Friday, November 03, 2006

Bagwine Ruminations Has Been Temporarily Hijacked...

The Gouda would like to alert all of Matt-Man's admirers (nevermind that if you call yourself as such, there must be something very, very wrong with you) that she has, with the permission of this site owner, been given temporary artistic license to make some upgrades to the Bagwine Pub. See, Matt-Man has a slight problem with technology. It addles his well-brined brain, see. And The Gouda... well, she has a heart for types like that....

The Gouda hopes that the new layout is both to yours and his liking. Matt takes the weekends off, so he really won't get a glimpse of the final product until Monday morning, when he will be sufficiently hung-over and liable to piss his pants when he sees it (hope you wore the black ones, Matt-Man).

Indeed, Matt will be molding this blog further in his image down the road, bedecking it with so many freaky gadgets that no web browser on earth will be able to withstand its manic charms. For now, however, The Gouda's work here is done.

Peace Out, Winos! :)

The Gouda


Laura said...

Oooh! The 3 column approach! Nice! Gouda, I should have had you redo my blog for me instead of spending an entire weekend trying to figure out really basic things.

Merritt Fields said...

Matt is a lucky man...did he guilt you into doing it, He did ask me why you wouldn't help him...and cried into his WIR.

Unknown said...

Laura - Matt won't like getting my bill in the mail. LOL

Aisby - he did, in fact, cry about it. He's just lucky that it's Friday and I happened to have some time on my hands... lol

Vivalacrap said...

very nice.

Lizza said...

Great job, Allie. I don't see why it'll make him piss his pants. Unless he really does that whenever he has a hangover.

adav_11 said...

Awfully good of you to pimp out Matt's blog for him. Hey, what are friends for?

Mo and The Purries said...

Holy Guacamole, matt-man!

Gouda: excellent. The 3-column approach suits your techno-goddess brialliance.

Unknown said...

Lizza- one side effect of imbibing on lots of WIR is that it creates a weak bladder. He might piss his pants from joy. Let's hope so! lol

Adav- I'm all about pimping it out. lol I basically set it up like my own. My hope is that with the different color scheme, different banner, and the addition of all of Matt's web toys that it won't quite look too much like mine.

Morgen- which leads me to say that my techno prowess only extends so far as what I could do with my own template. I might have to do some practice on three-columning other templates. ;)

Merritt Fields said...

Just a thought...The Blog Archive could be renamed "Vinegar"

Beth said...

I'm not exactly a regular, but I like the new layout. ;)

y.Wendy.y said...

Come on Matt-man .....'tis Monday...time for more politicking..and don't tell me that you are hours and hours behind me and still sleeping - coz that'll make me puke with's MONDAY. OK? Pfft.

Schmoop said...

Thanks Allie...I'm pissing from joy as we speak...I'll be up soon Wendz...