Taking life’s final exam
Did God fail them?
There are no words that can explain the tragedy that transpired at Virginia Tech. Certainly “experts” and "pundits" will try to boil down the psychosis and neuroses of the killer, but in the end it doesn’t bring back the brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, and spouses that were killed on the Blacksburg campus.
At this point solace not conjecture; sympathy not second guessing should be the priorities. The answers and reasons will come with time, but until then, open your heart and let this nation offer those affected a collective shoulder upon which to cry, and upon which to lean.
I will be back later today perhaps with something lighter. Until then, I leave you with this…
“When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.”
--Kahlil Gibran
My soul is filled with tears... I have no words.
No words are needed Cheesy.
Over at Bond's Couch, someone commented that we seem to be teaching our children to lack respect for others. I think we aren't passing on the idea of self-respect, either; the two go hand in hand: respect for others and respect for self.
Do you think if we taught our children how to respect authority, to love and respect others and themselves that kindness would then become "infectious?"
To paraphrase, "the streets of heaven are lined with too many angels tonight." And we all weep because we all suffer for it.
“The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity.”
--Ben Franklin
If only making tolerance and self-respect a common trait were that easy to instill Songbird. To me it is, but to many it appears not.
Amen..Matt...thanks for that!
Thanks odat, peace to you as well.
Seems easy to me, too, Matty, and it saddens me that the words "kindness" and "respect" have no meaning some others.
BTW, I think it goes beyond tolerance; we need to teach our children ACCEPTANCE.
Can I see another's woe, and not be in sorrow too? Can I see another's grief, and not seek for kind relief?
- William Blake
My son is quite respectful and for that he makes me proud. As far as accepting vs. tolerance I think I know what Franklin meant. For instance, I can tolerate Bush/Cheney because I have no choice...but accept those two morons? I dont think so. Cheers!!
Beautiful and true (at least to those with a conscience) Anndi. Blake happens to be a fave of mine by the way. Cheers!!
cheesy nailed how I am feeling.
no words, just tears.
and hugs.
Quite understandable Lisa...What can one on the outside really say to those affected?
I read this morning that the shooter was from South Korea, which is something I felt was interesting, because a lot of people will attempt to equate this tragedy with problems with American culture, and that simply cannot be the case here. We had a very sick individual with murder on the brain, and he was one of the very few who was able to carry out his wishes.
My heart is incredibly heavy right now.
Allie, you are correct. When someone reaches the point of being suicidal and has plans to take people out with him it is hard to stop it wherever it takes place.
Well said.
Why thank ya Mist.
Tears are words the heart can´t express...
Too sad. You said it better than I could!
Indeed Sanni...
Yeah it is Laura, and thanks.
I think some are on the right track. We are all different and that is why we should love one another. It's easier to love one's reflection. I try to demonstrate to my spongers that we don't have to agree or like what others do in order to love them as fellow air-breathers.
Today I'm Sadway
Ha...Very good Sadway. I tell my sponger the same thing and it seems to be taking pretty well. Cheers!!
No words is right. I just about cried when I heard what happened. Just sickening....
Totally sobering. To think about what these students had to experience- even if they weren't there. The trauma that they have to face, and the trickling affect on all of us, who have a heart about it. It's a nightmare. I truly believe that this poor lost soul really was lost, and hopefully, in his afterlife, God will forgive him. For the family and loved ones- that's the biggest thing for them to do. Remember the shooting in PA with the Amish people? They forgave their killer. How hard is that? Is it possible? Sure. Is it the most dreadful and heart wrenching thing to do sometimes? Definitely. Ask the families who are mourning.
This world is a scary place, isn't it?
Jillie, I am just shocked when something like this happens, because I dont have nearly any type of feeling inside of me like that. Those deep feelings of hate and/or despondency are just foreign to me.
Hi Deb, it is indeed sobering and yes the the faith and power of the Amish families was stunning in a such a good way. And yes the world is certainly a scary place at times we just cant allow ourselves to cower in the face of it. Cheers!!
Thank you Matty--you said just what I feel.
I have my moments TB. Cheers...
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