Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Fasten Your Seatbelts, We're Goin' Down...

Well, well, well…Yet another Republican stalwart of “traditional family values” has fallen victim to his love for the culture of the ancient Greeks, or as Dubya would say “love for the ancient Grecians.” Three term Senator Larry Craig (R-ID), was busted for trying to solicit airport bathroom sex from a sexy undercover macho man cop.

The picture to the right shows him with someone named Cowboy Rudy. I don’t now who Rudy is, but he looks like a sextagenerian member of the “Village People”.

If only Sen. Craig had listened to Brownsville Station all those years ago, he would know that “Smokin’ in the Boy’s Room” is against the rules.

I find it ironic that this incident took place in an airport bathroom in Minneapolis of all places. I am sure that as soon as the Minneapolis cop identified himself, Craig’s wanker collapsed quicker than the I-35 West bridge!! Fortunately, this collapse will probably only lead to the death of Senator Craig’s political career, and not the deaths of people headed home from work.

I do understand somewhat why he might have done this; the poor fellow lives in Idaho. I mean there isn’t a whole lot shakin’ in Idaho, so when you get to a big city like Minneapolis you can get caught up in the excitement and sexiness of the big city. I mean, one minute Craig is giving a boring speech to potato farmers in Pocatello and two hours later he can fly off and Poke-a-Fello. Can you blame him? All in favor, say “Eye”.

One thing that truly bothers me about this (other than the Senator’s hypocrisy), is that the Democratic party has given away its hold on sex scandals. As a loyal Democrat, I have always been proud that our scandals have involved salacious sex and the Republican scandals have involved boring money scandals. Our political landscape has been turned upside down and I don’t like it.

Think about it…Our last good Democratic sex scandal involved Clinton. That was 11 or 12 years ago. Hell in the last year or so, the Republicans have had Rep. Mark Foley trying to turn Congressional pages, Sen. David Vitter trying to ‘plug the levees’ in Nawlins’, and now Sen. Larry Craig trying to find a hangar for his jet plane within the confines of a Minneapolis airport bathroom. For shame, for shame. All we Democrats have is Rep. William Jefferson hiding $90,000.00 of payola in his freezer. It leaves me cold .

What have we learned from all of this? We are in definite need of a strong third party. The Republicans and the Democrats are no different from each other. Americans need a choice. I think that if we could have a party that specializes in scandals involving the eating of human flesh, that would grab some headlines…Unless of course Lindsay Lohan gets arrested again and/or if the anniversary of Princess Diana’s death anniversary still gets coverage.


Note: Bagwine Staff contacted Alberto Gonzales and asked if he actually resigned yesterday. His answer was, “I don’t recall.”


Natalia said...

I think the republicans are having secret parties at bathhouses and that's where they get their...ahem... "contributions."


Desert Songbird said...

Yes, I noticed that all of the latest sex scandals seem to involve Republican politicians lately. Perhaps the Democrats are getting laid more these days...

So glad you're feeling better and back to your old tricks. It's my turn to not feel well (tho' nothing like you!); I'll probably hang out in bed today again. Sigh.

Schmoop said...

Songbird: I get so turned on when you tell me that you are hanging out in bed. Cheers and Thanks Baby!!

Schmoop said...

Nat: They are gettin alot of "soft" money...

Lee Ann aka Dixie said...

Glad you are feeling better. I do believe that you have passed your freakin stomach bug south... I'm not feeling well today.. kinda sickly... but fear not I'll be back...


none said...

He was arrested for tapping his shoe in the airport toilet. Supposedly a certain number of taps means "lets play hide the salami".

I guess the person in the next stall was gay enough to know the signals but was picky enough not to corn hole the senator. He called police instead.

Still, I don't see why the guy plead guilty, he should have just lied like everyone else...

Marilyn said...

I really should be careful about taking your advice. I guess that voodoo doll worked.

Desert Songbird said...

Note to Hammer: the guy in the next stall didn't need to be "gay enough" to know the signal or call the police - he was an off-duty cop! I would think if his job entailed duty at the airport, he was well informed of all the cues and such; he didn't need to be "gay enough."

Even is he is gay, who cares? He's a cop, he caught the asshole.

Schmoop said...

Dixie: Sorry to breathe your way. Hope you feel better soon.

Hammer: The guy "next door" was a cop. The worst thing of all of this was that upon getting busted, Sen. Craig showed the cop his Senator's business card and said, "What does this mean to you?" Evidently, nothing.

Marilyn: How about some good voodoo involving my future. I'll give ya a percentage!!

Songbird: Hypocisy takes a perp walk. Cheers!! Poor Sen. Craig.

Lisa Ryan said...

in an airport bathroom though? c'mon.
I like the human flesh eating party idea! it would sure bring new meaning to "you're invited to the white house for dinner"

Odat said...

But I thought that's what he wanted to do: "eat human flesh"????
Thanks Matt, I learned a lot today!

Schmoop said...

Lisa: I need to start conferring with you before posting, because I totally missed the "White House dinner joke", and I should have pounced on that. : ) Cheers!!

Odat: Same with you with the "eating human flesh joke." I feel so amatuerish!! Cheers!!

Unknown said...

Well, it's simple really. When the Democrats were losing Congress and every election known to man a few years ago, they were trying to turn into "Family Values/Fiscally Conservative" Republicans in order to scoop up more votes. Now that the Republican machine is leaking votes faster than the anal sphincter of someone who just ate a whole bag of Olestra potato chips, they figure they would do what made Slick Willy popular -- engage in a good ol' sex scandal.

Of course what they're getting wrong is that they're having sex with dudes...

katherine. said...

He pleaded guilty...and now is trying to change his plea....an airport bathroom stall....undercover cop...this whole story is just bizarre.

Schmoop said...

"Sex with dudes"....Ha, you are wise and funny (not to mention) sexy beyond your years Allie. Schmoop wants her Oreo Cakesters back by the way. Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Katherine: Isnt life funny? Well, I am sure it isnt as far as his family goes. Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Katherine: Why havent Clinton, Vitter, Craig, or any of these others learned anything from Nixon!!?

Anonymous said...

Can you blame a guy for wanting his whistle blown? And, I'm wondering if Allie has sex with dudes. Not an indictment, just curious.


Schmoop said...

Nick: I dunno if she does or not. Perhaps you should ask her. Of course, one thing for certain, it appears that Allie is not fond of Olestra laced Potato Chips. Cheers!!

Unknown said...

Tell her that I'll mail her a box with exactly one packet inside. ;)

Anonymous said...

Only one??? Now that's just plain mean!! Those things are the new crack!!

Sparky Duck said...

Poor Sen Craig, this is apparently not the first time he has been accused of going brokeback mountain on his summer vacation. That had to be some wide squat.

Mo and The Purries said...

Clearly, everyone missed the international gay sweater that the Senator was wearing in his picture here with the Mayor of Munchkin City...

Does he represent the Lollipop Guild?


Oh Matty, you had me rolling with the story, but then the "I don't recall" tagline was pure Bagwine magic!
Glad you're feeling better!

Schmoop said...

Allie: You are so covetous. But I still love ya!!

Schmoop: Get over it!! You can only take so much cream filling.

Sparky: I guess you know who your hottie from Idaho is!!

Mo: I am sorry but this man gives all gay men a bad name. And thank you for the "I dont recall" line... Once again you are the only who got it. Cheers my good man.

Unknown said...

Nick and Matt -- Although I haven't done it in several months, I typically do prefer to have sex with dudes.

Cinnamon Girl said...

Yeah reading his denials of his slap and tickle shadow play in the potties I just wanted to say, "Bitch, please!"

Anonymous said...

All I can say is EEEEEWWWWW!!!

or maybe...eeeeewwww!!!


RW said...

ahhahahhahahahahhahaha jeezzz glad that senator don't live in my state "oh wait a minute"

Janna said...

You always crack me up.
I have definitely got to start visiting more often.

Eyezaku said...

good to hear you're feeling better!

Schmoop said...

Allie: only "typically"? Do Tell..

Starrlight: A man full of family values. Cheers!!

CRaZy: You said a mouthful.

Roger: You move there and the place goes to hell.

Janna: Thanks. I have been lax in making it over to yours as well.

Eyechan: Thanks and hope all is well my good man. Cheers!!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Holy crap... I swore i posted here yesterday.... WTF....A good scandal is always an ice breaker for a party.... Give me sex over money anyday...

Now c'mere Matt...wanna go and have some fun in the back corner of the Senate chambers?

Unknown said...

HA... very good.

The Boy said...

He showed the cop his senatorial business card? You know what, I could care less about his playing games with the lad next door, but trying to beat a rap through privaledge THAT is the real scandal.

Mimi Lenox said...

Thanks for the history lesson Matt-Man. 'Tis a bit one-sided on the scandal scale. The Clinton scandal is getting a bit stale.
Why have I broken into rhyme??

Are you contagious? Did you give me a fever? My mind is doing strange things. Well, stranger than usual.

Hysterical post.

Laura said...

“Be Careful: The guy in the next stall might be a Republican." Apparently it's the next viral sticker campaign for mens rooms.

I liked the "I don't recall." too! Very nice.

For some reason, I really want an Oreo Cakester now.