Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sitting By The Reflecting Gene Pool

I mentioned briefly in a comment to someone the other day that I hadn’t been able to get ‘round to some of my fave reads of late.

It’s because I have been not only spending more time with my kid, but of late I can’t seem to get him off of my mind when I am home during the day.

Ryno just turned 14 last month, and he is in a word, a hoot. The boy kills me. He’s a burgeoning comedic genius.

He can spot the humor in the smallest everyday things, in other people, and most importantly, in himself.

He has troubles in school. Not because he isn’t smart as hell, which he is, he just would rather socialize and well, not feel the need to turn things in from time to time.

Irritating? Incredibly. But, it is a cross that his mom and I have to bear and deal with from time to time…and school year to school year.

And we do.

Other than that major annoyance along with his inability to remember or relay messages that don’t directly affect him, he’s the best.

The one thing that he does focus upon with the acuteness of a laser beam, is basketball.

He was named one of two captains, and will be the starting small forward for his 8th grade team.

All 5’7”, 125 pounds of him will be the go to scorer for his team this season. The boy can flat out shoot.

His coach, unfortunately did unto me a disservice of sorts. He nicknamed Ryno, “The Masterpiece.”

I asked the R-Man why his coach calls him that and he said…

“Coach told me the other day, that my stroke (shot delivery) was the best he has ever seen. Like a painter painting a masterpiece.”

The name, “The Masterpiece” stuck, and now what am I stuck with?

A 14 year old ego that has become larger than all the heads on Mt. Rushmore combined. My answer to that?

I play him one-on-one and he still can’t beat me…yet.

I guess I would worry about him getting an annoyingly huge head, but he always reassures me with his finely tuned sense of self-deprecating humor.

When I see those things in him, I smile, because I know that he gets both his ego and his ability to bring himself back down to earth through humor, from me.

As I mentioned, he has been on my mind quite a bit of late. I think it’s because, as he gets older, I can see more and more of me in him.

It's as though I am staring into a reflecting pool. I see his youthful face and the ripples in the water all wash back to me.

And, I love it, except for one thing.

He is starting to develop a bit of a formidable and strong willed feeling of independence, just as I did at his age…

Dear God, help us all.



Schmoop said...

Songbird: HA. He has all of those things, but he also has inherited my propensity to procrastinate and(other than when it comes to basketball) a lack of discipline. Cheers Dear!!

Desert Songbird said...

My daughter may look like me, but it is my son whose personality is more like mine: affectionate, lazy, silly. He has a great mind, if he would only apply it more diligently. Gee. Where have I heard THAT before?

Schmoop said...

Songbird: Ha. I have heard the same damn thing all my life. Cheers!!

Jay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jay said...

You know they moved the college three point line further out this year? He needs to keep extending his range.

Maybe someday he can be the next white boy jump shooter who everyone hates cause he plays for Duke? LOL

Schmoop said...

Jay: The dude shoots his threes in the driveway from NBA range. And makes them. The poor disoriented kid wants to go to North Carolina. Ugh. Cheers Jay!!

Desert Songbird said...

Get that boy of yours to IU or Butler. Sheesh! Indiana is THE PLACE for hoops!

Schmoop said...

Songbird: If he's going to the State of Indiana, he's going nowhere but Notre Dame. Screw the rest. Nighty-Nite!! Cheers!!

j said...

Wow! He is really growing up on you Matt Man. I adore quick humor in a kid. My daughters are that way... one can deliver the joke and the other is fast to get the joke. Equals lots of laughter for me.

Encourage that 'art' of basketball. May take him to college one day on someone else's dime.

You are a good Daddy Matt.

Schmoop said...

Jenn: He is sharp witted. And as for the B-Ball, we work on it and talk about the art of it all the time. Hopefully it will lead him to an excellent, FREE education. Cheers Jenn!!

Karen said...

Sounds to me like Ryno's attitude toward school is typical of young men his age. As he matures he will it all out.

He has good genes and all...

Schmoop said...

Karen: Thanks. I dunno...I don't expect him to be exactly like me, but as much as I always cut up and joked around in school, I always got my work done. I guess that's why sometimes I don't understand it. Cheers!!

Lu' said...

Wouldn't it like totally suck if your kid didn't have a sense of humor. He would never get you at all.

Schmoop said...

Lu: I shudder at the thought of him being humorless. But fortunately , he is so damn funny, and it is a bit eerie at times how in sync we are humnor wise. Cheers Lu!!

Ken said...

Not having kids of my own it's hard to know the real feeling of having a son. But I'll never forget that short ride with you two in the front seat two.
I can't believe you made him get in front of the birthday sign for a picture though. Poor kid!

Schmoop said...

Micky: Ha. Yeah, but he knew I made him do that in order to emabarass him.

Funny you mention the short ride home. One of the best times I have ever had with him was shortly before 4th of July, and we made a two hour round trip to Indiana to get fireworks. We never stopped laughing. Cheers Mick!!

Leighann said...

Here's to you and your awesome kid!

Kanani said...

Oh Matt, you are so in for a few rollicking years! I've written about mine today on my blog. Just wait until he wants to drive, starts dating --gotta wonder if the girls will call him "The Masterpiece," too.

Schmoop said...

Kanani: Oh I know it. Driving I am not too worried about, he has fantastic eye hand coordiantion. As for the ladies...

He already says to me, "Dad, the chicks dig me." Oy Vay. I'll be sure to stop over and read about your tribulations today. Cheers Kanani!!

Cheesy said...

It could be worse Matt~~ you could be going down to the school to discuss his mastering of OTHER strokes....

BTW... the one of the 5 cult of cheese kids that did the worst in school??... He is the most successful! High school is not the mold that forms them~

Schmoop said...

Cheesy: Y'know...I knew someone would bastardize the warm feelings of this post by sexualizing the use of the word, "stroke". And lo, and behold, it's you....That's why you rock.

And yeah, as for your one child, as some folks say, "The world is ruled by "C" students." Cheers Sexy!!

Anonymous said...

You forgot Leighanne........

Don't piss her off!

Schmoop said...

Micky: Holy Shit!! How did I miss the Leighann and her ginormous boobies. I feel much shame. Thanks for the tip. Cheers!!

Leighann: Please forgive me for missing you. You may whip me if you'd like. I know I'd like it. A thousand pardons. Cheers Leighann!!

Phfrankie Bondo said... my grandmother used to say, when I started my family: As the twig is bent, so grows the tree...

Schmoop said...

Phfrankie: Did your grandmother write fortune cookies? Cheers P-Man!!

Desert Songbird said...

UND for an education is a fine choice, but when it comes to hoops, as fine as the Irish are, the Hoosiers and the Bulldogs have got it goin' on, baby. Besides, who can afford UND? Hell, who can afford BU?!?!?!

Schmoop said...

Songbird: Indiana would be great if Bobby was still there. As for the Bulldogs? I don't want him to go to Butler school. Why spend his life serving somebody else? Cheers!!

Phfrankie Bondo said...

...she was Italian, thank you very much,and wrote the little messages on the insides of rigatoni....

Dianne said...

LOL at little messages inside rigatoni!! I think there is a market for that in Brooklyn.

I forget already which one of your brilliant disciples said it but ... high school doesn't define us and he will find his niche and be wonderful.

It's so good to hear that humor isn't dying off. Some of these youngins are so flat and boring.

Anonymous said...

He has your hair; at least the way it use to be.

Schmoop said...

Phfrankie: Ha...You are fucked up. I dig it so. And I guess she always gave folks "food for thought". Cheers!!

Dianne: Phfrankie is a funny man. And I don't worry about him finding his niche. And don't get me wrong, he gets decent grades. I just wish he would take life by the horns in ALL aspects of his life. Including academics. Cheers Di!!

Schmoop said...

Anonymous: True...but look at my bald head and see his future. A point I make to him to him everytime he calls me, "Baldy". Cheers!!

Ed & Jeanne said...

I've already started the lottery on what month/year he takes on his dad for comic genius overruler of the world! I think Aug 2020. You have about 12 more years matt-man!

Schmoop said...

VE: In all comedic seriousness...The boy isn't quite as quick and off the cuff as me, and he has yet to discover that less is more, but other than that, he is on track to be a master of Hi-Larity. Ha. Thanks, and Cheers VE!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

I know exactly what you mean, Matt. Kidlet is mini-me. Well at least in an awful lot of ways. She is way more competative than I am, but she totally has my sense of humor. Poor thing =(

Beth said...

He's a great kid babe! I just hope his ego ends up smaller than yours!!! J/K!

Leighann said...

You did miss me, didn't you.... SHAME ON YOU!

I'm taking my bacon and going home!

Unknown said...

Hopefully he'll sign up with the Dayton Flyers for the 2014-15 school year, a Catholic U for sure, just to drive the old man nuts!

Hail Mary!

Anonymous said...

With a fabulous dad like you, how could he NOT be a Masterpiece?

You are both awesome.

Schmoop said...

Starr: He has a competitive streak as well. And if you didn't realize it, I have one that I keep under wraps. Cheers!!

Schmoop: Oh c'mon. How could anybody's ego be bigger than mine? Cheers Babe!!

Leighann: I will always have your bacon, and always will. ; ) Remember Lent? Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Hoot: I love the Catholics. I was a Catholic. If I had a thing for organized religion, I'd go to a Catholic Church. And here's to ex-coach Don Donhaher and the Dayton Flyers. Cheers!!

Giggle: You are too kind. I just have to remember that I always could be better. Cheers Hot Stuff!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Oh I guessed you did. I have one too although I tend to get board with competition pretty fast. Flighty aquarian sign and all ;)

Schmoop said...

Starr: I never get bored with lively competition, however, in true Aquarian form, I don't try to win at any cost. I do, in spite of rumors otherwise, have scruples. Cheers!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Yeah morals suck. They can be so damn inconvenient. Seriously!

Schmoop said...

Starr: I know...That's why I am sitting here naked performing self-flagellation. Forgiveness, y'know. Cheers!!

Jeff B said...

Cheers to The Masterpiece!

Part of that reflection you see in him is a loving father that has been there for him.

Cheers to the Matt-Man!

Leighann said...

I have no idea what you're talking about, now shut your filthy mouth! *snicker*

Anonymous said...'d rather hang with Ryno than US?????

I'm so hurt....

YAY Ryno!

Schmoop said...

Jeff: That was very sweet Jeff. Thank You, Cheers Funny Man!!

Leighann: Let me tell ya...NO ONE (other than Schmoop) has viewed your Lenten well wishes. Cheers Sexy!!

Metal: Well...yeah...I'd rather spend time with him than most adults I know!! Cheers Ba-bay!!

Unknown said...

Straightlaced Don D. And who could forget(if you hung around the Miami "Big' Valley, these "Flyers"?

Tom Blackburn, Coach

and stars "Bucky" Bockhorn, Jim Paxton , Negele Knight, Johnny Davis, "Hammerin Hank" Henry Finkel, Donny May, and Hoot's 2nd cousin Damon Goodwin

Schmoop said...

All great Flyers, but you left one out...Roosevelt Chapman. Boo Yah. The Flyers Rock!! Cheers!!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

A great post Sir...I get to see my Matt this has been too long and I miss him so

Schmoop said...

Bond: Thanks Vin. Have fun with your Matt-Man this week. Cheers!!

Unknown said...

Well Kiss my sunburned butt, I also left out the Reichart boys from my old stomping grounds. Mike and Chris, a couple of Montezuma Muskrats.

Rosey was one of the best, I know I'm missing a few more, especially from the old glory days of the 50s and 60s when the NIT was as important as the NCAA tourney.

Marilyn said...

I hate when they start thinking for themselves. I can never tell if my daughter believes me when I tell her that most people wait till they are thirty to lose their virginity.

Schmoop said...

Hoot: I still follow the Flyers even though they aren't sponsored by Channel 7 and Cassano's Pizza. Cheers!!

Marilyn: Ha. I have and WILL tell him the same thing until he is. Cheers!!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I see you and your new friend are being man-love close these days...

Schmoop said...

Bond: Vinny, such a charge to jealousy. I am SCHOCKED!! Cheers!!

Dana said...

I've been sitting here all day trying to think of something witty or sarcastic to say regarding this post, but I think that because Cam and Ryno are so close in age, all that I can come up with compassion and understanding. I *hate* it when that happens!

Kanani said...

General Observation:
Hilariously so. Who are you going to fight with and sound intelligent with for 8 days whilst Sarge is away?

katherine. said...

the scary part for me was when mine would repeat my patterns of behavior that she never even knew existed...

I remember when they were each fourteen. The girls were intense..the boy...well...teenage boys are the worse smelling creatures on Gods earth.

the next few years will be great...enjoy them...even the crazy times when you just wanna scream.

it really does fly by before you know it.


Unknown said...

A 14 year old ego is still very immature and fragile.

Blessings to the child.

Vodka Mom said...

I love that post. I KNEW you had a heart, tin-man.

Anonymous said...

As funny as you are, these are the poignant posts that tell me what a good person you are.xo~hope