I attempted to post the last couple of days but every time that I tried, a lamprey eel would thrust itself out of my monitor and try to French kiss me. All the while it was singing, “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair.”
I was going to e-mail all of my readers to let them know what was going on, but when I went to type a message, my fingers turned into rhubarb stalks and it was hard to type.
Have you ever experienced sitting down to a plate of spaghetti and the strands of pasta form a noose and attempt to strangle you? Well I did. The government warned me that there might be side effects, but wow, I never thought that I would experience having a conversation with Joan of Arc about what constitutes a “dry heat”.
I never did find out because I kept getting distracted by a vision of Rosie O’Donnell performing a 69 with Oscar Wilde. How he kept that hot cup of Irish Breakfast tea balanced on his head the whole time I’ll never know.
I think I’m a-okay now. I mean it’s been eight hours since I experienced any hallucinations. The last one involved a talking llama who was yelling at me because he thought I stole his new coat, which oddly enough was made from alpaca.
So folks, hopefully I am back to my normal self and have exhumed my body of all traces of lead. Of course, maybe these visions weren’t nearly as bad as reality. After all, my son turns 13 today, and man could that present some real problems.
Until tomorrow, Cheers!!
Okay, now I want to know what you were REALLY doing. ;)
Allie: Okay, I was having a three way with Ann Coulter and Star Jones. Or was that another hallucination? Dear God, please tell me that it was. Cheers!!
Those visions would make lesser men jump off buildings ;)
Hammer: You're right. Just call me Super-Matt. Cheers!!
BUwhahahahaha @ "your normal self"
You are right Matty--the threeway was you, Rachel Ray and Ann Coulter wearing a strap-on. No wait--she HAS a dick.
TB: I would rather be raped inside of a cell at Gitmo by Dick Cheney than have sex with Anthrax Coulter. Okay that may be a stretch but at least Cheney appears to wash what's left of his hair. Boo Yah!!
What I really want to know is did it put lead in YOUR pencil too?
Odat: It did put quite a bit of lead into my "pencil" unfortunately I had a nocturnal emission last night and broke the tip off. Cheers!!
Bond: Thanks for the B-Day wishes, but did you really have to use Schmoop and Rosie's name in the sentence let alone putting that vision into my head? Cheers!!
flashbacks? LSD?
do you catholics have bar mitzvahs ?
welcome to the world of teenage parenting...
Welcome back to cyberspace, Butt Head.
And happy birthday to the Man Child. Now you'll lose what's left of your hair.
"a lamprey eel would thrust itself out of my monitor and try to French kiss me. All the while it was singing, “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair.”
Sounds like the next Christmas gift hit! Better than the singing Billy Bass! It should definatly have a lead painted face!
Happy b~day Ry!! Wow teenage parenting... these posts should get interesting!
Happy Happy Birthday, Ryno!
And Happy Reincarnation, Mr Matty! =)
GAH!!! That Threesome! Lord God please remove that image from my mind. Matt can stay but the other two? Yikkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeee
Katherine: Catholics dont have bar mitzvahs we have Open Bars!! Cheers!!
Songbird: Thank you Butt Head, and yes my hair depletion will no doubt quicken its pace. Cheers!!
Cheesy: New from China, "The Elated Eel" full of song and full of lead, just in time for Christmas. Get one for your favorite kid.
Sanni: I thank you and my son thanks you, and even at 13, if he were to see a picture of you, he, much like his father, would bow to your Teutonic Hotness. Cheers!!
Starrlight: Thank you for leaving me in the picture all by myself. Cheers!!
Happy Birthday Ryno!!
Now go get you some!
What? 13 ????
Sorry, dude! I thought you said 31!!!
Metalmom: If Ryno was turning 31 today it would mean that I was 11 when he was born. I admit I was a stud in my youth, but c'mon. Cheers!!
I hate to break it to you Matt but I've been through the thirteens.
You need more lead.
Thank you Matt Man for your devoted service to the children of this great country! :)
I salute you.
Did someone say "open bar?"
Mimi: I was afraid of that. Cheers!!
CrAzY: Thank you. It's all aboutthe cheeeldren.
Songbird: I knew your ears may pop up on that one...burp
Indeed they did. After all, I'm a good Catholic girl!
You are a selfless and dedicated man. WHere shall we send the flowers after the full effects from the experiments kick in?
Matt-man, I'm laughing WAY too hard to type something funny and witty so I'll just say
Happy Bday Ryno!!
Songbird: In the name of the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirits...
Boy: Keep the flowers away from em, they will die from lead poisoning. Cheers!!
Angell: That's all I need. Cheers!!
"My brain hurts." buwhahahahahaa... you MUST have a brain for it to hurt... BUWHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA
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