Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Would You Like A Jihad With Your Bagel?

For those of you who may have missed it in the news, Michelle Malkin is making waves again.

Now Michelle, in addition to being a paranoid, right-wing idiot in general, and a blathering, despicable bitch in particular…

Is also, in a superficial, and less than esoteric way, unpleasing to both the sense of sight and hearing.

She “broke” yet another story last week of shameful American corporate collusion with Islamo-Fascists.

She fingered Dunkin’ Donuts and their spokeswoman, the annoyingly present Rachel Ray as a tool of the “terrorists”.

You see, Rachel appeared in an ad for Dunkin’ Donuts wearing an alleged Keffiyeh, a scarf worn by Arabs and more specifically Palestinian terrorists.

Malkin, whose IQ is much lower than that of the price of a small cup of DD coffee, was shocked…Nay!! Outraged!!

Shit for brains Malkin, stated the following…

“The keffiyeh, for the clueless, is the traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad. Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos…The scarves are staples at anti-Israel rallies in San Francisco and Berkeley.”

Well, anyhow, Malkin made a stink of this, and Dunkin’ Donuts pulled the ad. To which crazy lady stated…

“It's refreshing to see an American company show sensitivity to the concerns of Americans opposed to Islamic jihad and its apologists.”

Oh glory to be to me and the Holy Baby Jeebus, I and my breakfast feel so much safer knowing that there isn’t an IED in my bagel.

Did I say bagel? Damn right I did. DD sells bagels!! A company that is threatening to Islamocize the world sells fricking bagels.

Hell, for all I know Dunkin’ Donuts also peddles a mean Abra-Ham and Cheese Omelet with a side of Moses Toast for a mere 4 shekels every day but Saturday. (see store for details)

Wow…Michelle Malkin is one flipped-out female of Filipino descent who is bat-shit crazy, not to mention the only competitor to Annthrax Coulter for the grand prize winner of "Who Wants to be a Crazy Person?!!"

If Dunkin’ Donuts was promoting Palestinian terrorists or any other kind, they would serve falafels, hummus, and dirt sandwiches.

Michelle, I know that you are married, and have a couple of kids, but c’mon; you need more dick in your life, and less Bill O’Reilly.

Have a great Tuesday, all.

I am taking Ryno to lunch today and it will be videotaped.



Cinnamon Girl said...

Ok. Where do I start. First off, Huckabee has never been near that nice of a piece, ever. Have you seen his family? Holy Moly.

Second...wtf is up with the backwash douche effect in that picture? Is this my fault? The whole Marilyn Matt-son (heh) douche fiasco?

Schmoop said...

Starr: Y'know what is funny...I drop the occasional F-Bomb, and say cuss words once in awhile, but Malkin brings out the expletives in me.

She's a horrid "Human" being. Cheers!!

Desert Songbird said...

Shut up and pass me a bagel, would ya? I feel a jihad coming on...

j said...

You do a pretty good rant Matt-Man!

The fashion statement that scarf made to me was "hiding a hickey in the summer", NOT "terrorism". I am just so Jihad fashion-challenged.

Thanks for the 'sweet' well wishes.


Schmoop said...

Songbird: Ha. I take it you're back. I hope you all had a great time. Cheers Dear!!

Jen: Ha. Hickey in the summer. Oh the memories...And you're welcome, they were great pictures. Congrats again to all of you. Cheers!!

Desert Songbird said...

Yup. Got home Sunday evening.

This flack gives new meaning to "bagel and a schmeer." Or would that would be a bagel and a "smear (campaign)?"

Schmoop said...

Songbird: Not that they needed it too much, but I can see that beach time has refreshed your sarcastic and sardonic attiude. Cheers!!

Dana said...

Ha! I was going to do a post on this fashion faux pas too, but I was more concerned with the fact that Rachel Ray's scarf (yes, it's a friggin' scarf) is not an appropriate spring fashion statement. What *was* she thinking??

Lu' said...

Bitches, bitches, bitches; I like donuts. HA! Anyhoodle I think it is a scarf too. I wonder if during sex she sounds like those screaming meemies in the street, IYEEEEEEE IYEEEEEE? She doesn't have the neck line to carry that look off. A simple necklace would have been better. Maybe a gold cross. I'm sure that would never have been allowed. Oh and what's with the hair :) Matty have a great Tuesday!

Schmoop said...

Dana: It is soooooonot Spring, Dana. Frankly I was emabarassed for her and her and as Mizz Malkin put it, her Hate Coteuer. Egads. Cheers Dahling!!

Lu: Ha. I have done a couple of posts regarding sex and RR. I'll have to send them your way. Cheers Lu!!

Kimmie said...

Malkin is an a-hole and I wouldn't let her take up any space in your head.
As for Rachel Ray...so she has no fashion sense, she can still throw together some fabulous 30 minute meals! One of them being gigantic bacon cheeseburgers. I have never seen burgers that big. I happen to like her and her show. I am sticking my tongue out at you! ;-)

Thanks for stopping by, and the Cheers to my Dad. I appreciated that.

Schmoop said...

Kimmie: RR's ability to make 30 minute meals is exceeded only by her incredibly annoying speech patterns...and innane giggling. Cheers!!

Leighann said...

Instead of pulling the ads they should have bitch slapped the stylist that thought that scarf had any business being seen.

Leighann said...

And maybe a complimentary bitch slap to Rachel Ray for general principles.

Schmoop said...

Leighann: A bitch slap on Rachel? I think I love you. Cheers!!

Leighann said...

You only THINK you love me? How about if I bitch slap her while topless??

Schmoop said...

Leighann: Oooooo, Baby!! My love has turned to unbridled LUST. Cheers!!

Lex Valentine said...

I love it when you get all worked up. So passionate. RAWR.

Karen said...

I am glad DD pulled the ad. Aside from any alleged Jihad connections, it was an ugly scarf. And now I don't have to look at it.

Schmoop said...

Winter: Ha. RAWR right back at ya Baby. Cheers!!

Karen: It's not so much the look of it...I just wish it had been wrapped much tighter around her neck. ; ) Cheers!!

Knight said...

So the person hired to dress the coffee skank thought it would be funny to wrap her in a ratty scarf. Who the fuck cares? That is obviously something bought at Urban Outfitters.

Anonymous said...

I knew there was a reason I don't watch the news. Not been an issue down here though we don't have a Dunkin Donuts anywhere around here. It's Krispy Kreme all the way! Oh and I'm totally holding you to this whole corn dog and tilt-a-whirl thing!

Schmoop said...

Knight: Ha. Urban Outfitters was mentioned prominently in the article that I read.

However, I can only imagine that J Peterman would have referred to it as, "Urban Jihad Neckwear". Cheers Knight!!

Schmoop said...

Lady Jaye: We don't have a DD either. And as far as the other thing you mentioned?

I am so ready to eat a corndog and ride the Tilt-a-Whirl with ya. Let's do it nekkid. You and I would look good covered in mustard. Cheers LJ!!

RW said...

These bagels are salty!

Have fun afternoon filming Matt.

Schmoop said...

Roger: Enjoy the bagels and will do, Roger. Cheers!!

Unknown said...

Ha Ha Ha! "You need a dick in your life". I know a few women who definitely need a dick!

Schmoop said...

Bina: It's nuthin' to be shy about is it? Cheers Bina!!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

SHEESH... first off..Rachel did not select the scarf the stylist for the shoot did. Could she have said no? Maybe, but some of those contracts call for the 'star' to accept the clothing decided upon by the agency and stylist.

Second off..DD can blow me for cow-towing to this spindly bitch Malkin and the others who shouted over this fashion statement.

To cause a stir over a f**king SCARF...equating it to honoring killers is just incredible....

These chicken-littles all need to have their brains washed out with bleach...but then again, they may like that.

Look, like rachel or not...this is not about her or her scarf...it is about a group of ant-sized minded people who look for ways to drum up support for a stupid war and a stupid administration...

And let me repeat one thing DD you should all be ashamed of yourself for allowing these bigots and hate-mongers to decide your publicity campaigns...you have opened the door to allow this to happen over and over...

May Krispy Kream kick the crap out of you and buy you all out.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

ummm...did I go slightly over the top there?

Jay said...

I'm too caught up in my Michelle Malkin/Rachael Ray lesbian fantasy to comment any further. ;-)

Phfrankie Bondo said...

"Annthrax Coulter"- yer killin' me ovah heah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...ya gotta admit, though: these wacked-out broads are entertaining! Ring-a-ding dong!

desert rat said...

I'm at a loss for anything "clever" to say.

All I can think is WTF? It's a freakin' scarf! Aside from the fact that someone needed to call in the Fashion Police, when did we become so afraid? It's Dunkin' Donuts! How can we read so much into an ad for a freakin' cholesterol bomb and some crappy caffeine?

If food selections and wardrobe choice make for a terrorist then I'm screwed as my fav food happens to BE falafal, baba, pita bread, etc.

Bitch slap, indeed - Where does the line start?

The Boy said...

She very clearly has not spent time in Europe where every pack of continental teenagers has batchs of kids with scarves around their necks, and chic females wear them as fashion takes them in and out.

Mind you, it is a pretty ugly scarf.

Ed & Jeanne said...

Come on now...couple of bottles of Wild Irish Rose and you'd do her! ha ha ha

Schmoop said...

Bond: Don't sugar coat it...Tell us how you really feel. Cheers!!

Jay: You just made me throw up. And no, it wasn't Yum-Oh!! Cheers!!

Phfrankie: Ha. Okay, I'll give ya that. Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Desert Rat: The line forms behind me, but I'll leave you an unbruised piece of skull to slap. Cheers!!

Boy: I see, but only in America do we make a big deal, "Oh, they're gonna kill us" moment out of it. Unbelievable. Cheers!!

VE: No way. Rose can make me overlook ugly, but can't make me overlook a core full of hate. Cheers!!

Tug said...

Take it from someone who is WAY to undersexed - she needs more than a dick.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

You just bring out the animal in me..that's all

Schmoop said...

Tug: Poor thing. Is there anything I can do to help? Cheers!!

Bond: Rowwwrrrr. Cheers!!

Tug said...

Not unless you know a single (hot, rich) guy in CO.


Odat said...

There's nothing left to say!!!
I don't like Rachael Ray.
You can take her scarf, it makes me barf.
And get Michelle Malkin a lay.

(I guess there was sompin to say...I didn''t plan that, it just came out).


Schmoop said...

Tug: I do know a guy in Colorado, who is single, but he's a dickhead. Cheers!!

Odat: And it was a beautiful piece of literature. Bravo to you my friend. Ladies and Gnetlemen....Odat. Cheers!!

Unknown said...

You know there are some who would say that Rachael Ray does have an evil agenda in the works...I'm just saying.

Schmoop said...

Sassy: I have always felt that she is an instrument of evil. Cheers!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Oh come on you love Rachel and you know it :p

Seriously? I could see going on a RR Jihad against her. And sammys.

God I just cringed :P

Jeff B said...

I think the scarf was chosen to help take your attention away from those two hams in her back pocket otherwise know as her ginormous ass!

Jo said...

Michelle is a vicious little pug with no common sense...even if it was a bit of terrorist-shizzle, clearly the worst thing about it is Rachel's wearing it all wrong. She's supposed to pull on the ends until she passes out.

I think they should brawl. Rachel has these weird thigh-ankles that would snap Michelle in half.

Dianne said...

Fuck! I hate when I get here late! Throws the entire saunter of my day way half-ass off balance.

I've been feeling a rage all day today at the general asshatery of the world when - had I come here first - I could have just focused on twit and twat RR and MM and been done with it.

Hope you had a grand old lunch. Look forward to the video.

Travis Cody said...

"...sensitivity to the concerns of Americans..."

Uhm...I can't remember the last time I gave a shit what a celebrity was wearing.

It's an ugly scarf, no matter who wears it. Big fucking deal.

I like to wear a white shirt with a black suit...does that mean I support the Taliban because they flew a plain white flag, and then added some black writing on it?

Let's get a bit of a grip on reality.

I'm much more concerned that DD surrendered freedom of speech to some fear-mongering ditz.

Travis Cody said...

I had a great comment that blogger decided to eat.

So I'll just say this now...shame on DD for surrending freedom of speech to this fear-mongering ditz.

Schmoop said...

Starr: That would be Dee-Lish...We could set her on fire with E-V-O-O. Cheers!!

Jeff: It is quite a rump roast, Jeff. Cheers!!

Jo: I'd pay to see that!! Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Dianne: We had a great time. I hope you are back in the balance things. Cheers!!

Travis: It is incredibly ridiculous. Even I am still shocked by the level of stupid at times. Cheers!!

Sparky Duck said...

Michelle Malkin actually counts for something still??? Who knew

Trukindog said...

I can't hardly believe Dunkin Donuts pulled that add because of that insane bitch and I'd do Rachel...just sayin.

Schmoop said...

Sparky: It's amazing that she still gets any face time. Ugh. Cheers Sparky!!

Trukin: Oh dear God, don't tell me you'd do her. Cheers!!

Cheesy said...

In addition to being a paranoid, right-wing idiot in general~ she pisses in the ocean... now THERE is a travisty~~

Schmoop said...

Cheesy: Ha Good One. Cheers Cheesy!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a NYC native. Several years ago, everyone was wearing these in the street. They were sold by street vendors for $5.00. I'm surprised she didn't have the government come and arrest everyone.

The fear mongering Ann and Michelle spread is unbelievable. When I saw the clip on TV, it said it was started by bloggers, but they didn't mention her name. Figures. They're both crazy. I'm a born again Christian and don't subscribe to either of their ideas. I hate the way they state stupid things and then say all Christians believe it. (Like the stupid comment that Christians perfect Jews.) WT?????!!!!

Yesterday, I wrote a post about 14 of the craziest Ann Coulter clips. I couldn't believe them.

So, when is Ann going to start campaigning for Hillary and the Democrats??? LOL!

Enjoyed your post!

Schmoop said...

Supermom: First of all, thanks for stopping and thanks for the comment.

Michelle, Ann, others out there are just plain creepy. If they really believe that, how do they manage to get out of bed everyday carrying the weight of all of their hate?

Ann's Christian/Jew comment you mentioned is classic Annthrax stupidity.

Thanks again for stopping by, and I'll be sure to swing by and check out your site. Cheers!!

cathy said...

It looks like one of my grannies tableclothes to me.

Schmoop said...

Cathy: Ha...That struck me funny. Cheers!!