My Cholesterol Has Risen!!
Good Monday to all. I have a stomach full of SPAM, mettwurst, and ham. My bowels are howling with joy. Easter brought not only redemption but hot juicy goodness from the beauty that is meat. The Bagwine abode was filled with happiness as I devoured animal flesh with great fervor. The only downside was when our cat witnessed me eat the last mett. She ran under the bed in fear that she was next.
I hope that all of you enjoyed your Easter weekend. I will be back later today with hopefully something witty. Until then, Cheers.
How can you not be witty as you have now rejoined the land of the meat?
Does this mean you raves on the holiness of all things big and small will now move into the realm of unholiness?
I'm glad you got spammed!!!
Did it feel good???
p.s. I don't see the monkey anywhere!!!! ;-( ;-( ;-(, she said, crying.....
I love your sausage.
Just saying...
I'm with Odat--how can we touch your money if we can't see it?
And I am frightened to think of what else the Bagwine abode was filled with---glad I am upwind of y'all.
aw man--there's still Spam juice dribbling down your face--here's a napkin--wipe that off--ewww
Bond: I am done with all things holy for awhile. My dreams were starting to get really freaky.
Odat: My monkey will be back soon. I promise. And yes, getting spammed was wunnerful.
Nat: I love how you are always there with a kind word.
TB: You cant touch my "money" because I dont have any!! Cheers...
so your days as a vegetarian have ended! how about your song lyric writing days? Glad you enjoyed your meat eating Easter!
Ha...I feel quite a few more lyrical entries in the near future Lisa, but yes the vegetarians days are over...until next year's Lent. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Cheers!!
Glad to see you're back amongst the carnivores!
So am I Mo, so am I!!
I like the picture! We have something similar here, called longganisa. Good stuff.
Poor kitty cat. You should reassure her that as long as there's an abundance of pork, beef, chicken, and everything else, she's safe from you.
Yay - the monkey's back! Oh, and I see you put back your virtual pet too! :P
Welcome back to the flesh-eating world, Matty me boy. Don'tcha know, yer man would be dinkin' of having ye carted off if ye'd done much more of the Messianic talk. Still, I still be dinkin' of all that foot washin' and lickin'...
I Googled that Lizza, YUM-OH!! I think Corky will be fine now, knowing that she made it through the night without being devoured.
Bada Bing Songbird. I think the Lord and I are copesetic. Cheers!!
LOL--i was so excited about the monkey's return i missed a letter!
It's understandable TB...
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