It is easy to either let things go, or disingenuously say, “Rest in Peace” when somebody like her dies, but even though it was sad to see her ravaged body during another ghoulish and irrelevant Larry King interview, I cannot let my true thoughts pass.
Yes, I was sad to see her so very ill. I hate to see anyone ill, but I just cannot ignore my feelings of disgust and anger over the fact that she and her husband raped the bank accounts of so many people, particularly the older folks in our country. I acknowledge, that I am not by any means a pillar of morality, but I do not intentionally harm anyone, especially by playing on one’s faith.
She and her husband deceived millions of God-Fearing people into passing on their savings, their pensions, and their trust, in order to feed the greed, avarice, and vanity onto the Bakkers. Can I really feel bad for Tammy Faye after all of this? No.
I laugh at people like Ron Popeil or Billy Mays who sell their less than effective wares on their latest infomercials. I do not, however, find it all that funny when certain “religious” figures and evangelists sell the hope for eternal salvation to people who long to meet the Almighty. At least with Popeil and Mays, the purchaser receives something tangible whereas only the evangelists receive something tangible within their transactions.
I thought that maybe after the PTL scandal, and the Jimmy Swaggert affair there would be an end to the funding of Biblical rip-off artists, but indeed I think it has grown. Cable TV has offered an expansive 24 hour altar for 21st Century charlatans. In fact, we now have the following:
Rod “I saw two lesbians engaged in perverted sex” Parsley of the World Harvest Church who sells “anointed prayer handkerchiefs”.
Joyce “And you know I have beautiful clothes” Meyer, who owns several houses and a jet.
Paul and Jan “My favorite time is at night sitting in the gazebo having snacks and cocktails with friends” Couch, who own TBN, the flagship station for salvation in exchange for your generous “love gift”.
There are many just like them. Benny “Where in the bible does it say I have to drive a Honda” Hinn…Jesse Duplantis, and TD Jakes…crooks all of them.
So while it was rough seeing Tammy Faye in her last hours, I have problems feeling any sort of sadness. I guess if there is anything good that comes of her passing is that Jerry Falwell will have someone to dance with tonight. In fact when all of the aforementioned folks pass, there is going to be one hoppin’ and infernal Devil’s Ball down in the nether regions.
I did get that pang of pity when seeing how quickly Tammy Faye deteriorated. That being said, my wicca leanings make it almost impossible to be fooled by the yahoos.
Sparky: I agree, it was very disturbing seeing her like that. But I had to tell myself, she is in fact a crook. Cheers!!
Profitting off of religion is sick. Too many ignorant and desperatre people are fooled into thinking that the path to salvation is through their wallets.
108: I agree whole-heartedly. These folks are to me, as disgusting as people who engage in in unjust wars. Hopefully, I will be in a funnier mood tomorrow. Cheers!!
But don't you feel bad for all of those people in third world countries who will not be needed to make the 6,000,000,000 pounds of mascara she wore every year?
Bond: That is sad, as well as the fact that Maybelline stock nosed dived by $2.50 a share. All you need to do however is get a Gooogle image of TBN owner Jan Crouch, and you will see that cosmetic stocks should rebound. Cheers!!
You're absolutely right. I can't stand people making tons of money off "God"--------and yet they preach gospel that they don't practice themselves. I am a fan of Joyce Meyer, however, there are some things I just simply disagree with.........................and those dress suits! Are they tacky or just downright expensive as hell???
I love you Deb but Joyce Meyer is a a phony..."The organization that she runs spends a whopping ten percent of it's income on charity, but you wouldn't know it from Joyce's quote "The Bible said that Jesus came for the sick and not the well. We're just trying to relieve suffering any way we can." On the other hand, she has her own ten million dollar jet, four million dollars in property and a hundred thousand dollar car for her husband." Praise the Lord indeed. Cheers my friend.
I have said it before and I will say it again. I have no issue what so ever with Jesus. He's PR firm here on earth needs to be shit canned though. Not just the "Devil Get OUT" televangelists here in America either. Pointy the Pope and his Happenin Church of Guilt needs a purge too.
Allah and Muhammed ain't faring much better. Basically people suck. And religion is the weapon of choice for so many to justify so much shit it just makes me sick.
Rule of three, eh Sparky?
Nearly all "organized religions" and evangelists make me want to urp. Cheers Starrlight.
Matt, You are the one person I would never expect to be a hypocrite. As with you, I hate to see anyone suffer, and in her own way she seemed to be a strong and positive woman.
None of that takes away from the fact that she was married to and assisted a complete charlatin for her own wealth and comfort often to the detriment of the weakest among us.
I appreciate that very much Jamie. And yes, she seemed to be a positive person, but as you said, I cannot get over her assistance in bilking thousands of people out of their money in order to gain personal luxury. Cheers!!
Yeah she didn't even get it when she appeared with all that make up on..looking like something out of a Tim Burton movie....
Yes I feel bad if she suffered but......what goes around, comes around, I guess.
Odat: It's not even just her. All of these folks wearing bad toupes, tons of make up and elegant clothees make me ill.
Talk about vanity, which I thought was a sin!! Her actions and those of the one's that I mentioned make me sick. Karma does indeed exist I think.
I always wondered how they filtered out the laughter from the techs and the cameramen. You know there had to be some as the Bakers, Hinns and Swaggarts looked into the cameras crying and pleading while they had their hands in the pockets of the elderly!
They're all going to the Devil's Ball.......isn't that a song by Meathead.........sorry MeatLoaf?
I did catch the Larry King show..65 lbs..she looked horrible...maybe it's payback time? don't know....but I'm in the wrong business.
I just couldn't for the life of me do the things they did to get cash.
Can't even get the grandkids to buy me an icecream cone. Yes, I tried! I have no shame!
Metalmom: Ha. Good point. They must have developed the anti-laugh track. Cheers!!
Matty: That Larry King thing was disturbing. As far as the ice cream, just tell them that your estate grows exponentially to the number of scoops that they buy you.
Oh No Starr, when she ends up on VHI Surreal Life, I would say we were closer to Rule of 30.
Hey Matt Man,
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Sparky: If she shows up on the Surreal Life after this...I will bow to her Holiness!!
Bobby: Well thank you very much I will be sure to check out everything today and Cheers!!
Great post Matt!! Congratulations on the nomination!!! Also, where are we going to put this enormous ego of yours????
I'll clean out my closet...well and the one in the hallway...and the...um.
She really could be a character of a Tim Burton movie... oh my... a 100 year old Barbie.
Excuse me while I puke...
Yup all these so-called TVangelists.....what a shame!
Has anyone ever found bad about Billy Graham?
You're so cool to be able to speak your mind like this.
I envy you!
(And I happen to agree with everything you said. :)
Sanni: My feelings exactly!!
Julie: Arent they great? Criminals!!
Janna: Why thanks. I think you have it in you to do the same Janna. Cheers!!
ahh Mattman...in every group of people you will find cons, crooks, and charlatins. Maybe this reminder of the eph-n' Bakers will get others to be mindful to help those in their lives (elderly or otherwise) who may be preyed upon...rather than prayed upon....smile
I only hope that you are right Katherine.
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