I even had a dream about her the other night. She came over and we started drinking some WIR. We sat on the couch and she began to rub her form fitting superhero suit up against me. We put down our drinks and she straddles me as I sit on the couch. She puts her lips to mine and then proceeds to tickle my uvula with her super tongue. She kisses my neck and I open my eyes and there on the TV is a one-eyed toucan singing a reggae version of “I’m Turning Japanese”…Anyway she stands up and takes my hand and says, “Let’s go to the bed.”
Once in bed, we lay down next to each other completely nekkid. After a few pecks and licks, she whispers in my ear, “Get kinky Matt-Man, do me while I’m invisible.” I said, “Okay, but how will I find everything?” Jessica…er…The Invisble Woman says, “You’ll do fine, after all, you’re Matt-Man, bitch!!” When she said that, I didn’t know what turned me on more, that I was in bed with a gorgeous superhero, or the fact that she obviously reads my blog!!
Anyway, she went all invisible on me and I began the search and seizure mission. It did not start out well. I spent the first ten seconds French kissing her left eye. I then moved on to kiss and caress her super breasts which oddly had no nipples. It was then I realized that I was sucking on her kneecaps. I took a minute to sit up and analyze the shape and position of how her body was sunk into the bed. I studied and then hopped where I thought I would be in position for some good lovin’. When I landed she said, “Oooooo good job Matt-Man.”
Passionately yet gently, I begin to make lover to her, or as I romantically refer to it, “puttin’ the spud in the mud”. I hate to go into too much detail but I was in euphoric shock. Either the Enzyte I had been taking was adding the inches it guaranteed or this was the tightest hoo-ha I had ever come across. I was nearing the moment of climax when I moaned a super moan, and she laughed a super laugh.
Lying beneath me, laughing…she became visible. I looked down and discovered the source of her amusement. I had spent the last two minutes banging the hell out of her belly button. The mood had been shattered. She said, “It’s okay Matt-Man. I’ll stop by tomorrow and go see the movie with you. You can freak out everyone at the theatre by making out with me while I’m invisible. Just be ready to be called Pee-Wee Matt-Man. Ciao baby!!”
I hope this entry will help you to think of me if you go to view this fine movie which I have never seen. Until next time, Cheers!!
ROTFLMOO - Matt-man, you're a classic my friend.
Hope your father's day was Fantas...um, I mean great. LOL.
OH Matt-Man... you take a beautiful act of doing the deed with an invisible woman and make it seem so dirty....
Ha very good Angell and I appreciate your love of my depravity. Cheers!!
Bond: It was dirty. You should have seen all of the belly button lint on my wanker when I pulled out!!
Alba is getting a lot of shit right now for her comments about her latina-ness. It's all so very ridiculous that this is what our media focuses on, as opposed to, let's see...the deaths in iraq, our horrendous health care system, the genocide in darfour... you know, the petty things.
Sorry...I am in a strop.
My only concern for Jessica Alba is HOT-ness...Those thing s that you mentioned are important but you left off the Paris Hilton incarceration dammitt!! Sorry to hear about your post B-Day strop. Cheer up my friend.
stickin it in the belly-button. kinky kinky. my question is, she must be a super-freak if she exclaimed good job as you rammed it in her splooge-collector.
Um, yeah. Going to have to spend some serious time, alone, thinking on this one.
Fortja: Obviously she has a super sense of humor and wanted to make me look super stupid!! Cheers and thanks for stopping by.
When I first started reading I said, ut oh...maybe i better not read this in work....then I found myself on the floor rolling....with laughter....poor matt....try harder next time ok?
I'll do that odat and by the way I get excited when you say "harder". Cheers!!
Um, WOW. She's hot, invisible or visible.
ROFLMAO...oh jesus Matt my co-workers think I am nuts. Truly for really real nuts!
And now I am hearing Iggy Pop singing "of course I've had it in the belly button before"....
Nick: You have quite the eye for the obvious, visible or invisible. I hope the mud is coming along better. Cheers!!
Starrlight: Ha, thanks and I am glad that I can help your career along. We used to go to a bar a few years ago and everytime we went, there was a guy there who looked EXACTLY like Iggy Pop and we called him that so I appreciate the reference. Cheers!!
Now now Matt, I'm sure she just used her super powers to move 5 inches downwards just to super wind you up. I bet she enjoyed it... realy... honest.
Although you are lying Boy, I appreciate that you are so much kinder than my other @#$%^ readers. Cheers!!
You are crazy!! It's my Yahoo e-mail that's screwed up. Sorry!
Oh you gave me such a laugh with this...thank you. Did you wake up all sweaty and flushed, and quickly check your pee-wee?
Now I've got the turning japanees song stuck in my head. ~I want a doctor to take a picture so I can look at you from inside as well...~ I probably have the words all wrong too. Nothing more embarassing than getting the words to a pop song wrong when I accidentally start singing outloud while browsing for bolts at the hardware store.
Schmoop: 10-4
Wendz: I am glad that I did and dont second guess your decision, most times first instincts are correct. Cheers!!
Marilyn: I butcher lyrics so much I could be working at a musical delicatessen. Cheers my friend.
the kneecap part was kinda interesting....hmmmm
Why thank you Katherine, and welcome to our site....
Good God, man, will you get laid already?
I'm trying dammit!!
Oh my! I'm shocked! We go from two family oriented posts to this?
What a post!
Oh, my son bumped into Jessica at the Super Bowl! He's still grinning!
Better luck next time... feel around for belly button lint first, just to be sure.
Dude! Jessica's curves are in all the right places. I can't understand how you can get lost in your own fantasy!
**hands Matt a map to the invisible female form**
Julie: Cheers to your son. I got to shake Vivica A. Fox's hand about six years ago. Purrrrrrr
Janna: I should have been more prepared dammit.
Trav: I guess I was intimidated by her super-heroiness...Cheers!!
I watched her in an interview where she said that she wore spanx all-over pants to get the smooth body.... Would that giant Spanx could do this for me!
(p.s. It's fun just typing Spanx. Spanx spanx spanx.)
Dude! Vivica is HAWT!!
Ahahahhahaha I was just going to ask if Trav knew about you and Viv!
Too funny!
Topchamp: Spanx for stopping by!!
Trav: Yes she is and my hand is till burning.
Julie: Ooo Wee Oooooooo
I am personally more inclined to the Dark Angel version as opposed to the Ivisible woman version, but MM you did a fine job of pointing out the good traits of an invisible Jessica
Dark Angel...Yum-Oh!!
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