Yesterday was warm and sticky, and today is gonna be hot and sticky…and no, not in a good way. The sun has been searing my mind just as John Kerry’s memories of Christmas in Cambodia were seared into his.
The heat stress may help to explain the dream that I had last night. Oh sure, I had a few nips of the Wild Irish Rose, but that alone cannot explain the slumbering sojourn I traveled last night.
The dream began with me being cast from my dwelling place. Out on the street… Meandering…I finally managed to secure an apartment, but decided not to take it because my credit was not good enough to have Cable TV hooked up. Odd, I could get an apartment but not Cable? WTF?
To my good fortune, I bumped into a dashing and handsome middle aged Sean Connery. He suggested that we fly to Japan. So 007 and I hopped on a jet and flew to Tokyo. Parched from our trip, we stepped into a bar. We sat down at a table, ordered, and then were blessed with the presence of a younger, sexier Delta Burke. Yes, Delta Burke from “Designing Women”, and of course Mrs. Major Dad.
After some small talk, and several cocktails, Sean whispers into Delta’s ear and she looks at me and smiles. Sean kinda cocks his head at me, seeming to indicate that ol’ Delta wanted to do some designing on me. Oh yeah, me and the Burkster getting our groove on…I was “up” for that. But it was not to be.
A commotion erupted…I looked to see what it was, but could not make it out. I turned to Sean, but he was gone. Delta sat there incredibly naked and incredibly sexy; however, she now had the face of Bill Frist. The noise grew louder and the cause became visible.
A screaming, fez wearing, Billy Barty was in a rickshaw being pulled by a flamingo while the diminutive one threw blueberries at everybody. And then, thunder exploded….
The thunder was real. A harbinger of an early morning storm coming my way, and I awoke. My dream is gone, but I still have the memory. Hopefully, one day, I will get to reunite with Sean, Delta, and Billy and carry out our destiny.
And Now…Our Moment of Hinn
“I walk in the realm of the supernatural.”
--Benny Hinn
Freud would obviously give his stock answer:
"Jesus, you need to get laid!"
Bada Bing...
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