I should have known it was going to be a bad day when I started my computer and saw that I had received an e-mail from former Congressman Mark Foley. I also heard that Bob Woodward has written a book about the lies and deceit within the Bush administration. My respect and trust for Dubya has been shattered, shattered I tell ya.
If you look at Friday’s comments you will see an argument over which state is crunchier, Washington or Oregon. I say the two states are so similar that, that they should become one. We could call it Oregoshington. Just a thought.
My fevered brain is becoming addle-minded so I will end my post. Today’s state motto was emailed to me by an actual resident of the State of Oregon. Her name is Cheesy, and if you get a moment check her site out. Thanks Cheesy.
And Now, Our Moment of Motto…
Oregon: “Eat a Beaver, Save a Duck”
OMG~~~ I'm famous!! lmao
And MM?? Conjoining O and W?? PERRISH the thought my friend..We make nice neighbors but talk about a match made in hell..{damned Huskys} Gooooo Ducks!!! [cheese is ducking and slowly backing away]
Feel better my bud!
btw would you ask Rach where she got that bra?? I need a purdy black one! lol
She knitted it out of mutton.
OMG- I'm with Cheesy on this one. Never insist that Oregon and Washington are similar. You'll piss off the natives!
Washington is cool because they have all the pretty trees, an active volcano, and relaxed laws regarding fireworks. Oregon is cool because they have the nicer beaches, no sales tax and you can legally help your sick relatives kill themselves. But it's best we keep our Columbia River barrier intact all the same. ;)
Although... they can most certainly get rid of the part of Washington east of the Cascades. hehehehe
Feel better, my friend. I think you should go see Dr. Rachel. She apparently likes to give anal probes with wooden spoons...
Oh, a bad ass pun. Matt-man, you really are sick, today! Yeah, I think we should keep the WA/OR split - otherwise, we'd be a match for CA in terms of number of crazy people living in one state, and we don't want that.
What did Ol' Foley have to say? Was he asking for measurements, or just being a little overly friendly? There's a difference, you know.
Oh, and look at the "In the News" section today. They've found evidence that hair-pulling disorder has a basis in genetics. THANK GOD they've finally figured that out. You know, finding a cure for cancer and other life-threatening diseases ranks way lower on my list than curing trichotillomania. Whoa, I just pulled a huge chunk of hair out while typing that...
It would be fun to have a state called "Oregoshington," only because I don't think Dubya would be able to pronounce it. :)
Get well soon. Don't eat the spinach.
"Oregon is cool because they have the nicer beaches, no sales tax and you can legally help your sick relatives kill themselves."
lol and we can "semi" legally self herb medicate them to feel better in the first place!
Hi Matt-man
just finished posting your grafiti wall post and links. Check it out, and let me know of any link mistakes. I found a couple for earlier posts that slipped by me
It was just a "naughty" e-mail, Laura. Janna, he would have even more problems idnetifying the inhabitants of the new state...Oregoshitonians!! Fire up a blunt, Cheesy.
Thanks Frank, I'll check it out and put a link to your site!!
hello there thanks for your grat post, as usual ((o:
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