I am going to be very brief today because as I said, the Rosie news has shattered my world and also because I am going to some music show put on by son’s school. He pleaded with me not to show up because he said the show is no big deal. He made it sound like they will be doing some kind of performance typical of the Happy Hands Club. This has made me want to go all that much more, and now that I have a shiny new camera I will be taking plenty o’ pictures, and the subject will be: Embarrassment!! Parents can be so darned cruel.
If I don’t see you all later today I will definitely see you back here tomorrow for Stream of Consciousness Friday. Until then, Cheers!!
Damn straight Cheesy. Need humiliating pics to show his college buddies in a few years.
ROTFL @ Napoleon Dynamite Figurine. I want one!
I'm all for parental blackmail photos. Why do you think I take my digi cam every where we go?
Good luck, have fun, and be sure to come back and update us on the doings...
I'm heartbroken about rosie...I'll probably never get over it...
Pretty cool Nat. If I come across one I'll send ya one. Cheers..
Songbird: I will cath Little Man in all of his 6th grade glory!!
Hammer: Love the new picture dude!! Yes the loss of Rosie is tragic, tragic I say!!
I wonder why he "pleaded" with you NOT to show up????hmmmmmm....Just don't let this be a cause for him having to attend therepy when he's 21 or sompin.......
and yes, I too am heartbroken over that err, person from the View leaving....NOT!!!!
Odat: Knowing him, the production isnt up to his theatrical tastes. In other words he thinks it's lame as hell. Cheers!!
It's devastating, isn't it? I guess her voice will be heard.....somewhere..............
Sometimes at night, I hear it in my nightmares!! Cheers Deb...
Welcome to the real world Matt...you could always buy yourself some rosie colored sunglasses and see yourself in her world....lol.
Ummmm...on second thought...I don't think that's such a good idea.
Matt-Man, you're right on with the Imus replacing Rosie idea! I'd TiVo the show if that happened! I can't actually watch TV during the day, because a child automatically appears at my elbow yelling, "Watch Curious George! Watch Clifford!" as soon as I touch the remote.
I think you should show up to Ryan's performance dressed as Napoleon Dynamite - now that would be fun for you, twice as embarrassing for Ryan! (If not more.) I, too, want the Napoleon figure to add to my Jesus playing soccer figurine. Then I'll need to buy a curio cabinet and the fun will really start! Whee!
Jillie that was indeed a disturbing idea.
Laura: Ryno loves that movie so he would have liked that. And he was right, the show was lame. Hmmmm a Curio George Cabinet!?
See...I told you it wasn't a good idea. You may have the shoes that match...BUT do you have the panties??? lol...
HA! Show me yours - I´ll show you mine. Luis has "enjoyed" his 1st cake on his 1st-birthday party today. He shall never be home to late for the next... 40 years or so =)
If only I had a gas stove...
Happy Hands?
**retrieves mind from gutter**
Sorry - took a side trip there.
One of the prime compensations of parenthood, relentlessly embaressing ourselves and our children.
Jillie: Maybe I do...Maybe I dont.
Sanni: I'll post some this weekend. Happy 1st to the little one!! Cheers...
Anndi: Buck up my friend. It's not worth it.
Travis: Perv!!
Boy: It is a parents right to humiliate their little ones. Cheers!!
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