I have always wondered what it would be like to be woman…to experience the soft sexiness of wearing a short slit skirt, bathing my pouty lips in a puddle of creamy pink lipstick, and perhaps to sport a hot looking Bagwine thong. Ahhhhh, alas, I am unable to feel such sensations. I will never know what it’s like to have a door opened for me or to have a policeman not issue me a speeding ticket because I gave him a shot of my thigh.
I think it would be great to have people buy me drinks at the bar because I was pretty, and that they think they might be able to get into my pants. I would love such admiration and respect. Hell, I might even get a free meal out of it if my heels are high and my fishnet stockings straight.
Yes indeed, there are such advantages to being a woman. I could lie around the house all day and play with my smooth, perky breasts while my German Shepard nuzzles up to me and my Chamomile tea warms on the stove. When I waltz into the shower, my detachable shower head is no longer just a hygiene device but a trusted friend as well. I am having quite the hot flash as I type this…Oh Calgon, take me away, this caterpillar wants to be a butterfly!!
I would want a sexy name. Being of Irish heritage I could opt for something like Shannon or Sinead. Or should I go all the way and pick something racy such as Honey Walls? Maybe I should just hang on to a part of me that was, and call myself Matt-Tilda. Yeah, I like that. Matt-Tilda it is.
The thought of this transformation is so exciting. Oh sure, I know that being a woman has its draw backs. I realize that once a month my basement would flood and I would be irritable. I understand that mechanics would try to fix something on my car that doesn’t need fixed, and sure, I would put family and friends into uncomfortable positions when I ask them, “Does this make me look fat?” But hey, the positives far outweigh the negatives.
I mean if I were a woman I could go to the bathroom with women. I could take a steam with naked women. I could change clothes, get a massage, and have pillow fights with naked women. Is that freakin’ fantastic or what? Good Golly Miss Molly, slap me on the ass and call me yours. What?.. What?...okay let me explain something.
Just because I want to be a woman doesn’t mean I want to have sex with men. Dear God far from it. I would never have sex with a man, even as woman. Men are pigs…I ought to know. I am one, and I know the last person on the earth that I would ever want to have sex with is ME!! No no my friends, even after the change it will still be all about the ladies and fulfilling my lifelong wish of becoming a lesbian porn star.
Maybe I have said too much, but I couldn’t keep the truth from all of you or the woman inside of me trapped any longer. This catharsis has lifted a great weight from my chest which will soon be replaced with a great rack. Thank you for your understanding…Now, is there any hot babe who wants to go waltzin’ with Matt-Tilda?
Cheers and I promise to have something fresh tomorrow...
buwahahahahahahah... that is do damn funny....Matt-tilda.. buwahahahahahahahah
I knew you were a lesbian!
So you are totally going the lipstick route and not the keychain route, right? Cause I totally don't see you as butch. Nope, Jimmy Choo all the way!
I love that fantasy!!Wanna come over? We could braid each others hair and have panty-clad pillow fights!
A couple of more columns such as this and I will sill you for the replacement bottle of Windex.
this was scary enough the first time dude....
Dixie: Ha...I still have to be true to myself.
Deb: I am glad you FINALLY noticed. Purrrrrrrrrrr
Starrlight: I would be such a soft, sexy, stiletto wearin' ingenue. Cheers!!
Metalmom: Wow, that sounds great. So great in fact, that I think it just moved!!
Jamie: HA!! Thanks Jamie. I'll set a couple bucks back just in case. Cheers!!
Bond: You hide your deep affection for me so well...Don't fight it my friend.
Tigger: I appreciate that remark, and thank you for acknowledging my inner-lesbian...And by the way, men can talk to them, but doooon't touch em'.
Matt-Tilda....that explains a lot!
Katherine: I sense some "so that's why he's such a moron" in your comment. Cheers!!
I think I prefer you as the depraved man you are.
Awww, thanks Aisby. That's the best thing anyone has said to me all week. Cheers!!
Reminds me of an old joke…
This hick guy is on his first trip to the big city. He goes into the first swanky club bar he finds and sits down next to what must be the most beautiful woman in the world.
He leans over and asks her if he may buy her a drink. She politely declines and turns away.
Not to be deterred he leans closer and asks her please….let him buy her a drink (embellish joke as one sees fit). She glares at him disdainfully and adamantly refuses.(more embellishment)
He can not contain himself…she is just sooo hot. He stands next to her at the bar and begs her to let him buy her just one little drink. (embellish) Finally she turns to him and says, “look buddy…I’m not interested….I’m a lesbian.”
Seeing his confused look she sighs and says, “do you even know what a lesbian is?” He shakes his head. Totally exasperated she says, “it means I like to eat pussy”
Big ole’ grin on his face he slaps his hand on the bar and says (in 100% drawl)
“well hell…I’m a lesbian too!!!!”
Bada Bing!! Very good, but that joke may offend some of my teenage readers. It's all about the children you know. Cheers Katherine!!
Oh my goodness Matt-Maniac! Does this mean I need to set some time aside to read ALL your blog entries? This was hysterical!
"...once a month my basement would flood and I would be irritable."
I so agree....being a woman IS everything it's cracked up to be! I wouldn't want it any other way!
Ummm....neither would my hubby!
Julie: I cant believe you havent read them already ; )...If only Eve hadnt eaten that darn apple, that monthly thing would not happen. Cheers Julie!!
In case you don't come back today, here is my answer to your comment
Matt-Man. I think you would be more attuned to the ladies who flash when they are about to splash.
The camera pics are on the web along with a lot more rather obscene material at Flash Mountain
Jamie: I am shocked that you would think that I approve of such pornographic actions, that go against my family-value sensibilities. On the other hand I appreciate the pictures of the Magic Mountains!! Thanks and Cheers!!
Thanks for letting us review your site over at So Many Blogs, So Little Time. We loved it!
Oooh I just saw your blog review at So Many Blogs...way to go Matt!! Well done....and I agree with EVERYTHING SHE SAID. Especially the ads.
And that we love you.
Hi Diva...Thanks for the review (I think), I'll check it out!! Cheers!!
Wow Thanks Wendz, I have yet to see it. Cheers!!
Aaaaaah... bringing back the classics! Love(d) it - re-reading was so worthwhile. But hey, it´s a Bagwine Rumination. YOU could present me a moldy sandwich and I´d love it ;)
I believe it all started when you slipped on Schmoop's robe... Now all you have to do is learn how to ensure sparkles come out of your butt should you (God forbid) toot!
Sanni and Anndi: I have a special for you both...Tomorrow I am convernting to Islam, so things will a be a changin'...
Just read your review over at that diva site...er, So Many Blogs site. Great job, Matt.
Shalom, my friend.
Shalom to you baby!! Cheers!!
Always knew Matt-Tilda was a lesbian trapped in a robe clad man's body. And try wearing said robe while driving...you could flash thigh~~
Just wait till the first mammagram and pap smear..thats where the real fun starts ;)
Ummm.... I would ALSO like to have this experience as a woman, for I have not...lol. These things only happen to the really hot, skiiny women who have the money to spend on having their hair and nails done.
You'd better hope to go that when you transform and your feminine side takes on it's physical appearence, that you don't get stuck with the butt-ugly, fat, saggy woman. Like me...LOL!
Don't you dare take my name! Forget Mathilda....how about Mattsy...or Mattsypoo? or Mattsypuss?
I understand...all men would love to be women....after all we are the smarter and fairer sex? oh did I say smarter? Cheers.
THIS reminded me that you have NEVER--well not to everyone anyway---given Sanni her 'prize' for her winning story
Pay up Mahoney
in the Bagwine thong and t
come on
you know you've been dying to
so you're a lesbian/muslim, that's cool, but where's the jolly jumbuck??
Cheesy: Do you think it would help me any?
Hammer: I cant wait to get my first yeast infection.
108: Maybe that's what the men like where you live, but I live in a place where they crown a Pork Queen!! Cheers...
TB: I couldnt part with the thong. I wear it myself, backwards.
Matty: I apologize maybe I'll go with Mattzine. Cheers.
Eyechan: Well of course, I stowed him in my tucker bag!!
Well, you know I love my women with hair on their chest... ;)
HA...Good One!!
Well, then I'm moving to wherever YOU live!
And just out of curiousity... if you are a muslim lesbian do you have to wear a burkha?
Not in my sect Katherine so c'mon and join the fun!!
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