How much more restriction do these Nicotine Nazis want?
For instance, imagine that it is Friday night. You just left your place of work where you weren’t allowed to smoke unless you went outside, walked 200 yards away, and lit up next to Crazy Stan The Insane Cardboard Box Dweller. You decide that tonight you are going out to dinner and then watch a movie. You go to the eatery unable to smoke because it disturbs others even though the joint just installed a half-a-million dollar exhaust system. After quickly burning a weed between the over priced dinner tab and the 20 dollar movie tickets, you enter the smoke-free theatre. The PC police have de-Marlboroed the workplace, the restaurants, and movie theatres, but it’s not enough. Now they want the actors on screen to be smoke free. Why? For the Cheeeeldren.
Seeing a thug smoking a cigarette, grandfatherly figure puff on a pipe, or a union boss type sucking a Cuban cigar in a movie undoubtedly glamorizes smoking in the mind of an innocent child. Seeing a character smoke in a movie is much less detrimental to a child than tooth decay and rising cholesterol levels perpetuated by a large Coke, a box of junior mints, and a tub of buttery popcorn. Unbelievable. I mean can you envision Humphrey Bogart piloting the African Queen up the river without an unfiltered Lucky Strike hanging from his lip? Blasphemous I say.
When I was growing up, I guess I was immune from these types of things. Well I guess some media influenced me in certain ways. While watching re-runs of My Three Sons, Fred MacMurray’s pipe smoking didn’t affect me , but the sight of the rack on Robbie’s wife Katie sent me into a year or two of nightly nocturnal emissions, not to mention initiating my Capri pants fetish. Parents should be the influence in the life of their children not some nanny acting group of busy bodies. If the shot of Lindsay Lohan or Joey Matinee Idol doing something “bad” holds more sway over a child than the parent, an R rating isn’t going to fix anything.
Throw out your personal choices folks. No more smoking, no more Big Macs, no more dodge ball. There is a move afoot to turn the next generation into a herd of non-thinking bean poles with no idea of how to throw a red rubber ball. Caution to you all, these ninnies are working to rid this planet of gluttonous smokers, so put down that leg of mutton and extinguish your pipe…You hear me Santa Claus!!?
Lightin’ up and headed out for a Quarter Pounder with Cheese…Cheers!!
Jerry Falwell…In Memorium:
“The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country.”
-- Rev Jerry Falwell, Sermon, July 4, 1976
Clever and amusing post! MMm, big mac!
Well said. The intrusions into our personal lives have really gone overboard. Just take me out and shoot me now!
Thanks Jess and yes feel the loveof the Big Mac. Yum-Oh!! Cheers...
Raven: I love you more every time you comment. I like your in your face attitude. Keep stickin' it to the Man. ; )
If I shot you the world wouldnt be as fun odat. But you are correct, it's not just about smoking it's about the intrusion into other people's lives. Cheers!!
Matt - Man, I'm a non-smoker, but I understand where you're coming from.
Parents these days spend too much time looking to the media to raise their kids - but I also blame the government. With all their taxing, and the cost of living increases they've made it virtually impossible for a family to survive on one income. So both parents must work at least one job each...which leaves a lot of latch-key kids because parents are too exhausted to do anything with them.
Just my opinion though...
Angell, it's not really about smoking per se. It is more about intrusion. And yes, I have a kid too and his mom and I both work and are no longer together. But we have somehow managed to keep him on the straight and narrow without any govt help. I just think that some people really need to mind their own business. Cheers!
I couldn't agree more, Matt. In fact, I have a whole other rant regarding the MPAA ratings system and this only adds fuel to my fire.
Of course, as a smoker, I have to admit that watching someone smoke in a movie does something to spark a craving in me, but that's a whole other matter. lol
Believe it or not, I agree with everything you said. They'll have to pry that cigarette from my cold dead fingers!
Allie: If smoking turns you on, picture me sitting here naked lighting up two at a time.
Schmoop: I'm going to start calling you Schmoop Heston. Just dont get all Republican on me. Freaky on me yes, Republican, no.
I'll have my gun in one hand and my cigarette in another. :) I've been smoking American Spirits. They are awesome, all-natural, additive-free tobacco. Should cut my cancer risk way down. lol
They're probably full of vitamin C too.!!
There ya go! you just need vitamin infused tobacco to offset the ill effects. B12, B4, G57, 069 with extra collegen and lung boosting capabilities.
damn govt. I'll start smoking just to spite em!
I love it when you mention 069 Lisa. Purrrrrrrrrrrr
no more Big Macs????????
Surely, you jest!
I would kill first!!! Cheers Mo...
Oh, brother, Big Brother!
Quarter pounder with cheese, mmmmm. And a smoke right after. :-D
Your post always make me laugh. you seem to always lift me up when i'm feeling down. you rock dude.
Add an extra side a Cheese!
Damn straight Lizza, screw Big Brother and pass the mayo. Cheers!!
Thanks Carmen, you made me smile. I hope everything is okay. I havent seen you post in awhile. Cheers and hang in there my friend.
I love Cheese Cheesy. Especially Orgeon cheese.
Matt ...
I was a smoker for 24 years and just quit smoking 3 months ago ... but I have always said and will always say that smokers are discrimated against... and that just ain't right!!!!
I don't smoke but it seems a little extreme that folks can't smoke even in the parking lots of places now. Anyway, other parents I see at the movies don't seem to pay any attention to ratings. Now I'll be constantly asking the Blockbuster guy if it's rated R just because of smoking.
Can't we at least compromise at a PG-13 rating? What the hell is wrong with this world?
When I was about three, I put a tootsie roll in the corner of my mouth like a cigar and said "Hey dingbat where's that meathead?"
My mom slapped the shit out of me and didn't let me watch all in the family anymore.
Dixie: I agree. I saw a commercial the other day that was troubling as well. It showed a group of people in white coats walk into a restaurant and take all of the fries,, burgers, and Chciken Nuggets away. Oh the humanity.
Marilyn: Be wary of a smoker in sheep's clothing.
Wormbrain: It's gone Mad!! Mad I tell you!!
Hammer: Thanks Hammer I just chuckled out loud. Cheers!!
In "Now Voyager" the act of smoking is practically a third character in the love affair of Davis-Henreid
""In their famous scene together, cigarette smoking becomes more and more a sensual, shared, intimate act as he first performs the trick with her - and they kiss:
The seductive two cigarette trick was a metaphor for sex, in which Henreid places two cigarettes in his mouth, lights both of them, and then passes one to the expectant Davis
I am a non-smoker but things have gone way too far
I just like to be burned with them. Cheers!!
AMEN! we have to get rid of all the violence and sex, too? B/c I really don't want to go to the movies if they are going to be as boring as real life.
As for Falwell, you KNOW he's probably wide-eyed and remorseful NOW!
Amen! Former smoker here and it is true, smokers do bear the brunt. When they start taxing alcohol and making moves R rated cause someone has a Corona..oh wait, we can see that on TV....
It's crap. Want to have a kid that doesn't smoke, do your job as a parent and then accept the fact that when they are an adult they can choose to do whatever dumbass things they want to. Just like YOU did and probably still do.
Rant over :P
Indeed Tigger...He's saying Oh my God but for completely different reasons.
In a word Starr, "exactly".
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