--Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
When I read Mr. Rumsfeld’s quote (which is obviously spoken in the Cro-Magnonese language) I feel that this quote should be in all dictionaries and thesauruses as the antonym for the word…“clarity”. I don’t know about you, but I like clarity…Clarity in actions, clarity in words, and clarity of purpose. Knowing what people are actually doing, saying, and what their goals are, makes me happier than Paris Hilton finding out that her test for syphilis came back negative. Truth, Clarity, and the American Way…That’s good stuff.
Now, I understand that things cannot always be perfectly clear. There is always a chance that informed speculation, insightful prediction, and many times a gut feeling come into play when expressing a statement, position, or policy. I can accept that and expect that from adults, especially from people in prominent positions.
With that said, one thing that has impressed of late is that my twelve year old son Ryan has matured quite a bit of late and has honed his skills of informed speculation, insight, and yes, clarity. Nearly every time I go over to see Ryno he is shooting hoops in the driveway. I will say, “Still working hard I see.” He will respond, “If I do Dad, I may make it to the NBA or at least get a scholarship.”…Well planned out son.
Last month his mom had a birthday. A couple of weeks prior to it, I asked him what he wanted me to pick up for him to give to her. He said, “Could we pick up the DVD of "Wild Hogs" for her”. When I asked him why, he said, “She has seen the commercials and it makes her laugh.”…Good observation son.
This past Saturday instead of playing basketball all morning he asked if I could help him study for his math test that took place yesterday. He said that if he got off to a good start, it would make things easier as the school year went on and he would be able to concentrate on basketball and still get good grades…Purpose + Action = Mission Accomplished. Excellent Little Man!!
I picked Ryno up from school yesterday and I asked him how he thought his Math test went. He told me that he was well prepared because he and I had gone over the test material and that he felt confident that he did very well. I smiled not only because he was sure that he did well but also because his statement proved that when purpose, planning, and action come together, it results in a clear and succinct response.
Upon returning home, I turned on the news and watched the Senate question Gen. David Petraeus on the progress in Iraq. Senator John Warner twice asked him if the current strategy in Iraq will make America safer. After dodging the question the first time, Petraeus answered, “I don’t know actually…” My mood went from the glee of a proud dad to that of a cynical SOB.
General Petraeus, if my son can provide me with his clarity and purpose, you more than anyone need to do the same. You need to provide it to me, the American people, and most importantly to those men and women who are serving and dying within the crucible that is Iraq. Suck it up, give us the truth, and yes, I can handle it. Give us some clarity damn it!!
And now folks if you’ll excuse me, I have to speak with the Homeland Security agents that are at my doorstep…Cheers!!
NOTE: Check Out The Mo Show Tonight At 7 EDT...For Details Click HERE
Did you have DNA tests done on Ryno? I mean, really, because DAMN that kid is smart! Oh, wait, maybe he has a really smart girlfriend whispering in his ear! That's the only time my boys tried to impress anyone with 'Intelligence'
Ay yi yi. Nice quote Donald.
Way to go Ryno! Don't ya love it when your kids impress you?
Metal: No DNA Test needed. If you saw the two of us standing side by side singing Tom Lehrer songs you would have no doubt that he's mine. Cheers!!
Lisa: He impresses me everyday. However since he is really closer to 13 maybe comparing him to Rumsfled and Petraeus was unfair to those two. Cheers Irish Lassie!!
I think Rumsfeld and Miss Teen USA South Carolina would get along famously as such, you know.
If a he admitted to knowing anything he might actually be held accountable *shudders* besides, saying 'I don't know' is closer to the truth than saying 'yes'...
I really don't know
I guess we are all just fucked
Petraeus unbound
Anndi: I think saying I dont know is closer to saying "No". If he had hope it was working he would have siad "at this point things are going our way." Cheers you vixen you.
TB: I know we are fucked and have been for a few years and as far as "Petraeus Unbound", very clever !! Cheers...
well Ryno obviously takes after Daddyo in the brillance department.
I don't believe it is a good thing when I heard Petraeus yesterday and I actually had to laugh uproariously.
Sparky: Thanks and my emotions listening to Petraeus went from laughing at the non-answer to saying to myself, "Dude, What the fuck?" Shouldnt he have some idea? Cheers!!
Again you attack my Party. I spit at you and your liberal ways.
Now Jane, please pass the apple sauce
I'm with Turn... we are all just fucked...literally.
I'm so sick of this Bush Administration I could just spit... *spits*
Reagan: It was more a comment on common sense...and secondly, how do we know that you and Jane are in the same place?
Dixie: I agree. I hope things turn around while Matt is in the Corps. Cheers!!
I'm really liking your Daddy personna....
while I agree Rumsfeld truly perfected the art of the sidestep...the question to Petraeus was inappropriate.
He is not the one to ask if stategy in Irag will make America safer. That is not his job. His job is in Iraq. His "marching orders" at this time are to give his report on the progress of the American Military in Irag. And if you watch him respond to the questions (or read the trasncripts)...he is doing a superior job of that.
Petraeus is not a press secretary or a politian...he is a leader of soldiers. In a conflict which is unpopular. To hold him accountable for the US being involved is ridiculous. It was not his call. To ask him for his opinion...and then to skewer him for it...is grandstanding for a soundbite.
grandstanding and side stepping make me vomit...well except for:
Matt, I really don't believe he can guarantee that any statement made would hold the 'truth' as people imagine it to be. And there just aren't any absolutes in this.
It would be foolish to presume that all threats to America come from Iraqi soil. And that by any one military campaign, life will be safer in the US (or anywhere for that matter).
The world is a far too complex place. People are looking for The Boogeyman. He just doesn't exist.
(The closet monster that feeds off socks and the one eyed creature that lurks under the bed and waits to suck your toenails off when you put your lovely pedicured foot on the floor however...)
Katherine: First of all, thank you for acknowledging my "Daddy persona". I love my son more than anything. With that said, here is my response to your well thought out comment...
Petraeus was indeed the one that Republican Senator John Warner should ask about whether our strategy in Iraq is making us safer. The Bush Administration has said, that we need to be in Iraq so we dont have to fight the terrorists here in America.
Bush has claimed that Iraq is our major battle in the War on Terror, and since Petraeus as you said, is in charge of that battle, he should have some sense as to how well it is going and how that success or failure translates into our country's safety.
I also disagree with you on another point. Petraeus is more than a General. In the complicated situation in Iraq, he is, and has to be, a de facto politician, diplomat, and PR guy as well, just as Eisenhower was prior to D-Day.
To say "I dont know" if we are safer is a bit unnerving. I am not blaming him for what is going on, but I would expect a genuine response as to our nation's security related to his actions. If he really doesnt know, I find that a bit scary.
Aside from that, I love the debate and please keep it coming.
Anndi: As I suggested in my post there are sometimes where informed specualtion is fine. If the surge is working in Iraq and things are "improving" why couldnt he say, "Yes we are safer than we were prior to the surge."
If we arent, what is the frickin point of being over there?
What Katherine said - she's right. Petraeus is a good soldier in that he has orders and he follows them. He implements them to the best of his ability, but as to whether or not he should divulge the "bigger picture" is not for him - that is a question for the Commander in Chief and the Joint Chiefs.
Ryno is a very insightful young man. You've got a gem there, Matt.
Songbird: You women stick together!! Are you saying that a General divulging whether we are safer or not is something that the American public shouldnt know!?
Thanks for the Ryno comment, though. Cheers and I hope you cheer up as best you can.
A question for the Commander in Chief? Was he not the very man who said he would look to his Generals and Commanders on the ground to get a better picture of what the Iraqi landscape was like before making any decisions about troop withdrawal?
If a General on the ground is saying "I don't know," then how exactly is that supposed to give our CiC the information that he claims he needs in order to make an education decision? If ANYONE is supposed to have the information on the effectiveness and results of fighting this war, it's should be the people (i.e. the Generals) who are enacting the strategies.
Of course, this is in assuming that our CiC is even capable of making educated decisions. A bad assumption on my part, given the events of the last, oh, 7 years...
Allie: Thanks for chiming in my friend. If Iraq is the focal point on the War on Terror, and things are improving there, shouldnt we find ourselves incrementally safer?
Oh just fuck it, and pass me a Stoli and Cranberry Juice. Cheers!!
Nebulous responses like this are par for the course with this administration, but they are easy enough to interpret: failure to respond clearly generally means that there is nothing positive or truthful to say.
Allie: Petraeus could have just quoted the Commander in Chief:
"We're kicking ass." --George W. Bush, on the security situation in Iraq, to Australian Deputy Prime Minister Mark Vaile, Sydney, Australia, Sept. 5, 2007
Boo Yah!!
Stephen Colbert framed that quote beautifully the other night and called it: A 3-Word Gettysburg Address.
To keep me on point…the subject is the questioning of General Petraeus. Not if you agree with the Bush Administration. Not if you think the war in Iraq is right or wrong. Valid questions all. But lets not muck up the subject at hand.
Is the objection to Patraeus’ answers an objection to his information…or an objection to his job? Petraeus is not there to give his opinion. We are not reading his blog. He is reporting on military activity. Are his detractors discounting his actual information? Or are they discounting his military objective …the orders he has been given? He is a MILITARY general. Even if you want him to play other roles (like Ike) he SHOULD NOT. Especially while testifying to Congress for crying out loud.
For Petraeus to be asked the question of is what you are achieving making The United States safer is a set up for political partisan gain…grandstanding for the media.
If he says, “No” then they will be all over his ass for failing in his duties and uselessly sacrificing American and Iraqian lives. If he says “Yes” then the next time there is any terrorist attack on any American from anyone, he will be labeled a liar under oath in front of Congress. (is that treason punishable by death?) And you have to know there will be a next time.
Do his detractors not think he is unqualified for the job? Cause if so…they are either derelict of their duty or fucking idiots cause they selected him for his position.
SEVEN MONTHS ago, Petraeus was confirmed WITHOUT a single nay vote on 26 January 2007. 81 votes yea - 19 did not vote…not an unusual percentage. Those who VOTED YEA for Petraeus included: Clinton H, Obama , Kennedy, Feinstein, Schumer, Durbin, Reid,
Levin…recognize any of those names from the recent media coverage??? Petraeus was the man THEY wanted for the job…just seven months ago.
Does anyone think that crippling Al Qadea in Iraq will not make it safer…not just here…but in the world? There is no debate by anyone that Al Qaeda is active in Iraq. There is no question Osama Bin Laden orchestrated in his position with Al Qaeda the terrorist attack on 11 September 2001 on the United States and the murder of almost 3,000 citizens…non-combatants (I’ll concede some victims at the Pentagon were military…but most were civilian employees.)
In MY opinion Bin Laden (if he is actually still alive) is in Pakistan cause that is the only place he can hide without being turned in. If he tried hiding in Iraq…we would have his ass by now. General Petraeus is in command in Iraq. Not in Pakistan. Not in Afghanistan.
Here is a question…does anyone really think that if all military of the United States of America were to come home…and never cross our boarders again….that Al Qadea…and others….would end the quest to take away our freedom and destroy our way of life? No. They are NOT of the “live and let live” mentality. They are of the jihad-ist mentality. They want to get rid of us on our soil…in our country. They want us out of existence. Period.
Okay now I’m off point. I’ll make you a vodka/cran Matthew…but I’d like a bourbon….maybe a double.
Dear... he can report if they are in fact making progress over there.. but W is the one who claimed that what goes on over there will make America safer. Let the idjit answer that question...
Oh.. did 'The shrewd one's' momma like the DVD?
And you really do like it when we women get all sticky...
Allie: Stephen Cobert is so damn full of truthiness!!
Katherine: I'll respond to YOU after I take a shower. I think better when I exfolliate with my luffa sponge.
Anndi: I want Petraeus to respond because as you said, Bush is an idjit. I want my info from one in the know. And yes, the thought and vision of sticky women makes me HOT...
Let me go shower and think.
Side note….regardless of where your opinions fall, Anderson Cooper has been delivering some interesting reports from Iraq, both on his television show and on his blog:
Cooper Blog from Iraq
this specific post speaks of how the Sunni leaders in Yusufiyah are recently turning away from (and turning in ) the al Qaeda extremists and establishing relations with the American troops. I found the final few paragraphs an excellent example of what is going on in Iraq at this time.
(just the THOUGHT of you in the shower......)
Katherine: As I am now clean and exfoliated and shall respond...
I think the questions were perfectly fine. Doesnt success equate into increments of more safety here?
Whether Petraeus answered yes or no, does not impart some chance of a treasonable offense. He was merely asked his opinion based upon his own report. And not by any "grandstanding" Democrat Senator that you mentioned but rather by a Republican Senator who has nothing to gain because he is not running next year.
I am not debating the merits of the war, but our military leaders sure as hell should know if we are moving towards a safer country.
AC has been doing a good job, and as far as the Sunnhis fighting Al-Qaieda, they were never on the same page. That's why AQ wasnt in Iraq prior to our invasion.
Now a more important question...Do you need water or ice with your Bourbon?
Anndi: Clean as a whistle inside and out!!
all by itself...as God intended.
How come we never hang out anymore?? What happened to us??
This Rummy quote always makes me spit coffee out of my nose.
Katherine: Good Woman...Irish by any chance!!
108: Maybe Rummy has brought us back together!!
Hmmmmm...perhaps this new reality show about kids making their own government is actually not so silly an idea after all.
Good on ya Ryno!
Rhyno could be a write in canidate for president.
I draw offense at comparing Rummie to Cro-Magnonese language us caveman have feelings to ya know "OOGA BOOGA"
*sits back, sips her margarita and nods* You know, I'd always heard about these unknown knowns, which are more extemporal to the mere known unknowns than the unknown unknowns, which are known to be unknown to all but the known known unknowns. Thanks for clarifying US politics for me, Mr. Matt-man. *kiss*
Your boy is so admirable, Matt. Level-headed, practical, and cute too. Cheers!
Travis: I had the same thought my good man!!
Marilyn: Maybe so, but I think he is over qualified.
Roger: HA...A thousand pardons Roger.
Coco: My pleasure and thanks for stopping by. Cheers!!
Lizza: Are you saying that my son has a flat head!? ; ) Cheers to you as well.
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