2016 Summer Olympics: Blame It On Rio
Here's at least one good reason as to why the 2016 Summer Olympics should be held in Rio de Janeiro...
Okay, maybe this picture contains more than one good reason to hold the Olympics in Rio.
Damn right folks...I'm phoning it in today; my mind is smoked!!
Had a rough night did ya?
Or should I say morning.
Micky: I was off yesterday. Remember when you came up and I was off for three days? I packed all of that fun into one day. Cheers Mick!!
I'm no America hatin' commie liberal muslim or anything but dammit, Brazil has the hottest women in the world. And it isn't even close.
Hope you recover from your hangover. ;-)
Bond: That is the most lucid comment you have had in quite awhile. Keep it up. Cheers Vin!!
Jay: I was actually kinda shocked that when I did a Google Image search that there weren't hotter pics of Brazilian women. But, I think I can live with this chick and her ample southern hemispheric ass. Cheers Jay!!
She does have certain assets that give Rio a leg up on the competition.
Cheers Matt-Man
David: Doesn't she though? I think she deserves a gold medal. Cheers David!!
...I can see at least THREE good reasons...
Phrankie: At Least!! And I see one that some don't. The small of her back. Holy Cow, the small of the back on a woman turns me on!! Okay, I'll be alright. Cheers P-Man!!
Good Assman picture.
Starr: It is. And who doesn't like a big, shiny ass on a woman. Freaks, that's who!! Hope the Kidlet is feeling better. Cheers Starr!!
She is, praise baby Jeebus, going back to school!
Starr: That's good to know. You prayed to Benny Hinn, dintcha? Cheers!!
No I went straight to that lightening rod of God, Carrie PreSurgicalTitsGetMeNoMoneyJean
Starr: Ha. I loooove you. Cheers Starr!!
but.....how about all those "Union" jobs in Chicago? where are our priorities people?
I mean...."Really?"....
Teamster: I'm with ya Yank (I love saying that) but there's soldarity and there's solidarity. Cheers Teamster!!
ummmm....no Mateo
I am with Yank.
screw solidarity...
Kat: Ha. I gathered that, and Yank is a lucky guy...On the other hand, you are are a lucky woman. Yank Rocks!!
That sounded sexual didn't it? Cheers Kat!!
Hey Matt-Man, you can phone it in more often if you have artwork like that going on. I’ve been to Rio during Carnival; remind me to show you some pics. It makes Mardi Gras’ look tame as hell. I loved Rio! That’s second on my retirement list after Costa Rica!
Damn they could hold the high jumps off that ass :)
Scott: I love the picture as well althugh I more partial to Argentine babes. Oh there's a difference mister. Cheers Scott!!
Lu: Yes, one could. And being the pioneer that I am, I vlounteer to go first. Cheers Lu!!
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