I have several thoughts on this entire debacle, but I am going to wait on posting about it until this afternoon. The ladies of the Rutgers basketball team are having a press conference at 11 a.m. EDT and I would like to hear what they have to say about the situation, before I write about it further.
Until then, I do want to put a very pressing question to you, my readers. My 12 year old son received a Whoopie Cushion for Easter. (And no, oddly enough, not from me) He was blowing it up and lettin’ em rip Easter morning prior to leaving for Chicago. He was nearly in tears because he was laughing so hard…understandable, for he is a 12 year old boy. However, his mother who will be 46 in a couple of months, and me, a 42 year old man were laughing nearly as hard.
Why do people even in advanced years find the “fart” or even an artificially produced one to be so damn funny!? Is it the social stigma attached to passing gas…the rudeness of public malodorousness (yes, I made that word up)…or the jocular noise they produce? I just need to know so I can better understand myself. Thank You.
Until later today, Cheers!!
At a recent family reunion someone had an electronic remote control fart machine with several different wetness levels.
A bunch of 50 year old men played with that thing and put it under people's chairs for about 11 hours straight. Finally one of the wives got tired and pulled the batteries out....kids sheesh.
Y'know what's funny Hammer? I chuckled out loud reading your comment especially when you mentioned "wetness level". I guess one never outgrows certain types of potty humor. Cheers!!
Well, I’m not waiting for your post on your thoughts to be published before I give mine. I’m just fricken impatient, that’s all. I DO think, with people in the media, such as Imus, or Howard Stern, it’s totally expected for shock value. They’ve said WORSE things than what was heard. They need to be taken with a grain of salt. Unfortunately, it’s freedom of speech and yes, it was racist, however, look at the source of the people who are talking about them. Should they care? This basketball team should just look at him and laugh, and not take it so seriously.
And that's just my two cents.
Thunder Stealer!! Cheers Deb...
LOL -Hammer's reunion sounds like a hoot--wait--maybe a toot? *snarf*
In addition to Deb's two cents I guess my thought on it would be-aside from the crass, stupid racist, mysogonistic nature of the remarks and my general dislike of most all 'shock jocks'---if Chris Rock had said this would there be this uproar?
He'd be just as wrong in doing so but I think it would have been taken in a different light.
A different light? Meaning context? That's exactly what Imus has said, while he readily admits that it was a stupid thing to say he has said,"take it in the context of the show".
Fake farts are funny....real ones arent!
and I really think it's much ado about nothing with the Imus stuff....
and that's coming from a "nappy headed" white woman, notaho....
(i also came back for some monkey touching!)
Personally, I think boys and men never outgrow potty humor. It's a fact of life - boys grow up to be men, but they never really grow up. Sorry, Matt, but it's the truth. I think the other part of the humor is that you and Ryan's mom probably got a big kick out of how much Ryan was having with the whoopee cushion. I know my hubby and I get a lot of laughs out of the laughter of our kids. Right now my son finds that DQ commercial for flame thrower burgers the most hilarious thing on television, and whenever it comes on the tube, we pause it and call him in to watch it so that we can watch him having so much fun! His giggles make us laugh.
Secondly, about Imus. Sigh. You know, I think my bigger offense was in his calling the girls "hos" more so than the "nappy headed" remark because I think it's denigrating to women. Girls' sports are already considered "second class" and when people in the media don't even give it the respect it deserves, how can we ever expect the general population to do so? Not that Imus is well respected, but you catch my overall meaning, right? My daughter plays basketball and dreams one day of playing in the WNBA. Who knows if it will even be around then, but it's still her dream, and I would love for her to be able to play to a packed arena. Will it happen? Maybe. The point is, Imus is and will always be an idiot. I'm hopeful that women athletes can be of the kind of character to do as Deb said and just laugh at him and his ilk and say, "Y'all are a horse's ass. Why don't you come out on this court and show your stuff? Bring it ON."
Odat: For a woman who is not a ho, you sure do alot of monkey touching!! ; )
Songbird: True enough much of my laughter was due to Ryno laughing his ass off. I do take exception to your saying that men do not grow up. Much like Imus' remark I find yours to be overtly sexist and offensive to an entire gender. I am asking for your immediate termination from the blogosphere. Boo Yah!!
Fine. I'm outta here.
BTW - did you still want to meet for lunch this Sunday while I'm in Indy?
LOL--Songbird--my initial reaction to Hammer's comment was it sounded like me when i get with my sisters--we have never outgrown it either.
And you know Matty is a 'ho' right;-)
TB: Of course Matty's a "ho" - that's why we love him, right?
I have noticed lately that I've grown out of finding farts utterly hilarious. Well, the farts of others. Mine are goddamn hilarious and always will be. lol
Songbird: Can we do lunch at a "clothing optional" restaurant?
TB: I may be cheap but Im not easy...or is that the other way around?
Allie: Ha...and you my friend are just like your farts..er ..you know what I mean.
Ryno certainly is mini-Matt.
I find it hard to believe that he received the whoopie cushion from another source, however...
Trust me Mo, if I had bought it for him I would proudly proclaim that fact.
You people are disgusting. Farts? The very fiber of our society is being flushed down the toilet and you're.. oops.. oh look.. I farted glitter! bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Considering all the fiber you ate dear heart I would have thought you'd have a theory on farting and it's jocularity...
Imus is getting far too much attention over this... damn.. I just extended it...
Oh.. and Songbird.. I too think thst flame throwing commercial is funny...
Wow Anndi you have pretty farts, all glittery and what not? Amazing!! I am still waiting for my picture of Taylor that you threatened me with...I mean promised me. As far as Imus, he's not the one causing all the attention. Cheers!!
And it's multi-coloured glitter too!
I have better.. VIDEO ;-)
I'm sorry.. the glitter distracted me..
The whole debacle is getting too much attention.. and damn.. I did it again.. talking about it..
I have never had colorful gas but boy after 3 fifths of Wild Irish Rose and some Loosemeat my bowel discharges would make Salvador Dali jealous.
Ah, fart humor! I remember hanging out with my best guy and girl friend in high school and the guy wanted to have a fart contest. It was funny, in theory, but I found I was unable to fart on demand. Guess that's something guys work at more than the ladies. Nope, I can only fart accidentally when I don't want to or in private. That's one nice thing about having diaper-wearing children or dogs nearby - "Whoa, buddy, do you need a new diaper?" or "Phew! That new dog food isn't agreeing with Fergus!"
LOL...You never fail to amuse me. And offer helpful advice as well Laura!!
I have a theory on the reason why farts are funny. Cast your mind back to the dawn of time ...
Imagine n a cave surrounded by other stinky cave-folk, hundreds of thousands of years ago.
On occasion, one or more might start towards you with malicious intent, perhaps to steal your food, or to engage in some random buggery.
Naturally, this would invoke pants-shitting levels of terror.
Of course, not wearing pants (caveman, remmeber?), you were left with a steaming pile of dung under your feet, a wall of smell in that part of the cave, and the sight of those who were going to be malicious towards you now running to get away from it all.
Naturally, this produced a wave of relief. A chortle would erupt and you would feel good (despite the fact that you were standing in your own feces).
This situation was saved in racial/genetic memory throughout the millennia, until it got to the point where anything remotely anus/smell/sound-oriented still gives many people a chuckle.
Okay ... my theory isn't scientific and may, in fact, smell ... but at least it sounds good. :)
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