--The Bag'ran Chapter 1 Verse 1
These are the words of the prophet that I wrote upon a bathroom wall. It came to me in an epiphany while I was taking a leak at the bar last night. I had an instantaneous conversion. While those of you who know me are aware of my strong Christian roots and values, I have as of now, and forever eschewed those tenets and have converted to Islam…well sorta.
I have joined a little known branch of Islam…not Sunni, not Shiite, not even Wahhabi (although that one is fun to say), I am a member of a sect called the Bagorians, and my new name is Ali-Bagwine bin Matt-Man. We are quite a bit different from your typical Muslim group.
First of all, we don’t worship the more well known figures in religious history. Do we worship Mohammed? No, he seems to be a bit too grumpy for us, all of that holy war stuff and all. Jesus Christ, perhaps? Oh sure, he performs neat tricks and would be a hit at kids’ parties, but c‘mon, how many times can one watch a leper be healed, seriously? Our deity and focus of adoration is Eddie, or better known as Fast Eddie Karbunckle. Why you ask?
On December 28, 1985, Fast Eddie, after drinking three fifths of Wild Irish Rose, spontaneously combusted while sitting on a barstool at Bob’s Grill and Liquor Mecca. There was nothing left of him other than a piece of his pancreas and an undigested pickled egg. Miraculously, Eddie showed up three days later to join the gang for the New Year’s Eve party. After going through a forty day bender, he was never seen again. Praise be to Eddie.
We do have some of our roots planted in traditional Islam. We do not eat pork, well, other than bacon and sausage. I mean what the hell, we may be religious, but we’re not religious nuts!! Some Islamic groups become a bit violently fundamental. We are not vicious, but we do defend our practice and faith. While we do not belong to Al Qaieda we do have a group known as Ore-Ida.
We don’t kill infidels; we merely attack certain people by hurling steaming, fully loaded baked potatoes at them, or beating them over the head with scorching hot bags of waffle fries. We don’t target people based on faith, we target anyone who is an asshole.
If we live a pious life based upon our beliefs, or die while performing tater-cide upon an asshole, we do not go to heaven and receive 72 virgins. We go to heaven and receive unlimited Wild Irish Rose and 36 prostitutes. I mean why should we receive 72 amateurs for all of our work? So says, the Great Eddie.
So folks, I hope you provide me with your tolerance of my conversion and my faith. Until tomorrow, this is Ali-Bagwine bin Matt-Man bidding you peace and Cheers!!
Note: Diva Dee over at "So Many Blogs, So Little Time" reviewed my site yesterday. It thought it was accurate and if I had the tech know-how I would put her advice into place. To read the review click HERE. May Eddie have mercy on your soul Diva!!
You are totally off your rocker.
Schmoop: I'll take that as a compliment.
You should!!
I'm joining your religion...mine's too stressful! :(
Deb: We would be glad to have you aboard. You can be our Lebanese Caliphate!!
Heretic!!! How dare you turn from the true path of the church of the mobile soul and its principal deity: The Great and Undefeatable Dust Bunny
Retribution will be ours. Even as I speak Dust Bunnies are gathering under your furniture, ready to give you a swift bout of hay fever.
Jamie: I am disappointed in you. May the pancreas of Eddie fill your soul with love, and assuage your hate...In Eddie's name I pray, "Cheers, and may the Rose be upon you."
You slay me, friend.
Shalom, Pax Vobiscum, and all that jazz.
I would never slay you, but I might julienne you. Cheers and Pax Vobiscum to you Songbird.
yeah but...MY potato gun is bigger than your potato gun...
ore-ida....laughing laughing laughing
Katherine: The mere mention of a potato gun has forever endeared me to you. Thanks and Cheers!!
You know what you need in your religion? A miraculous virgin. But I know your audience and you ain't gonna get one.
Therefore, on the basis that I have not gotten laid in nearly 3 years I would like to offer my services as a Miraculous Almost-A-Virgin Again. You bring the WIR, I'll bring the Tater Logs.
Mind you I am light on the miracles cause that 3 years has left me a bit cranky :P
Starrlight: You can be our quasi-virgin. I'll bring the Rose and the vibrating stable. Just one question, what are you going to miracuously give birth to?
I do believe that the WIR has totally turned your brain to mush.
Dixie: Blasphemer!! WIR is the blood of Eddie. Repent or you may be on a scheduled Potato Hit!!
So, I need to know...if I touch your garments, will I be healed miraculously? I mean, if Jesus can do it, can you?
If so, I'm in line right behind Schmoop!
Songbird: Unfortunately, if you touch my garments, you get a case of cirrhosis of the liver. But you will enjoy the ability to enjoy the afterlife drinking without a hangover!!
Matt-Man, I know you well enough to know that your conversion will be short-lived. While you may continue to drink the WIR, Fast Eddie will lose his meaning, and you will begin eating your Ore-Idas (with HAM) rather than performing your tater-cide mission. I just want to let you know that I'll be here for you when you lose your religion.
I would think the WIR would guarantee you at least 75 virgins - not the standard 72...
Aisby: While you know I just love you to death, I am saddened that you have become my Judas Isacriot. Eddie be with you my friend. Repent and Cheers!!
I see no mention of SPAM... not one freakin mention of the sacrificial meat-by product....NOT ONE FREAKIN MENTION!!!!
I am totally disappointed and will be going on a religious retreat to decide how to take down such an disreputable religion
Picere: If you are drinking Rose, ONE woman seems like 96. Cheers and thanks for stopping by!!
I see you did not even bother to try and write Hasa Mala Lekem or whatever it is.
Bond: SPAM is irrelevant, as it is not really pork, beef, kosher, or any actual meat of any kind. You are free to consume it without edict, pro or con.
Sparky: The only Quasi-Arabic we chant is, "Salami, Salami, Baloney" Cheers!!
So, does this mean you'll be reversing your circumcision?
And congrats on the great review, btw!
I'd join your religion but I'm too deeply involved with the church of St. Christopher (Walken.
And my god is better than your god.
So there.
Should we go to war with each other, now or what?
Lizza: I will reverse it as soon as Tom Jones converts to Bagorism. Thanks on the review and more importantly thanks for the shout out today. You have always been very kind to me, my friend. Cheers!!
108: We need not fight. I love Christopher Walken, and do a pretty fair impersonation of him. Let us join forces. Cheers!!
Hmmm.... allies. I'm on board with this as it could bring us all one step closer to achieving world peace. Excellent.
108: So be it. The Walken-Bagorian Pact has been cast. After all, drunk AND funny while dancing, is the only way to go through life. Cheers!!
I love how you are forever changing your image oh Ali Bagwine bin Matt-ilda! I shall bring my potato gun, my bag of ore-ida tater tots and partake of the WIR. slalom.
Lisa: If you do that, please let me be the altar upon which you pray!! Shalom!!
Well, it seems to have gotten you out of that red robe at least!!!
Ali-Bagwine bin Matt-Man
does it make me a terrorist
to say I'm a fan
one who can't resist
the wisdom of Bag'ran?
The red robe was holding backmy true faith Odat. I have been delivered.
Mo: Never have truer words been spoken. You are wise indeed. Cheers.
No more pork brata, oh Ali-Bagwine bin Matt-Matt?
You´ve been my 40.000th visitor at coffee2go - celebrating one year of blogging today. Thank you, sweetheart!
Tabassum Alima Saddiya Sibaal Sanni Ghazalah Hani´ah Layla
(Smiling wise lady with long lashes Sanni, female gazelle of happiness, born at night)
I was totally behind this sect until I noted your blatant abuse of innocent, delicious waffle fries.
How do you baptize your followers? I might consider converting, but I'm afraid of what might be trickled over my head!
Sanni; We can always have beef brats. Oh what the hell, brats will be given a dispensation. I must be blessed indeed if I am the 40,000th. Do I get anything special?
Allie: Waffle fries are very resilient, I think their goodness will uphold through the pummeling. Cheers!!
Jamie: Every follower is given a beer bong full of Wild Irish Rose and then dipped into a vat of Alka Seltzer. Quite Refreshing!!
I'm with The 108.. let there be COWBELL!
I'm curious, as I ponder conversion: what's the sect's position on spankings?
Anndi: We encourage spankings, especially amongst adults.
Jillie: Well thanks my tie-dyed siren. Happy HNT to you too as well. Cheers!!
I'm not your Judas, I'm your Ayesha!
Or is it spelled Aisha, I don't know the translation from Arabic.
Aisby; Whatever the spelling, we are happy to have you as the wife of our prophet. Yum-OH!!
Dunno....an intelligent conservative? Compassionate has not worked out so good :P
Conservative!!? Bite your tonuge O virginal one...better yet, let me bite it!!
Good Lord...I pity the poor wife. After dressing up like that...I doubt you ever get laid again on a Saturday night!
Very funny post.
Well I may be good but even I could not birth forth upon our nation that which I described.
So how bout I provide party hats and nipple tassles for the congregation?
As long as you don't do that lalalalala thing..that just drives me nuts ;)
Mr bin Matt-Man Sir, I must confess that I am an infidel. Will you please toss me a fully loaded baked potato?
The waffle fries sound pretty good too. OK - I'll confess that I'm also an asshole. Can you pass me some of those fries too?
Good luck on your conversion.
Matty: The wife? Wife?? Please do not utter such a blasphemous word in these environs. Cheers!!
Starrlight: That would be just dandy. Bless You.
Travis: Butter and Sour Cream headed your way. Cheers!!
Please come by THE COUCH today and help us complete our mission.
Tater-side....so THAT'S what they call what happened to my waist.
Waffle fries would make excellent scars and you could pick your enemies out of a crowd.....
[Hey tomorrow is "change the bedding " day... please return my sheets by then? TY]
Bond: I will be by soon!!
Chhesy: I'll return them to you but rest assured that I'll be wrapped in them!!
Too tired to read all the comments - all I can say is I agree with EVERYONE above and where do I sign up?
As long as we're allowed to covet our neighbours wives (or husbands) then I'm in!
Angell; May Eddie bless you and feel free to covet anybody to your heart's content. Cheers!!
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