A couple of days ago I was watching a news report on one of the cable news networks and it annoyed me so I flipped stations and came across a commercial and it annoyed it me as well, and for the same reason. What does a news report and a commercial have in common as far as my annoyance? In both instances a person was talking and the mouth of the person didn’t match up with the audio.
Sure, when watching a Japanese Sci-Fi movie translated into English it is acceptable and even humorous when the words don’t correlate to the mouth movements of the actors, but when something is recorded in English without translation needed and the words are mis-matched, it is to me, annoying as Hell!!
Listen to me now and hear me later, this upsets me so damn much that if CNN had footage of Christ riding into Jerusalem on a donkey and his words were out of synch with the audio, I would say “Fuck the Lord”, grab the remote and flip to The Food Network, even if it was an episode of Rachel Ray making a ginormous sammy that was Yum-Oh!! Unless of course Betty Nguyen was the anchor of the segment, because then I would just turn down the sound and drool. But you get my point.
The other peeve of mine that came across my gray matter today is something that I afflict upon myself. I am a procrastinator, and I hate it. Case in point, I have been tagged by Marilyn, Songbird, and Jamie to complete some memes. I plan to do the memes but I just haven’t gotten around to it. They are loyal readers and good friends so why would I not do them? Because I am innately lazy and procrastanatorial (yes, that’s the second new word I have made up today).
I am glad that I am not a woman. If I was a woman I would be freaking my boyfriend out each month because I would undoubtedly be late!! My period would be every 45 days. Of course, if I was a woman I would probably be a lesbian, because men are not pretty. I know that because I just caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror before getting in the shower, and it was disgusting. But I digress.
Lastly, something that peeved me off was a comment I received from a friend of mine. He said that my blog was okay but lacked “meaning and a statement.” I said that it is called humor and why don’t you try Googling the meaning if you’re not sure about it. Jeeeez, people are soooo difficult.
Anyway, I feel better that I have been able to get this off of my chest. Thank you for bearing with me and delight in the fact that I have figured out how to make videos on my camera. Just think, my site may soon go three dimensional…I just hope that the audio is in synch with the video.
I noticed that Malkovich is back today. That guy is a badass, so good choice of visual for your ranting today.
I'll say this...why would you be looking at Betty's mouth? 'Nuff said there.
Lacking meaning and statement? What's that mean?
This whole post was totally synced with my thoughts, which usually make my lips move.
Actually Nick I would be looking at her knee. Sure I may look like Malkovich but I dont think I am quite as wealthy. Cheers!!
Gee...you know you could have used my make-over picture...just to spice it up a bit Matt...
Who the hell said this place was lacking meaning and statement...I'll put a statement right up their a-hole... NO one and I mean NO one talks about my Matt-Man like that...
the sync'ing is your cable dude....the little light waves and the little sound waves who normally fly though the air invisibly (ahhh Jessica Alba.... sigh) must have had a quarrel and were not playing nicely together....sometimes farting in the general direction of the TV will fix that...
Bond: You are so correct. How can someone saying that a person having a goal to boink the Invisible Women has no direction? I'll start eating cheese and see if I cant fix the delay!!
Sorry but I can't feel your pain today...Every mouth I've encountered was always in sync....
and I always get lots of meanings when I read you!
Matt-man. I totally agree with you on the sync'ing. It's awful and drives me batty (but since you've mentioned Rachel and her yumm-o sammies I have to say that the hubby loves to tune in to see if the shirt she's wearing accentuates her -um - assets as they were - and now I'm hungry).
LACKING meaning and statement? Hello? Is the man on crack? If not, maybe he should be.
And personally, believe that you should publish a dictionary of Matt-isms. I like your version of English.
Odat that was very sweet of you. Are you getting ready to post a comment trashing me?
Angell: With all due respect to your husband, her tits look like tomato rosettes and her ass is the size of an Idaho Potato on steroids...And dont get me started on the giggling. But thanks for your appreciation of my new English words. ; )
I think procrastination is an Aquarian trait. We just get mentally sidetracked. It's cause we are brillint people, Matt. (Work with me here, mmk?)
As for you blog having meaning, tell your friend to have a glass of WIR and CHILL!
Your message is "learn to lighten up people" and you routinely answer lifes burning questions regarding icecream men and spam. What more do you need?!?
Ok I am totally blaming the following on Bond for his comment...
"Nobody puts Matty in a corner!"
k, my work here is done.
Starrlight: It has been weeks in the making but could you and I get "mentally sidetracked" together? But you're damn right, who knows the inner workings of hypothetical sex and SPAM like me. I'm Matt-Man bitch!! Cheers Baby!!
Put me in a corner Starrlight, put me in a corner!!
I just figured out that my posts are supposed to be about something. NOW I have to have meaning and statement?
Hey, since we know you won't do them, can we keep tagging you? I mean when you get tagged, you feel obligated to tag in return, but nobody said the recipient actually had to do the meme in question.
I was going to comment.. maybe I'll do it later.
Now, about things on your chest... what's the weight-bearing limit?
*puts Matt in a corner*
"weight-bearing limit"?!?!
Damn, Anndi is scary :P
I am with you on that peeve, Matt. So much so that I don't even like watching dubbed movies. It just makes my brain hurt.
Also, you know I procrastinate as well, so I very much feel your pain. Clearly you need to read this blog of my friend Chris. He has the ultimate solution for people like us:
Lastly -- If procrastination and periods were related, I'd put mine off for much longer. In fact, I'd put it off forever. But every 30 days, with no fail, I am visited by the angry red monster. Ugh.
I'm gonna go with Starr here and say that procrastination is an art form for Aquarians. I can relate to this 100% darlin', and while most of the time it pains me, there are rare times when I make no apologies for it!
As for "meaning and statement" - who died and made your friend lord and king? You're the Matt-siah, for cryin' out loud!
Oh, and if you decide to be in the corner with both Starr and Anndi, can I watch?
I'm trying to find out if he's like the teen in Georgia.. (nudge nudge wink wink).
I do them Marilyn I just get way laid. Yes you have to have meaning evidently. So keep talking "sign language". Cheers!!
Anndi: The weight bearing limit is whatever you weigh, or whatever any other woman weighs. Cheers!!
Starrlight: OOoo you vixen you, discipline me!!
Allie: I'll check it out but I just wish I could shake the damnn affliction damn it!!
Songbird: I would rather that you participate than watch!!
Anndi: Yes....Yes I am...
Yeah I hate that sync up thing too. Get it alot in Britain with American ads voice overed in an English accent.
ROFL! Ok but with 3 aquarians, are we ever gonna make it to the corner? Or will our near god like skillz of procrastination prevent us from our true destiny?
Wait. Kinky is even higher on our list of traits than procrastination :p
Oh and Matt, I totally linked this post today. I figure if we set you up as an internet prophet you will have both meaning and message handled!
I've gained new appreciation for you...
Corner? What corner?
Ha...Clever Boy, Cheers!!
Starrlight: Three Aquarians in a corner? Someone is likely to get very hurt, but it would be in avery good way!! Lalalala and thanks.
Anndi: My tongue says thanks and hi!!
Songbird: Just look for all of the steam and you'll find it. Cheers!!
Don't faint. The mo-man has returned.
For the record, it was NOT me who said that about your blog. I find your blog lacking only in free money for your readers.
How about a dollar per comment?
Aren't you glad I'm back?
Mo: You're damn right I'm glad you're back. My blog as been so less pretty without you. ; ) I hope things are going well and I visited Lee's site. Cheers My Good Man.
You are meaningful and statement-y enough for me.
Your friend should shut up.
As always, just say, "I've got your meaning and statement RIGHT HERE!"
And my lips were totally in sync when I said that!
Now go does those Mememmememes!
Succinct and insightful as always Nat. I hope you are over your strop my friend. Cheers!!
Laura: I thought of saying that and I saw your comment about the Knopfler/Harris CD. If I was a stagger wing plane, a stagger wing painted red...I'd fly on over to your house baby, and buzz you in your bed. Cheers!!
Muahahaaaa! These commercials are so annoying. I always have to thing of sock puppets!
"Alice - let me introduce our newest invention. We call it "sleep"!"
- "Oh Paul... "sleep"... what an amazing discovery! Do ya thing I can make use of "sleep", too?"
- "Of course, Alice. "Sleep" works for everyone!" - "Is it difficult, Paul? Ya know, I´m yum-oh blonde!" - "Yes, Alice! It´s so damn easy. Just pay $500.00 and you´ll recieve the "sleeping manual"..."
Matty, you forgot to link to your friend´s meaningful blog... Oh... Got none? How could this happen ;)
To keep a long story short: As usual, I enjoyed my dose of Matty LOTS - Thank you! Is there enough space in the corner for me, too?
Cheers, my friend!
well, my first time here and I now have to wonder what in the hell i have been missing all this time. Though look at your cohorts, I see anddi and her hockey ravings, and the songbird and lovely pictures, and music from Bond, and Starr being well adorably gothic. Im not annoyed because I had to find it all by my lonesome and was not invited. (ok ignore the invite at the bottom of Starr's post today)
Now, talk more about this Nguyen hottie
Sanni: You are always invited to the corner. Are you kidding? You are the one who brought out my inner bratwurst for God's Sake. I owe you so much. Cheers!!
Sparky: I am so glad that you did stop Sparky. This is a very comment friendly spot so stop by more often. As far as Betty, I canalways send you a jpeg. She's HOT!!! Cheers!!
I find it difficult to believe that Sparky never found his way here before. This is just his kind of place.
Then again, I just assume that everyone I read reads the same blogs I do; seems like every where I go I see Sparky, Bond, Starrlight, Anndi, you, etc., etc...
So, just how big IS this corner?
Well Songbird I cant help that a sandman from your side of the country has found a home here.
Men may not be pretty but damn they sure give a lot of pleasure ... *hands over mouth* did I just say that????
Pleasure is my game!!
You wear sunglasses in the morning? Hmmm.....interesting.;)
Anyway - who said a blog must make a statement and have MEANING? Your blog makes me smile/laugh/guffaw - and that's probably the best kind of blog there is. Poo to statement and meaning.
Nah, Matty, Sparky Duck is from the "other" coast. He's a Philly resident now, but he does have a tenuous connection to my beloved desert. But I figure since he's a duck, he probably just followed the bread crumbs here...
"Adorably gothic" am I?
Pie for Sparky! This is really your first time here? Really really?! Glad I put out the invite. Matt is our next great cult leader. I know it.
And HUGS for Desert for providing the Pie Festiva on her site =)
Whoever says that just doesn't get it. I come here specifically because there is no meaning or statement!
And just for the record, every other word of this comment was out of sync.
Well you know that you must be doing something right when you have over 40 comments!
If farting in the general direction of the telly would fix our....ummm ours would NEVER be messed up...there are three guys in this house!
Oh crap...videos?
**runs and hides with Trav's wooobie**
Wendz: I always have sunglasses becuase my life is so sunny. or something like that. And I am glad you enjoy the site.
Songbird: I am glad you threw out the crumbs.
Starrlight: Cult Leader? I better make more Kool-Aid then!! Cheers...
Trav: Yeah I know and I only mentioned it because I've herad it before. Screw em'.
Julie: Dont slobber on Trav's woobie.
Had me some Tennessee Tap Water last night, and it sure fire beats Kool Aide :P
Im still looking for my pie
Get your own pie Sparky!!
So if I burped the alphabet... that might disturb you eh?
oh And I am still looking for my boxers...do I need to show up and just rip them off you?
Holy Crap....Send me your address again....I have them here as well as a nice wine colored T-Shirt...I'm such a dick. Cheers Cheesy!! I'll even use the Postal Service instead of UPS.
Ha...Raven, I said something quite similar to that. Cheers!!
See I am a better procrastinator than you--I am just today reading this post I intended to read Monday.
Let's get together and see who "procrastinates" better!!
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