced enough to enjoy the delights of candle wax, ice cubes, bruises, and rug burns.
Back to this Foley thing…I watched and listened to Speaker Dennis “What’s a Salad?” Hastert bemoan the fact that Foley lied to him and deceived the House Republicans. Riiiiiight. Speaker Buffet Line is just pissed because people are finding out that he and a few other “Family Value Republicans” knew of Foley’s actions for quite awhile, and did nothing…Nothing. Those scum bags think it is more important to protect the party than protect a child. I hope all voters remember that on November 7th.
My rant is done, and now on a lighter note. Frank, of “FoxxFyrre's Black and White Art Site” has an interesting thing going on. His site is hosting walls for people’s blog sites in graffiti form. He has posted mine recently, and for that I say, “Thanks.” Make sure you check out his site. Also I would like to thank Schmoop (whose picture is prominently displayed) for helping to nurse me back to health, and agreeing to let me post some of her less than stellar moments in future posts.
And Now Our Moment of Motto…
Minnesota: “Just Like Scandinavia, but Without the Sexy Babes”
Mark Foley Update 3:30 PM:
Former Rep. Mark Foley allegedly interrupted a vote on the House floor in 2003 to engage in cyber-sex with a former page, ABC News reports.
So that's what a quorum call is....!!
**If I am going to have an illicit affair, I want someone who is experienced enough to enjoy the delights of candle wax, ice cubes, bruises, and rug burns.**
Oh baby when did you say you were traveling this way??? LOL
Cheesy, in my mind, I am already there...wocka wocka
excellent graffiti -- I see you also have graffiti experience as well as rug burn experinece... another sorted tale from your murky past?
Nice Foley comments. You summed up my thoughts exactly with: they'd rather protect their party than a child.
sick sad world.
glad you're feelin' better!
Thanks Mo....Oh yeah, I see some rug burn stories being posted in the near future.
Wow! A Republican? In a SCANDAL?? Unheard of!!
Remember though, no matter how bad the transgressions of the Republican party over the last several years, they sure nailed Clinton to the wall! hahahahahaha!!
BTW- how did you get such a pretty girlfriend??
Yep...I bet Clinton will never be President again after that!! As for my babe culling prowess, I simply bought her a delicious Bass.
pulled up your site via Bestest's Random Blog Button. just thought you'd want to know the rotation works!
read in the local paper about how Foley entered rehab. that totally sucks --- so, if a famous person nowadays breaks the law, rehab is the answer instead of pressing criminal charges? You KNOW if this was jo-shmoe regular-democrat his ass would be IN JAIL by now!!!!
Hey Mo,
Yeah I've been getting a lot of referrals from the BRBB.
You are correct and as soon as he gets out of rehab he will appear on Larry King Live. BS, man, all BS
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