This phone has been the vehicle for many a great conversation over several years. While it may look like a relic dating back to the Cold War era, it has been treasured and loved to this day. Oh sure your can see that I have recently had to slide tissue under the handset in order to secure some charge contact, that merely demonstrates my devotion to this piece of technology.
The saddest thing about getting rid of this phone is that it still has one message saved on it. It is that of my mom’s last message that she left on the phone a little over a year ago, before she passed. I’ll miss that, but I have my good memories to see me through. I recall talking to a window salesman and setting up a meeting for a new window installation. He drove around for a half an hour trying to find my house. After a third call from his secretary asking how to get to my house, I told her, “House? I live in an apartment complex.” Good Times.
We have used this phone to call the Trinity Broadcasting Network during their Praise-a-Thon and ask to talk to Paul Crouch, or inquire about whether the amount of money that we send will affect how much salvation we receive. This phone has received its fair share as messages as well. My favorite messages to play were the ones left by brother Marty. He was an artist of the 2 AM Saturday morning, vodka and Red Bull induced message. It would go something like this, “Woo Hoo, Matty!? Are Ya Up? Woo Hoo!!” Ahhh memories.
Alas, this phone has charged its last charge, taken its last message, and made its last obscene phone call. I will go out today and find a phone to take its place, so last night I gave it a worthy farewell. I got up at 2:15 A.M. and dialed a number randomly. I heard a groggy, discombobulated female voice say, “Hello? Hello?” I then said, “He’s Dead” and hung up to the sounds of her screaming, “Oh my God!! Who died? Who is THIS!!?” Hahaha…Nothing like an innocent prank call.
Thanks for helping my friend. I will miss you, but never forget you.
Enjoy your day all, and Cheers!!
Awww honey...can you save your mom's message SOMEHOW?
Isn't it funny how we become attached to certain things in our world. My cell phone is a dinosaur...everyone makes fun of me!
Metalmom: SOB, I am so sorry. What are the odds!!
Julie: It's no big deal. I dont have to listen to my mom's voice to "hear" her. Cheers!!
Don't get rid of that phone! It is too special. I have never read a phone story before that made me want to laugh and cry at the same time. Melt it down into something with deep meaning - sculpt a spam or nice bottle of WIR.
*golf clap* You evil wanker you!
Hun I too have saved an old phone due to a message... hubby called the kids from work to wish them a most excellent first day of school[1995].. We lost him 2 months later. The kids still melt when they drag it out. Go ahead and ssve it somewhere special.
Lisa: Good to see you back and thanks. The sculpture thing is a good idea, and keep me in mind if you are in need of a moving phone eulogy. Cheers!!
Cheesy: Evil? Moi? We shall see, if I can find to hide it away I will. Cheers Sexy!!
For some reason I never get attached to phones...or "equipment" (unless it's part of someone ;-)
I go thru phones like I do underwear!
I can't believe i just typed that!
Odat: Thanks for sharing. Now I know that if I ever call you and the line goes dead, it's because you are changing underwear. What?
whent cell phone 5 years ago and never looked back ...I still remember the old party line on the old rotary dial we had growing up thank God for change! Have a great day Matt ;D
Roger: That's because you are on the cutting edge. I remember the old party lines, and I miss the feel and sound of a big, black, wall mounted rotary phone. Cheers!!
I agree.. you can 'hear' her anytime Mo, but put the phone away for years from might be glad you did...
Sometimes saving a message from someone who has left you for whatever reason allows you to 'touch' them again at a later date (PLEASE do not make a snide know what I meant.)
Bond: Mo, eh? You just can't let anything go can you Jim? I dont know that I need to save it because I have plenty of "messages" from her that show up in the the things that I think and especially some of the stuff I tell my son. Cheers!!
This post says so much about you. What those things are, I still haven't figured out...
Hahaha...Very Good. Have a blast in the Buckeye State Songbird. Have a safe trip. Cheers!!
Hmmm... you are a very enigmatic person. It makes me horny.
Matt-Man---you tell me you didn't chuckle when you read Mo...come on fess up
Perfectly true matt...the memories and voice are instilled in us young and never leave us. Thankfully both my mom ad dad are alive...but their 'teachings' have held fast...
now these other voices in my head....
108: That was a nice comment and coincidental as see, I get horny when you say "enigmatic". Va va va voom.
Bond: Of course I did, and please, keep the wording of those other voices to yourself...I beg of you. Cheers!!
And people think I am sick and twisted. Though Matt, at least you are a sick and twisted softie. Hmm softie may not be a good thing.
Sparky: I try not to be predictable nor soft. The not being predictable thing is easy, but not being soft gets harder each day. (Hey that was unintentionally funny) Cheers Mr. Philly.
You better be glad you didn't call me at 2:15 am... I would have hunted you down and, and, and ... well I would have... ;-)
Happy phone shopping!
Dixie: The only reason that I would call you is if you needed your spirits lifted over the next few weeks and months because you missed your Marine-Joining son. Cheers!!
I think we had that same Uniden model, and it's still sitting in the basement...
You'll remember your mom - you don't need a voice mail message to remind you!!
Psssst...Bond sees dead people too...
Pia: I know I will. As far as Bond, I think instead of seeing dead people, he sees himself in a three way with Minnie Pearl and Junior Samples. Ewww. Cheers!!
NOT THAT WAS JUST DAMN CRUEL.... No way Minnie Pearl, Irene Ryan (know who she is Matt-Man?)is the hottie for me and I would prefer Pat Brady (know who HE is?) if I am having a three way... don't you now me?????
Bond: Ooooooo the thought of doing the nasty with Irene Ryan in the cement pond makes me hot!! My apologies.
Ok, I started out crying over the death of the phone, but am now laughing so hard I have tears coming out of my ducts - have you and Bond considered taking your act on the road?
And Minnie Pearl? I thought it was Minnie Mouse? Oh well...
And love the prank call - have to remember that one during a drunken binge one night.
Cheers (will toast to your phone on Friday when I do some serious drinking)
Angell: C'mon crying over a phone? Get a hold of yourself woman!! If Bond and I take the act on the road we will have seperate rooms, because I dont want that amorous Italian having dreams about Taylor Hicks and attacking me in his sleep!! Cheers...
The Smithsonian is very pleased to accept your generous donation to the prehistoric technology exhibit…..
Katherine: Ha...Not a bad thought, but they're paying for the shipping costs. Cheers!!
HA! Like you could go more than two minutes without trying to rub up against me... you know you lie on the Couch thinking of me...YOU KNOW IT!
So, any clue who Pat Brady is dude?
Bond: Of course I know who Pat Brady was. He was a fellow Ohioan, and Roy Roger's minion. Now let's just keep our space bewteen us. Happy Trails Vin!!
It's just amazing what type of memories you can conjur up when thinking about the many conversations you've had on a particular phone!
in a weird mo/matt coincidence, I just had to replace my cordless phone at the store, too.
while mine didn't quite live to see the painful death yours did, jaz took it very personally every time the phone would ring, and he knocked the cordless handset off so many times that the only way to get caller id to work was to twist the actual phone, and sometimes that hung up the caller!
So, today we have a new cordless phone at The Wren's Nest, doing its 24-hours-of-charging-before-you-can-touch it thing.
"The not being predictable thing is easy, but not being soft gets harder each day."
-You're right... that was hilarious :-)
I wish I could have an appliance long enough to develop an attachment to it. With 5 teenages they destroy everything within a year. ESPECIALLY the phone, but the hair dryer, alarm clocks, and blenders run close seconds.
Deb: I try to find the good in everything. Cheers!!
Mo: Well, the the deed is done and I now have a new phone. Photos to follow. Cheers!!
108: Ha...I am glad you liked it. Cheers!!
Raven: I have so little to look forward to, I develop disturbing relationships with appliances.
That reminds me of this prank call my aunt made to this old woman one time where she was crying in this genuinely terrified voice: "Mom? Mommmm?? Help me, MOM!!!"
Oh holy shit you people are evil.
Although I have to say, I will enjoy not having our phonecalls interrupted by your phone dying. ;)
Omg, I just spit water out my nose... that was the funniest cruelest practical joke I've ever heard... I can't wait to try it!
Allie: Just trying to spread goodwill through humor. Maybe after the new phone charges I'll call you first so you can break my phone call cherry. Cheers!!
Marfsbaby: At least it was just water and not something acidic like 7UP. Thanks for stopping by and I admire your cruel streak. Cheers!!
Aaaaah... so many memories - you shall keep your good old phone =)
I´ll send you an email with some phone-numbers to play with *snicker*
That's what I have been waiting for my entire life, 1-900-Sanni. Cheers you vixen!!
It's sad to let an old friend go. I've got my 1988 2 dollar garage sale answeig machine phone next to me and I'm afraid it's about to bite the big one as well.
I can always pull tghe tapes out of mine and relive the drunken messages from the past.
Hammer: Dont ya just love those little tapes....full of sexual comments, and bad personal attacks, I mean....nevermind. Cheers!!
I opened a moving box at random the other day. It was full of old office supplies, and it had 4 telephones in it.
Yes, I said 4 telephones.
None of them was cordless though.
1-900 Sanni?? Im there! Well as long as its not 29.95 a minute. Did you know you won a prestigious duck award?
Is nothing sacred anymore? You can't throw away a phone with good vibes like that. Don't do it!!
That brought a tear to my eye, it really did. Well, the bit about your mum's message did. Plus, loosing your line to salvation? God, well the Trinity Broadcasting network, which as we know is god's voice on earth, will not forgive you.
Travis: It's amazing finding some of the stuff we have collected over the years. CHeers!!
Sparky: Im with ya on that one purrrrr. I'll be sure to stop by and check out Thanks and Cheers!!
Mimi: It's still here in the home. You did a good job on the show the other night. Cheers!!
Boy: We had fun dialing into TBN on more than one occasion. Oddly, they could never give us a straight answer. Cheers!!
Great prank call! That would have kept me up all night calling people asking if they were dead? You are a riot! You should be writing comedy...really!
Matty: Thanks and that's what I am working on in addition to my blog. Cheers!!
OMG! Do you listen to Howard Stern on Sirius? I am listening to a prank call right NOW! They are hysterical. But in this day of Caller ID...... Too funny, Matt Man. I have a yellow princess phone in my guest room. It's the only phone that rings when the power goes out! Soon I'm going straight cell - no home phone at all. It's kinda waste of money.
Kim: I did a post about prank calls a lon gwhile back. Because of caller ID, today's youth do not get to experience the joy of calling someone and asking if their refrigerator is running!!
As someone (I'm too lazy to go up and re-read) posted above, this was a funny/sad entry all at once! I think of my first phone I got for college, that had a built in answering machine - yes, so cutting edge! - but it was a corded phone. We still have one corded phone somewhere around here so we can make calls when the power goes out. I failed to save my dad's last phone message, and that makes me sad. I had kept his work number in my cell phone contacts, but when I tried to call a few months after he died, they had changed his number and his friendly voice wasn't on the voicemail anymore. It does make you feel like you still have contact, doesn't it?
I agree, if some number from Bagwine, Ohio calls in the middle of the night, in this day of caller ID, I will just assume its some drunk with the wrong number and won't pick up. Sorry, Matt-Man, I didn't mean to call you a drunk. ;)
I can't even remember the last time I pranked somebody. Quick, catch it! Badumbum.
I keep one corded phone as well for that reason. Sorry about Tully, Laura. I hope things brighten up. Cheers!!
Damm I am going to miss streaming friday ..but ya have a great weekend Matt-Man!
You too Roger. Cheers!!
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