He also gave me a card for Halloween. On the front was a picture of a smiling George Bush with a cartoon balloon saying, “BOO”. On the inside, it read, “I bought you the scariest card I could find.” Ha. He’s 12, he’s funny, he’s smart, he sings Tom Lehrer songs, he’s……Me!!...Well me, minus 29 years.
Today is really kind of a transition day for Bagwine Ruminations. Halloween is over and the mid term elections are only six days away. Tomorrow, or even later today possibly, I will be focusing on the elections and politics in general. I am a political junkie, but have controlled myself from turning this into just another political blog. However, I think it is important that for the next couple of days I focus on the elections. I will, with humor, talk about both the Democrats and
I want to give a shout out to Wendz, who happens to have a baguette on her table. She is a lovely woman who resides in France. She has linked me on her site, and as a result I am getting more and more hits from France. If the trend continues, I will soon be more popular than Jerry Lewis throughout “la Ville Lumière”. Thanks Wendz, and check out her site folks.
She has also graciously and bravely made a round of Loosemeat Sandwiches for herself and her kids. The results are soon to follow. When she asked me about Loosemeat Sandwiches several others also became curious. So I have placed a link below for you to discover my recipe for the aforementioned delight. If you are going to have a myocardial infarction, this is the catalyst of choice:
Our Moment of Motto has been scrapped. I just wasn’t feeling the love. I will probably use stupid quotes from politicians over the next few posts. Today, however, I am going to leave you with a moment of Ocasek. Ric Ocasek wrote most of the songs for the group, “The Cars”. He’s a freakin’ genius as the following will prove…
Ladies and Gentlemen, Our Moment of Ocasek…
“There's a cheetah walkin' high
Liquid whispers, dragonfly
Charleston booties on painted toes
Drop the knot ivory soul..”
--Ric Ocasek: “Dream Away”
Well I for one loved Our Moment of Motto. Although I'm sure you will have plenty of potent quotables from stupid politicians. Bush notwithstanding, there is always Dan Quayle. ;)
All good things must come to an end. But yes there is plenty of political goofiness to post..
As Aisby just pointed out...
Thanks for the shout ..:-)..piccies are up now.
And this is for you.....
Let's hope reason prevails for your next elections!
Politics? Ug...
I was just starting to like your blog Matty... ;)
Glad you enjoyed Halloween big guy.
Wendz!! You lovely naive woman...Americans? reasonable? Haha. Great Loosemeat pics!!
Dont worry Steve it's just for a couple days and will be amusing...Please Dont Hate ME...
I mite have to try one of them thar loosemeat sammys.
Nectar of the Gods, Aisby.
I've been to Wendz's site, cool blog! I've got to do that loosemeat thingy soon.
Okay, politics from you for a couple of days. I'll learn a bit more about American politics from you. Is that a good idea? :-D I used to have two cats named Billy and Bush. They've since gone to the great White House in the sky, though.
Yeah she writes quite well. You wont regret the Loosemeat, Lizza. As far as learning more about American Politics from me, it is more likely that you be more confused!!
Alas, I only hope that at least some of the "fun" states will return after the elections.
After all, you've yet to skewer the great states of ohio, michigan, and cain-tuk-eeeeee
Not to mention West Virginnie
I can't say I'm a fan of politics, but at least I know you'll skewer the Republinazis. Or at least rake a few over the coals.
Ha! She writes quite well...Hah!
Next Pultizer Prize nominee..thats me...
*takes anti-delusional meds and leaves*
I dunno Matt, you could have set anglo/franco relations back with the loose meat sandwich thing. If all else fails tell them it is an acquired taste. I was going to say a little Americana never hurt anyone but that would be a lie.
I'll do my best Mo. Aww Wendz, give yourself some credit and if you get a chance toss some of those drugs my way.
Good to see ya Adav!! A little Americana can go a long way, look what's done to...I mean...done for Iraq.
Is it possible to talk with humour about Rupublicans? I was always taught they would just take offense and start shooting.
They only shoot if you look "foreign" or "Un-Christian"!!
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