Simpson is being pilloried for merely trying to get some of his stuff back…some photos, personal affects, a simple autographed pigskin, yet one that is full of memories and sentiment to the Juice. Is that so wrong? No, I say.
This man has served more than his share of his punishment by being slandered and libeled for a murder he didn’t commit, by being hounded by the late Ms. Simpson’s Boy Toy family, and by being thwarted in his attempts to find the real murderer(s) of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman.
The man should be able to live out his life without all of this media and over-zealous law enforcement circus. Oh sure, Charlton Heston would probably say, “Shoot the damned dirty ape”, but the real Moses would say, “Release my OJ from bondage.” And this coming from a big Jew who would typically support the alleged “sting victim” on a 75% mark up of an autographed jersey.
This whole OJ incident is a complete set-up, and that is not only my opinion, but it is Simpson’s as well. I shouldn’t tell you this, but OJ called me last night, and he expressed to me how unfair that all of this is. I swear I heard him begin to weep. He and I are pissed because no bail has been set. I mean c’mon is OJ really someone who would try to flee? I don’t think so.
More than being shook up by the charges OJ is more upset of his arrest video. He pointed out to me that if you look at the video, it is evident that he is developing man-breasts. In a soft, somewhat embarrassed voice he asked if I would send him a bra to help support his burgeoning boobs.
When I asked if he was sure that I should send it, he said, “Matt-Man, my nickname has always been the “Juice”, I don’t want people to start calling me “2%.” I hear ya, my friend. Consider your Playtex form fitting bra on the way, 32-B, baby.
Our phone call was brief but he did ask me to keep up the hunt for his late wife’s murderer while he was incarcerated, (he’s very sure that the murderer plays a lot of golf and that’s why OJ hangs out at so many country clubs) and then he once more got very emotional. He said to me, “Matt-Man, please get my message out. Just as Rodney Dangerfield said all of those years ago, “Cant we all just get along?” That’s all I’m askin’.”
So my friends, I am asking all of you to contact the Las Vegas Police Department and demand the release of our friend and American Icon, OJ Simpson. He needs your love and support more than ever. Sure, someone may get unfairly charged with a crime once, but twice? This isn’t coincidence, it’s a witch hunt, and certain forces in this country are just tryin’ to keep a brother down.
Don’t let it happen again America, help me to free OJ Simpson because he isn’t a criminal, he is the Rosa Parks of football player turned private investigator and he deserves a seat on the front of the bus.
UPDATE: We are making a new concoction tonight. We will be making "Hamburger Helper Burgers", oh there will be pictures at some point. Cheers!!
No frickin' way he's a 32B - more like a 48D at least...
He's gonna get a seat on the bus alright ... but not the one he wants ... He should have had that bus seat years ago...
I agree with Desert, at least a 48D... ;-)
Man boobs! haha! It's not like he killed anyone or anything like that...geez! Get off his case already! ;)
Songbird: Okay, but why do you have to emabarrass him?
Dixie: They did have a bit of the jumblies didnt they?
Deb: Damn straight, cant anybody see that this man is the subject of a witch hunt!!?
He's pretty wide.... I'm going with the 48....
108: Fine....a 48 it is. But you guys should have emailed me this info so OJ wouldnt be offended and embarassed. Thanks, Cheers!!
Matty, I was referring to the bus going to The California State Prision where he should have gone years ago...Witch Hunt my eye!!!
*digs out voodoo doll*
Dixie: I know you were, but I am appalled. After all, the glove didnt fit. OJ is a free and innocent man, as he should be. Forget the blood, and the inherit bad attitude!! I wont listen!!!!!!
I hope he FINALLY gets to be someone's prison bitch, after all these years. Don't think he's gonna be able to afford to hire Johnnie Cochrane from beyond the grave or his earthly equivalent.
Allie: Will he hear the following from his cellmate: "If my dick dont fit, you must submit?" Cheers!!
LMAO!! Very nicely done.
OJ is what happened when the police try to frame a guilty man. Two positives produce a negative.
Allie: Ha...I appreciate that coming from you...you know, since you have had a lot of prison sex.
Jamie: Hi Jamie!! Justice can be such a whacky thing cant it? Cheers!!
Are you going to send the Juice a t-shirt that says "Not From Concentrate"?
Mo: If he stays in jail for awhile I'll send him a shirt that says, "Fresh Squeezed...Ask Me How."
I'm with songbird - no way on the 32 --- at LEAST a 42, but maybe a C-cup?
And did you also have the same amount of love for Michael Jackson, when he had his legal woes?
I would have had as much love for Michael Jackson during his troubles, but I think I am way too old for his tastes. Cheers!!
His Moobs are bigger than mine!
Seriously though, I am looking forward to seeing him in prison.
I heard that Matt is leaving tonight for Vegas to rent a white bronco.
(rodney dangerfiend....laughing...)
Starrlight: Does that mean that you are already there?
Katherine: Gas is too expensive. I'll spring him using a white Prius!!
""I mean c’mon is OJ really someone who would try to flee?""
Yes but well--not very quickly ;-)
TB: He is just like the Turtle against the Hare....Slow and steady wins the escape!!
If he flees... that 94 bronco is good for at least 10mph ;)
Oh, the saga continues doesn't it?!
Just wanted to let you know I stopped by. Cheers!
I'll go with the 32.....we are talking I.Q..right?
There are times when I have no idea what to say to one of your posts.
This is one of those times.
Oh my god, I just thought of something....
What if OJ IS the real killer??
Could it be?
I wonder if anyone else has thought of that...
You write very well.
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