The accusations of the Roberts’ misusing school funds and political clout, and the rumors of Lindsay’s salacious come to Jesus meetings with underage boys has been too juicy for my sarcastic psyche to pass on satirizing. The number of hits to my site by me doing this has, as I have said, been incredible.
Google referrals to Bagwine Ruminations due to search queries that include “Lindsay Roberts and Underage Boys”, or some form of that, have brought hundreds of hits from people trying to get the scoop on the aforementioned allegations against the Roberts’. Many of these hits have come from areas in the Bible Belt…Alabama, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and North Carolina among others. None of these hits have resulted in any comments on my posts. It makes me wonder…why?
Sure, maybe some of these folks came by out of curiosity, but I am guessing that the vast majority of people who have come by are not only trying to find out the truth about the Roberts’, but whether or not they have been duped by two people and a ministry in which they put their money...and more importantly, their faith.
If the Roberts’ misused dollars that were intended for University and Ministry use, they have in essence stolen money from thousands of generous believers . I find however, that the more egregious affront is that if all of these accusations are true, the Roberts’ have stolen something much more valuable from their donors...their faith.
Faith is a powerful thing. Faith can save a person from drug and alcohol abuse. Faith can help one to become a good parent. Faith can help to make one a better person, and to steal someone’s faith is to me, among the most heinous of all crimes. Should the Roberts’ be guilty of the charges, I hope that they have enjoyed their ill gotten gains, Lindsay’s, shall we say, Ill-Gotten Booty, and enjoy spending eternity in a pit of fire nestled between Rachel Ray and Dick Cheney.
Speaking strictly from a Christian perspective, I have a few words of advice for those who feel the need to follow so-called “anointed religious leaders”. Richard and Lindsay Roberts, Pastor Rod Parsley, Joyce Meyer, Benny Hinn, Paul and Jan Crouch, and Pope Benedict are no godlier than you. In fact, the biggest difference between you and them is that, while you find your faith priceless, these criminals put a price on your faith.
One last piece of advice, instead of succumbing to the demand of donating to your church, take a box of food to a homeless shelter, give a pint of blood to the blood bank, or become a mentor to a child who is at-risk. If you do this, instead of filling the coffers of some religious charlatan, you will be fulfilling the teachings of Christ…and whether you believe in him or not, that’s a pretty good thing.
Cheers, and Keep the Faith
NOTE: My best friend and confidante, Schmoop, has created her own blog. If you get a chance stop by and say Hi. Be nice to her, she is just getting started...You can stop over by clicking HERE.
A very moving piece dear. Very good!
Schmoop: Why thank ya!!
Well said, my friend. There are so many more effective ways to live one's faith, ways that would help fulfill a person's own coffers. Should we all choose to live in such a way, then perhaps atrocities such as murder and crimes of passion would be less prevalent.
Oh, and Schmoop's finally up and online? WOOOOOOOO!
Songbird: I am sure that would be the case. Unfortunately, too many people get in the way of peace.
Yes, Schmoop is worldwide now. Can she handle the fame? Stay Tuned...Cheers!!
Hell...will STAR JONES be there too?!!
Sorry Matt, I couldn't resist :P
And I am going right now to say hi to Schmoop and blog roll her =)
Starrlight: Yes I am sure she will. And if you continue to invoke her name so will you. Cheers!!
'Bout time Schmoop gets her own blog... can't wait to read...
Dixie: As long as she doesnt expose me for what I am, I will be happy to read it. Have a good trip!!
You do a fine job of exposing your own damn self!!!
Do you need an "AMEN"?
Schmoop: You drop your pants in front of an All-Girls Welding School once and you're labeled for life. Wait...you werent talking about that were you?
Odat: Since we are talking about Lindsay "I Brake For Choir Boys" Roberts an "Atta Boy" will do. Cheers!!
Oh Lordy, Schmoop's blog could be a total expose on the life of Matt-Man, you know that, right?
Songbird: I dont think she wants to be that boring. Cheers!!
I got so excited about Schmoop that I forgot what I was going to say!
Meatlmom: Focus Metal...Dont be giving Schmoop a big head. Cheers!!
So, instead of taking food to a homeless shelter, I can just give blowjobs -- oh wait, am I supposed to be like the Christians or not?
And congrats to Schmoop!
Hmmmmm? Blow Jobs for Jesus? Interesting. Only you Mo. Cheers!!
Woooohooo for schmoop!
Jillie: I am sure she appreciates that and I hope things are doing well on your end. Cheers!!
As soon as i hear someone yapping about how much of a "christian" they are the next thing out of their mouth will be about the most un-Christian thing anyone could say. never fails
Schmoop's blog title made me spew water tee hee
TB: The world is full of a goodly amount of phonies. As far as the title of Schmoop's blog, it makes sense because she is always pissy. Cheers!!
Schmoop is already famous...
are you gonna do a post on the most recent Catholic priest to be "caught with his pants down"...or is it just too common place to catch your attention.
Katherine: I gave up on the Catholics long ago. Any group that can try to cover up child abuse and exploitation can kiss my ass. I'm not talking about the good everyday Priests that are out there, but the hierarchy at the Vatican. Sad.
Well.. you are a bog star, no doubt...only to be eclipsed by Schmoop....
I am depressed though...well screw it all...Why bother with doing research! LOL
Cathy: I appreciate the fact that you not only remember but that you have concern for my inflamed anal tissue. CHeers!!
Bond: Research? What the hell are you talking about my good man? Cheers!!
SO VERY TRUE...yes, indeedy. While my husband will sit for while and hurl criticisms at television evangelists, I just can't stand to watch them. It almost seems to be a ribald display of blasphemy - talk about using God's name in vain!
I am constantly amazed at the people who are duped by these charlatans...and it is good to see some of them outed.
Tigger: I do the same thing as your husband...Sometimes I just sit and watch them and hurl expletives at them. And you're right and it is a shame that people get taken in. Cheers!!
Matt-Man for President!! On the WIR Platform of course!
Raven: Since you cant be my First Lady, I'll appoint you Secretary of Oval Office Parties!! Cheers!!
Thanks Matty Me Boy!! If I may be so bold as to use Songbird's nickname for you. No fear Songbird, I will not make this a habit, as I have many, many names for him!! Thanks for making my blog debut stellar! Thanks to all of you for responding. Stay tuned, things just might get interesting!! Thanks again to all.
Schmoop: Ass Kisser!! Good Luck Schmoop!!
your last paragraph says it all, very nice matt-man. goodbye for now while I head on over to Schmoop's new blog!!
Lisa: Thanks Lisa and I am sure Schmoop will appreciate it. Cheers!!
Ah, Schmoop, don'tcha be worryin' about using me favorite endearment for Matty me Boy. I may be in love with him, but it's ye who's got his heart!
Good one Matt (((((applause)))) Give those frauds hell!!!!
Songbird: What's up with all of the niceities today? ; )
Roger: Rock On Roger!!
Whaddya mean today? I'm always nice to you!
I forgot to say, I'm always nice to you, Butthead.
But here's the thing Matt....why are there so many stupid fucking people who still think that these evangelists are actually genuine Christians and really wanting to 'spread the word'?
How many more of these charlatans antics does the world have to witness before someone sits up and says.."Oh..duh..they're evil, theiving, whoring motherfuckers...." and stops supporting them?
I don't get that stupidity..I just do not.Nowadays, if you give money to these monsters, if you trust them...then you are asking for the betrayal...and maybe you deserve it too.
Gawd it all makes me want to hurl.
Songbird: Butthead!!? Now that's the Songbird I know and love. Cheers!!
Wendz: I know exactly what you mean. I think these crooks still prosper because most people in this world WANT to believe in others. They WANT to go to heaven, and these mooches offer them somem kind of hope that they cannot find on their own. Cheers!!
Very interesting post, Matt-Man and oh so true. I agree with your last paragraph. Do something "charitable" with your money yourself! Don't give it to those crooks who will do something charitable for THEMSELVES! :)
Very great words of wisdom in this one. You've hit the nail on the head!
Very well said Sir.
Speaking as a person who rejects religion and has his own personal spirituality that is not based on any sect or creed or any worship of a deity or supreme being, I agree that it is rewarding to give to others less fortunate than you. It comes back to you in cosmic bounty, as taking advantage of those less fortunate than you comes back in cosmic justice.
Cheers my good man.
CrAzY: Thanks, but please, dont use the word "nail" when the conversation involves the Lord!! ; )
Trav: I concur my good man. Cheers!!
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