I will be spending tomorrow morning and early afternoon with Ryno, at the SW Ohio District Science Fair.
He’s special. Special indeed. In fact, he should follow President Obama’s lead and enter the Special Olympics.
Oh sure…He can’t be a Special Olympics bowler like the O-Man, but there’s gotta be something at which Ryno could excel.
Ha. The O-Man discovered Thursday night why no sitting President has ever appeared on The Tonight Show.
Why, you ask? Because on these types of shows one loosens up and ultimately says something that will undoubtedly offend some people.
When I heard the President compare his bowling skills to that of a Special Olympian on the Leno show, I chuckled and simultaneously said to myself, “Oh Boy!! You’re going to get ripped for that remark.”
Actually, I said to myself, “Holy Shit, the retards will be clumsily stumbling out of the woodwork over this.”
Okay that’s not quite true either…

I actually said to myself, “Holy Shit, the retards will be clumsily stumbling out of their restraints while drooling incessantly over this one.”
Yeah, that’s what I said to myself.
Ha. Hey O-Man…I hope you enjoy scrutiny because it comes with the job.
Don’t think you can say what many people might find funny in private, because just like members of Congress are feigning outrage over the AIG bonuses, people will feign outrage over this.
And…I’ll be sure to make fun of it. Yeah, I’m a bipartisan bastard in that respect.
Man, I dig not being President, 'cause I can degrade the mentally challenged and suffer no drop in poll numbers.
That is so cool.
It's true--there's no where to go but up from here *giggling*
TB: Maybe he's sneaky smart that way. Cheers Sexy!!
I have to admit I giggled like a school girl at that faux pas...But it does humanize the man!
Cheesy: Ha. And I bet the vast majority of people who saw it chuckled as well. Cheers, Cast-Less One!!
In other news AIG has donated $100,000 to the Special Olympics.
I had read about it before it aired way out west. When we watched I noticed Leno's face...he realized it was a gaffe before the President did...
On the news this morning the head of the Special Olympics (a parent of a mentally challenged child) was totally understanding. Hoping for a teachable moment. Apparently the President called him from airforce one immediately after the taping.
I laughed. I thought it was funny and I understand where the remark came from and I appreciate the humor.
I am just going to go crazy as I hear all the self-righteous come out of the woodwork to cry "Oh how thoughtless! Oh he compared ineptitude to being handicapped! Boofreakinghoo!!"
Oh people, he's human. Get over it.
Kat: Oh I am sure that several call were placed to several people...and quickly. Have fun on the ride today. Cheers Kat!!
Metal: Oh, I know. And at least half of the people saying how thoughtless it was, either laughed or never heard it. But, like lemmings to the sea...Have a good weekend Metal. Cheers!!
you're breaking down union working conditions...why are you working on a day in which you're closed...
well..the temp has topped 65...better go saddle up..
Teamster: Can't help it my good man...I had a thought and had to open up. I gotta go with my thoughts when they hit me.
If you two use saddle soap in your "sick day" antics, I want to know about it. AND I want pictures...but please...crop your self out of them. Cheers Teamster!!
didn‘t want you to miss this
oh sorry...didn't mean to interrupt your conversation with The Teamster...
Liar, liar, pants on fire!
You just couldn't hold back, could you? You retard!!!! ha ha
Micky: I was gonna not post, but it just popped into my mind. I hate when my mind takes control. Cheers Mick!!
I just got word that the cops are looking for a genius and a retard. It's too late for me, but grab your helmet and crayons and run, little buddy, run!
I would imagine that the people shouting the loudest about how thoughtless the President's remark was are some who continue to use the phrase "short bus special" with nary a second thought to how insensitive that might be.
Seems like there is always room to insult somebody, no? There is this vast gap between intentional malice and human-ness. That gap is filled with asshats.
I'm a S.B.S.F
Short Bus Super Friend
congrats to the boy!
Obama needs to not leave home without his teleprompter. You would think they would have one they could just project onto his retina so he could go anywhere and other folks could feed him good lines.
ok, didn't he already do the potty germs? I thought he had to do a different one for this competition?
Desert Rat: Ha. Goodo one. And yes, asshats abound. Your comment could be turned into a great movie or book title... Between Good and Evil, Lie the Asshats. Cheers Rat!!
Travis: You're right. I haer people use "short bus" often. Cheers Trav!!
Al: Ha. I guess that makes you special. Cheers Al!!
When I heard that remark by Pres' I thought oh crap the shit is going to hit the fan now. Give him a fucking break, ooh ooh he is human duh!!!!!
Hammer: Thanks and it's good to see ya. Yeah, everyone has their own gaffe machine. Hope things are good with ya. Cheers!!
Snugs: No...They continue to use the same one through each level. Cheers Snugs!!
Lu: Yeah I know...but hell if Dubya said it, I'd be all over it simply for comedic purposes not because it upset me. Cheers Pal!!
The Pres didn't say anything that about 95% of americans would say in normal daily conversations. I am an equal opportunitiy misanthrop, myself. Cause if the short bus fits, ride it.
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