And the black folks hate the white folks.
To hate all but the right folks
Is an old established rule.
But during National Brotherhood Week, National Brotherhood Week,
Don Imus and Rev’rend Al are dancing cheek to cheek.*
It's fun to eulogize
The people you despise,
As long as you don't let 'em in your school.
*With Apologies to Tom Lehrer
Tom Lehrer’s songs never cease to amaze me as to their staying power when one reads the lyrics. I think I know why. It wasn’t that he knew for a fact that things would remain the same 40-50 years after penning songs such as the one above, but he was keenly aware of human nature. The staying power of his songs are a result of us because many people are (especially here in the USA) full of hypocrisy, housing inflated egos, and not to mention…well…not right in the head.
Through all of this over blown Imus-Mania the hypocrisy, self importance, and stupidity have oozed from the minds of mouths from “national figures” like a trichomonas discharge from Paris Hilton’s hoo ha. Sharpton has raged against “The Man”. NOW is stepping up because we all know that women are too weak to defend themselves, especially when there’s network coverage of the offense.
Sponsors of the Imus show have begun to pull their ads because evidently they didn’t know he had been making fun of blacks, Jews, fat people and other folks all these many years. Even some of his regular guests will no longer appear because the well kept secret of the I-Man’s foul mouth appeared to them just as the burning bush appeared to Moses, lo those centuries ago. What a joke, these folks are, be they black or white, male or female are just looking for some national face time by showing their feigned outrage.
While the verdict is still out on Don Imus, the only people who have shown any grace during this incident are the players and coaches of the Rutgers Women’s Basketball program. But even then, I would have handled it differently if I were in their situation. If Imus or anyone else called me something repugnant, I would just say, “Look you shriveled up old bastard. I just played in the National Championship, am getting a degree from a top notch school, and can still get an erection, so why don’t you just keep making your little jokes until you die. Which looks like that may be in the very near future.” But that’s just me.
I find it funny how some people have said that this incident can be a vehicle for a national dialogue about racism and sexism. I don’t think it can because how can we have a national dialogue when the people in this country aren’t allowed to speak what’s on their mind, right or wrong?
*With Apologies to Tom Lehrer
Tom Lehrer’s songs never cease to amaze me as to their staying power when one reads the lyrics. I think I know why. It wasn’t that he knew for a fact that things would remain the same 40-50 years after penning songs such as the one above, but he was keenly aware of human nature. The staying power of his songs are a result of us because many people are (especially here in the USA) full of hypocrisy, housing inflated egos, and not to mention…well…not right in the head.
Through all of this over blown Imus-Mania the hypocrisy, self importance, and stupidity have oozed from the minds of mouths from “national figures” like a trichomonas discharge from Paris Hilton’s hoo ha. Sharpton has raged against “The Man”. NOW is stepping up because we all know that women are too weak to defend themselves, especially when there’s network coverage of the offense.
Sponsors of the Imus show have begun to pull their ads because evidently they didn’t know he had been making fun of blacks, Jews, fat people and other folks all these many years. Even some of his regular guests will no longer appear because the well kept secret of the I-Man’s foul mouth appeared to them just as the burning bush appeared to Moses, lo those centuries ago. What a joke, these folks are, be they black or white, male or female are just looking for some national face time by showing their feigned outrage.
While the verdict is still out on Don Imus, the only people who have shown any grace during this incident are the players and coaches of the Rutgers Women’s Basketball program. But even then, I would have handled it differently if I were in their situation. If Imus or anyone else called me something repugnant, I would just say, “Look you shriveled up old bastard. I just played in the National Championship, am getting a degree from a top notch school, and can still get an erection, so why don’t you just keep making your little jokes until you die. Which looks like that may be in the very near future.” But that’s just me.
I find it funny how some people have said that this incident can be a vehicle for a national dialogue about racism and sexism. I don’t think it can because how can we have a national dialogue when the people in this country aren’t allowed to speak what’s on their mind, right or wrong?
Hopefully I am done with this topic because it is really hindering my ability to follow real news, such as the Anna Nicole paternity saga. With that being said I am now off to make fun of the elderly at the community center, and pee on a homeless person. Hell I might even call up Tom Lehrer and see if he wants to go poison some pigeons in the park. What? At least I didn’t call anyone a nappy headed ho!!
True enough, I'd rather hear your thoughts on the ANS baby story than this crap. It's over - move on.
BTW - I think you should embed an audio clip of Ryno's whoopee cushion (and subsequent laughter) on your blog. That way we could play the rude noises whenever you invoke the names Cheney, Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, etc., etc.
I'm just sayin'...
Nappy-HEADED ho, my dear.
And as I told James Burnett, I always thought it was spelled "knappy."
It really is crazy, all the hubbub over this - but then, Sharpton always has to get his tit in a ringer about SOMETHING! What DID ever happen to freedom of speech?
What a brilliant idea Songbird. I may be getting a new computer this weeknd and I'll get to work on that right away.
Tigger: Oops thanks for pointing that out. It has been duly corrected. People just need to suck it up. But that's just me. I have been having a few hiccups trying to get on your blog. Dont think I have been ignoring you. And of course, Cheers!!
Oooo Songbird's idea is GREAT!!
I agree--why does everyone have to be a "VICTIM"?!?!
and it's 'nappy' no k involved--i can even tell you the origin of the term
Wow - you and Turnbaby actually like an idea of mine?! I think my mind finally is returning from the abyss...
The term was probably originated BECAUSE of you TB...Boo Yah.
Songbird: You are a fountain of good ideas. really...
If the Rutgers women could still get erections, they wouldn't need degrees. Really.
I was speaking about if it was me in that situation Nick. But you're right if they could do that, wow now THAT would be something!! Cheers...
I know, I just got a good chuckle writing it. And it made me think of when Will Ferrell screamed, "I can't get pregnant right now!" in the really bad Bewitched remake.
I wouldnt expect any less from you, ye of the nuclear emissions.
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