Monday, October 08, 2007

Columbus Day: "Land D'oh!!"

Columbus Day…A day when government employees in The U.S. get the day off in honor of an Italian sailor, backed by Spanish money who went looking for a western route to India and “discovered” the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola.

His expeditions were of incredible importance. The voyages of Columbus foreshadowed 500 years of Spanish and Italian naval and military incompetence as well as inspiring future Americans to realize that failure is not failure if it results in looting riches, killing less advanced groups of people, and the spreading of small pox and syphilis. Chris was a 15th Century trendsetter.

Columbus did inspire other Europeans to seek out the New World. In fact if it weren’t for Columbus and the explorers to follow, I would be sitting here in my wigwam, wearing beads, and typing this post in Algonquin. Ironically, if I had to call for tech support because my computer was messed up, I would be an Indian talking to an Indian. Maybe we would actually understand each other. But I digress…

In addition to his slaughter of innocent inhabitants his friendly cultural exchange and moderate sampling of the native resources, Columbus and his rag tag team of Christian do-gooders also passed on some lesser known yet vital quality of life benefits to the denizens of The New World.

For instance, most people do not know that Columbus introduced cows to the natives. Now why is that significant? Let me tell you. In order to keep the natives from bothering the cattle and preventing theft of the bovine, Columbus kept them penned up in an area guarded by a sailor named Giuseppe.

Everyday at noon, Giuseppe would eat his lunch…the same thing everyday. He would eat a semi-circle shaped piece of dough that was stuffed with cheese and sausage. When asked what this delicacy was called, he said, “ I don’t know, but it really helps me to get through working twelve straight hours here in the Cow-Zone.” The spelling may have changed, but to this day it is a staple of fine Pizzeria dining.

Not to be outdone, a gruff sailor named Strom the Sicilian, who had a penchant for getting in fights with those much smaller than him, invented something similar to the Cow-Zone that was loaf shaped. It became to be known as the Strom-Bully. Buono Mangia!!

Columbus and his unselfish courage started a cultural revolution. So today remember his legacy, as well as other explorers who not only helped to spread the love and joy of Christianity to the Western Hemisphere, but other advances as well.

Honor people such as Magellan, who gave us the comfy shoe insert, DeSoto whose early sketches indicate the first drawings of the automobile, and Balboa who invented the movie sequel. Visionaries all!!

To all of you, I bid you Happy Columbus Day…Cheers!!


Desert Songbird said...

After all these months, it has just dawned on me that your genius springs forth most obviously on Monday mornings. Doubtless, this is because of any actions in which you might have engaged during the course of the weekend.

I say to you, "Bravo!" and "Do not cease to partake of the fruit of the vine!" my friend (and in whatever else you might have indulged).

Schmoop said...

Songbird: Thanks and just for your information,

"I say to you, "Bravo!" and "Do not cease to partake of the fruit of the vine!",

Is actaully what Schmoop was saying to me at about 5:45 yesterday afternoon!! Woo Hoo and Cheers!!

Desert Songbird said...

I'm more of a potato juice kinda girl, but thanks for your permission.

So, Schmoop really was shaving her legs, huh? Good sign...

Odat said...

I just never thought of it like this!! ("An Indian talking to an Indian.." ahahahahaha). Thanks for the insignts.

Schmoop said...

Songbird: I dont kiss and tell.

Odat: Enjoy your day off in honor of the Jingoistic Genoan. Cheers!!

Desert Songbird said...

No, you just tease with foreshadowing and then leave us hanging in anticipation and supposition.

Damn - I hate not getting fulfillment.

Marilyn said...

A history lesson! Hmmmm should I use it for our homeschool today? Can you cite your sources?

Schmoop said...

Songbird: Join the Club...

Marilyn: Feel free to use my facts. My source is myself. I have been reincarnated several times and at one point I was a cabin boy aboard the Santa Maria. Cheers!!

Lee Ann aka Dixie said...

Just another reason for the banks and post office to be closed... oh yeah and the kids to be out of school.... ;-)

Hey, maybe I should let Kaitlin read your history lesson and then write a paper on it... she doesn't need to be out of school today.... *giggles*

Schmoop said...

Dixie: And then she could hand it in to her teacher. Nothing like writing about how things REALLY happened. Cheers!!

Desert Songbird said...

Hmm...a history lesson according to Matt-Man. It's a helluva lot better than the dreck that wench out our school teaches our eighth graders...

Anonymous said...

As a Native American this is a day of mourning for me.

But on the bright side... they brought good food!!

Schmoop said...

Songbird: I am the Human "Discovery Channel".

Metalmom: Indded they did bring good food, including Fried Cholera Greens!!

katherine. said...

Here, they call it indigenous peoples day. what the e-ph ever.

I'm native American. I like Columbus Day. (then again...I'm Irish...and I hate Notre

Schmoop said...

Katherine: Even without all of the Native American concerns, I think celebrating Columbus Day is pretty damn stupid. It's like celebrating "Lewis and Clark Day" or "Ponce DeLeon, I Never Found the Fountain of Youth Day."

As far as the ND Fighting Irish thing, you are a blasphemer!! Cheers!!

Desert Songbird said...

Well, you are a Human Discovery. The channel thing is up for debate.

Schmoop said...

Songbird: Sub-Human maybe...

Desert Songbird said...

Perhaps sub-human in body, but definitely superhuman in mind!

jillie said...

I see it as one less day to get bills in the mail. lol...but have no fear, they'll make up for it tomorrow or Wed.


Schmoop said...

Songbird: Why Thanks!!

Jillie: Dont the bastards always make up for it!!? Cheers!!

Anonymous said...

I had to work today...oh, the horror! :p

Spicy said...

why is it everytime I read your post..I get hungry? You should have a scratch and sniff site and make a fortune! Now I have to go make some calzones...or panzerotti's...maybe some loosemeat sammiches...where's that damn recipe when I want it??

Cheesy said...

Wooo hooo for extra days off!

RW said...

Hey didn't the world use to be flat back then? I only ask Matt because you have been reincarnated several times...Oh sorry the fishing has been bad to thats a bummer but still fun to do!

y.Wendy.y said...

Bwabba mabba dabba dooo..

(That was a smoke signal in Algonquin saying "hello again..and where's the pizza I'm starved.")


Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

OK, I have been missing something in my life the last few days and have struggled to figure out what exactly it is...

Well, now I is you my BROTHA

Funny stuff....

Schmoop said...

Cheesy: Always good arent they? Cheers!!

Roger: What do you mean USED to be flat?

Wendz: Howdy Stranger!! Good to see you and consider your pizza on its way. Cheers!!

Bond: Thanks Bond, I hope your Dad is getting along alright. Cheers!!

Lisa Ryan said...

LOL, thank you for filling me in with these history "facts" I never learned in school.

Schmoop said...

Lisa: I try to inform the masses when I can. Cheers!!

Travis Cody said...

Yup. Lies my teacher told me.

Janna said...

Now I'm craving calzones.
Er, "cow-zones."