I poured a generous blast of the potent potable into my favorite bagwine glass and treated my olfactory senses to the fruity bouquet. Ahhhhh I love the smell of Napalm in the afternoon.
I quaffed a thoughtful drink of the wine. Initially, it actually had a nice sour apple taste, but that was quickly replaced with a flavor that more resembled a mixture of badger crap, mashed peas, and the sweat off of a plumber's crack...you should NOT try that by the way.
Bottom line, unless you want to tip a pint of Wild Sour Apple on St. Paddy's Day for the sheer green-ness of the concoction, stay away from this particular flavor of WIR.
I hope you are enjoying your Saturday, and until we meet again, Cheers!!
But the question this reader has is....
did it make you pee green? THAT would be worth tasting plummers crack sweat!
It looks like a cross between Absinthe and NyQuil.
Ugh. I cannot believe you actually partake of this. Ick.
Having a fabulous time on vaycay, dear.
No it didnt Cheesy and you are incredibly disgusting...I love it!! Cheers.
Aisby: Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder!!
Songbird: Glad to hear it continue your fun and try to stay out of jail. Cheers my friend!!
have never come across any form of WIR, but will make a concerted effort to steer clear of this one. thanks for the heads up:)
Wait--I wanna hear the story of when you tasted badger crap, mashed peas and the sweat from a pliumber's asscrack
spill it Matty;-p
TB: Unfortunately I did try that concoction once and yes I spilled it all overmy shoes and the parking lo of a Taco Bell.
Eyechan: Try it man, you'll thank me later. Cheers Dude!!
Actually, Vodka laced Lime Kool-Aid sounds kind of fun.
Badger crap and plumber's crack sweat, well, not so much.
One does wonder how you would know the flavor of badger crap, or more distressingly the flavor of sweat off of a plumber's...
On second thought, it's probably safer not to wonder these things.
Thanks for the safety tip about the WIR.
Anything that green can not be good...nope nope nope nope....
Not even going to ask about the sweaty muskrat cap and peas
Thats some rot gut stuff. I've seen people break out in hives from it.
I bet it works as a colon cleanser. ;)
I am going to guess that a plumber's ass crack tastes like gorgonzola. So if WIR Sour Apple tastes like gorgonzola, then you might be onto something.
At least it didn't taste like squirrel!
Janna: Damn near anything laced with Vodka is fun!!
Travis: You are one wise dude. It is indeed best not to wonder. Cheers!!
Bond: It is a bit neon looking, but the liver is color blind.
Hammer: WIR has many uses including colon cleanser, unfortunately on its way down to clean the colon it erodes one's esophagus.
Allie: I think it would be closer to fermunda cheese. Cheers!!
Anndi: Ha, yes indeed you rotten squirrel monger.
Damn! I just bought a case of the stuff. Now where's my receipt? Thanks for the warning, Matt-Man! Oh, and if the plumber's crack is anything like "regular old handyman" crack - I actually find that quite refreshing in a musky way. Guess it's an acquired taste!
Based upon your comment about crack Laura, I think you may have opened some of the apple...Cheers!!
I think I can safely say I will take your advice and not try this particular tipple. Though I am up for just about anything once, this sounds like a once worth missing...
If you've ever smelled badger crap, lordy, the images invoked...
You wont regret my advice Boy. Cheers!!
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