First of all the Bagwine abode is more than a cozy apartment, that
For instance, I can deduct a certain amount of money on the bathroom for depreciation and office space. When I am sitting on the john trying to pinch a loaf while reading Time, Newsweek, or Prison Bitches in Heat, I am also doing research on the whys and whereasses as to who we are and where we are headed. I know, I am one multi-tasking SOB, baby. Leave a load, take a deduction, it’s that simple.
I can even save on my taxes while taking a shower. I have initiated a study to determine the correlation of water temperature to the ejaculation times in a drunken 42 year old male. The results have been staggering and the write off even more so!! Hell, my friends have been referring to me as, H&R Cock…such kidders.
I am able to write off the cost of my new digital camera because I have been using it to take provocative pictures of my cat Corky. I then take the pictures to a local nursing home for art therapy sessions, to see what, if any, effect Kitty Porn has on the elderly…A study long overdue in my opinion.
Last year when we had the case of people getting sick from fresh spinach, I went to the grocery and bought several cuts of meat including prime rib and ribeye steaks. I was wondering if this meat was affected in any way by being in the same store with tainted spinach. My results on that seemed to indicate, no. The study did produce a result that I hadn’t planned on. It turns out that steak is much more juicy, tender, and tasty when you charge it to the government. Astonishing!!
I am writing off my the cost of my hospital stay last September, because I was injured during a study to determine if a vodka enema was a safe and effective way to treat hemorrhoids. The answer is no, but it does produce some of the greatest hallucinations ever recorded. I now know what it would be like to have a three way with Rachel Ray and a talking salmon all within the confines of a Stalin-era gulag. Yum-Oh!!? Nyet!!
Well, I hope I have been able to not only let you know a little more about the great work our center is doing, but also provide you with some useful tax-time tips. Until tomorrow my friends, Cheers!!
Well those were some (wacked) interesting tax tips. Now could we see the provocative cat pictures please?
Corky will be making her Bagwine debut within the next couple of weeks Lisa. Until then, please keep your perverted feline desires in check. Cheers!!
And to think I settled for deducting the xerox copies at the local Office Depot.
Jamie, Jamie, I wish we had talked sooner. Thanks for stopping, Cheers!!
Reading this post is just one more reason I should have delayed doing my taxes. I should have applied the lessons I learned from Xmas shopping on the 26th to taxes too. It would have saved me some cash!
There you go Pablo. It also helps to combine Mother's Day and Father's Day and get them one card, ergo celebrating Parent's Day on June 14th which is Flag Day. Cheers!!
Damn! We already did ours, too! So many more deductions!
Well, actually, I read yesterday that if they're medically necessary, one can deduct the price difference in GFCF foods. So, now if you want to go a really hard to follow diet, just have your dr right you a letter and you can deduct the extra $3 a loaf of bread costs, among other things. Gotta save those receipts, though. I hate saving receipts!
You are correct Laura, saving receipts is a pain in the ass. My Psychiatrist has helped me get a write off for all of the Fruit Roll-Ups I ahve to eat in order to remain sane. Sorry, but I cant say anymore about that.
Bwahahahah. Now this is funny. Have you visited Mist's site? She has the same sense of humor only the female version. You two need to meet! Must Get Hobby @ http://mustgethobby.blogspot.com/
Happy MM :)
Thanks Comedy. I've been there a couple of times but my memory has a way of letting info seep from my mind. I'll make sure to stop by and thanks for stopping by here. Cheers!!
Oh good...I just filed an extension...(I like extensions)..and now you've given some things to think about...
(Does you cat wanna do some pics with my dog??? just asking).
Can't you deduct all of your WIR--it is an 'office supply' isn't it?
The amazing thing about having a father who is an accountant is that I never have to worry about taxes. I am fairly organized. So, I just take my W2s, and any other crap over to him and presto. Done. This year I got 2K and change back. It's all gone in my plan to pay off credit cards.
I wish pounds and thoughts were tax deductible...I have plenty of those.
Too dang tired to read your post(s). I've been up since 4:00 am your time, and it's only 11:49 am here, so I'm going to take a shower and then a NAP! Back on mom duty as of 3:30 this afternoon, so gotta get rested up.
Had a great trip - details later!
Soft core dog and cat porn pics odat!? Disgusting!! I think I'm in love....Cheers.
It has been my experience TB, that if something is as good as WIR it probably isnt tax deductible.
Nat I am with you there, I have plenty of each to deduct!!
Welcome back Songbird you had me at "taking a shower". Cheers!!
You're killin' me Matt-Man! That was the funniest post so far. :)
Best of luck to ya!
Time is ticking you better get them in tonight!!! I hate to have them take your blog away. LOL!!!
Have you ever thought of getting a part time job with H&R Block? I am sure they would be MORE than thrilled. You would have them all in stitches...like me!
OMG...you are hilarious!
Excellent work! These studies should benefit all humanity.
And I'd pay for the priveledge of sitting in on your IRS Audit while you explained the various studies.
Great fun!
Vodka enema?? You made my butt pucker...
What ARE taxes? :-)
You don't have to explain the alchohol and orifices concept though, I'm way ahead of you there.
Why thanks CW Mom. I'll try to keep up the good work!! Cheers...
Carmen they will have to pry my blog from cold dead hands.
Jillie, I just hope that the IRS finds me as funny as you do!!
Trav when I get audited I'll call on you to sit in the hearing with me so you can let my readers know why I am no longer around.
Cheesy you just made me very excited.
Taxes are the bane of my existence Cathy. Now about your experience with alcohol and orifices...
Rushes in hoping I am not too late...
MATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop right now. Put the tax return down and step away.
As an official religion (The Mattlic Church), you are not required to file a tax return.
Man, I get tied up (and NOT in a good way) for a few days and this place goes to pot (Isn't that one of the sacraments in the Mattlic Church? If not, maybe it should be!)
Holy Tax Return Bond...You are correct!! I guess that is why I gave you such an important position within the church. God Bless you Vin. Cheers!!!
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