I can hear Cheney now. “Imus you big pussy, enough with your tears of contrition, be a man, you effeminate son of a bitch.” “And you, you basketball dribbling whiners. If you want to know what hurt is, I would be more than happy to ship your asses off to Baghdad. What did you say? You better watch it. I’m Dick Cheney bitch!!”
Oh how I do love a happy ending. I’ll be back later today with something of which I have no idea. I do have a question however. My computer keeps hanging up when I try to open certain blogs such as Sanni’s, Nat’s, and Tiggerlane’s. Is it most likely due to a crappy ISP? If you know what it might be, please let me know.
Until later today…Cheers!!
Oh please tell me they're going to shoot video of this "meeting"
Ha...It would be an instant classic Worm. Thanks for the shout out by the way. Cheers!!
You have a way with words! I love it!!!
Well, my thoughts on that I already wrote about in your post yesterday and in my post for today.
Sharpton- a hypocrite so-called Christian racist.
Imus- a pure shock jock that loves controversy.
Rutgers women- Intelligent and accomplished women who need to develop a thicker skin.
Nuff' said.
Ha...Thanks Deb. I read your post and agreed 100% soo I didnt have anything to add. And you have summed it up perfectly again on your comment. Cheers!!
ARGH --MY EYES MY EYES--- Must you inflict that torture on us? ;-p
Is Cheney bringing a gun? Is he shooting people? It would be nice to know.
I am so over the whole thing. When they stop using those words in rap music and movies, then we can talk.
TB: Cheney is just a big old Teddy Bear, mainly because much like a Teddy Bear he has no heart.
Nat: It is not in Cheney's nature to provide advanced warnings as to his shooting!! Cheers...
I'm with TB - waaaaaay too early in the morning to be greeted by that ugly mug.
Excuse me while I choke on my own vomit...
Sorry Songbird...If I was able to put up some type of warning I would have. But remember, that which doesnt kill us only makes us stronger...Indy is getting closer!!
I can' wait.......(yawn).
Odat you really need to take more interest in these events of national importance!! Shame...
Funny stuff! The story is interesting and bizarre (the real one, not yours)
Have a great day.
HA....Thanks Mimi. Have a great one yourself, and Cheers!!
Aaaaaah - I´m right here... in your comment section. What a feeling! WOW... Sorry for my disappearance - due to the sucking internet connection I´ve read you in my feedreader - and kept you in my heart of course. Hope the prob will be fixed soon!
Ste Sanni of the Bratwurst
I wish you were in my face section Sanni!! purrrrrrr Cheers!!
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