Over the past five years (now six) there has been speculation about the “real” story of who was responsible for the attacks of September 11, 2001. Some conspiracies out there are that our own government did it, or Israel initiated it, and of course the Bush administration’s position of, “It doesn’t matter who did it, as long we say “Saddam Hussein” or "Iraq" as many times as possible when talking about "9-11.”
I have a very good idea who master-minded the attack. I came up with the answer after asking myself, “Who profited from such an attack?” Osama? No, all he has gotten out of the deal is a lifetime of cave dwelling. The hijackers? Helloooooo…DEAD. Oh sure maybe they got their 72 virgins, but I am certain that there is a reason why they are virgins....they're butt ugly.
Perhaps, President Bush? I don’t think so, because three of the four attacks were successful in terms of their intent. This shows proper planning and execution of the plan. This of course, is quite the opposite of this administration’s history concerning Military and Foreign policy efforts.
So, who does that leave? Who’s dried up career is resurrected every time a national tragedy occurs? Ladies and gentlemen, scroll down and look no further than Branson, Missouri...you will find the culprit….

That's right, Lee Greenwood!! The man who rakes in royalties from his song "Proud to be an American/God Bless the USA". I have a feeling he was also the brainchild behind the first Iraq War. As you know, you can't go to war without a rifle, a mess-kit and Lee Greenwood. Nice try, Lee, but the Matt-Man is on to you and my next step is to call on Oliver Stone.
You just may be right about that!
You made me chuckle,man!
Odat: Peace to you and I hope a peace for everyone at some point. Cheers!!
Metal: Thanks...Sometimes when things are so incomprehensible, humor is the only way to keep from going crazy. Cheers!!
It's a conspiracy, man, I'm telling you. A record company conspiracy.
Songbird: I knew you'd come around to my line of thinking ; ) Cheers Baby.
Funny AND smart. I think you're on to something.
your a mad genuis Matt!
Never would have thought of that...
You so smart.....
Lisa: Thanks Lisa...If only I could put my smarts to something profitable!!
Roger: Thanks, have some grog.
Dixie: My mind is always churning, much like a milkshake machine.
LOL Matty--thanks for making me smile
TB: Making you laugh is why God put me on Earth. ; )
Oliver: HA!! Good One Haircare!! Bee-yoo-tee-ful...
hahahaa... Lee Harvey Greenwood. I love it! lol
Great blog. I hate that guy. He is an Aural Terrorist.
Allie: I dig his patriotic jacket. He's so sexy.
I needed a smile today, I can always count on you for that. Usually it's because of something stupid you did... ;)
I am with Allie, the chest thumping nationalist jingoism freaks me out.
And WTF is up with his head? Is it just me or does he look like a Human/Conehead lovechild?!?!
laughing...ah MattMan...I always appreciate your mind.
Uggh. I forgot this post and had to scroll down and then it all came back. And now I have that heinous song in my head. That's one smoking leather jacket that man is wearing, though! And them tight jeans. Rowr-rowr!
OT - Matt, I heard the new Mark Knopfler single in the car this morning. I couldn't figure out what he was singing. I sounded like "Polish the Monkey" but, sadly, no, he wasn't making euphemisms about masturbation. Wait a minute, it was called, "Punish the Monkey" so I guess it's possible he was...The new CD comes out next Tuesday.
I KNEW it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anndi: Always glad to help out even if I am being stupid!! Cheers...
Starrlight: Every freak has his day...only this one has gotten more than his fair share!!
Katherine; Thanks and likewise!!
Laura: How could I not post it again, Lee is a true American Icon. Thanks for the tip on the Knopfler CD...I'll be sure to play "If This Is Goodbye" tonight. Cheers!!
Jillie: Good to see ya, and stick with me, I am full of myth busting.
You were onto something here. Plus I think Toby keith drove the getaway van.
Hey Matty...just stopping by to say Hi....even if it's a day of sad memories..hope you're rocking.
Sparky: Toby is primarily a Happy Hour Bar Guy, Lee evokes emotions at football games, NASCAR, and Evangelical conventions!! A Triple Threat!!
Wendz: I hope all is well, thanks for stopping by and I will make certain to not be a stranger to your baguette. Cheers my friend.
They can take our liberties, but they can't take our funnies?
Cheers my good man.
Damn Straight, I Think?
Well the juxtaposition of my repeat from last year my friend... did not see it yesterday, but i laughed today
Thanks Vinny and I'll be by once I FINALLY finish today's post!!
So, like... do the women get 72 virgins also? Cause, you know 2 or three would be plenty. After they are no longer virgins, do they go away? Or do they keep calling and asking when they can see you again?
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