Friday, August 11, 2006

Happy 50th Bagwine !!

There is so much going on in the world right now…Plots to blow up airplanes with after shave and sports drinks, Arabs and Israelis duken’ it out in the Holy Land, and of course the democratization of those Waqui Iraqis.

But the weekend is here and Bagwine Ruminations is celebrating its 50th blog entry. I can’t put into words how thrilled I am to reach this milestone. My emotions are a cacophony of joy, accomplishment, nausea, and yes, even a few tears. I am excited every morning when I wake up, knowing that I have the opportunity to put a smile on someone’s face and, perhaps, if I may be so bold, change the life of another human being through my blog and my love of gutter wine.

I feel a sense of freedom and enlightenment as I carefully pen each entry. Some of you of you probably see me as a friend, a companion, and even a role model. That is why I take painstaking measures to provide you with the wit, warmth, and insight that you deserve. I am certain that a handful of you live vicariously through me, as I do through the early works of Ron Jeremy, and that’s a burden I gladly accept. Even though my shoulders are broad there is no way that I could carry out this onerous responsibility without a little help.

There are many folks who deserve accolades for their contribution to this site; first and foremost, Allie D. of “Memoirs of a Gouda”. She is the one who popped my blog cherry and inspired me to create my site. She is a fine example of what’s right about America, and her tech support is free.

I would like to thank Rene Descartes, whose writings inspired me to fill my entries with run-on sentences which seem to go on and on, even though they really don’t, but sometimes it appears that they do, because the reader is out of breath due to the excitement of the passage, and they just can’t stop reading, because of the aforementioned excitement.

A thank you goes out to Laura, who is the force behind the “This Is What I Do” site. She can weave a tale about disappearing IUDs better than anyone. She is also my favorite High Priestess of Satanic Lesbianism. I’ll make sure to put a link to her site shortly.

A shout-out goes to Schmoop. Whenever I get writer’s block, she puts on a Condaleeza Rice mask and smacks my ass with a rattan cane shouting, “North Korea, North Korea”. Kudos go out to my family, my town, Wild Irish Rose, the Bush administration, and friends past, who fuel my ability to wax poetically about, well…things.

I certainly owe a lot to Benny Hinn and His Cavalcade for Christ. Benny, Rod, Pat, and the others, provide our readers with a cuddly blanket of hope and inspiration in which to wrap themselves. For that, I am truly grateful.

Lastly, I want to thank all of my readers. It is nice to know that you stop by and make my musings worthwhile. It would be even more worthwhile if, after you read the entry, you would leave a freakin’ comment, but I digress. I do truly love you all.

With all of that being said, I am going to put the Rose back in the fridge and pop open a bottle of Champers to celebrate our 50th post. I appreciate you stopping by each and every day and taking time to share my experiences. Have a great weekend, and I’ll see you all on Monday.



And Now…Our Moment of Hinn:

"It's not been a pleasant life."

--Benny Hinn


Anonymous said...

congrats...I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.

Schmoop said...

Well thanks, I think...

Unknown said...

Congrats, Matt-Man! :) I'm glad that I provided the impetus for your beginnings in what has become a very entertaining blog, and I'm glad my good friend Laura can also be of inspiration to you. I love that lady and I've known her for years. And woulda ya believe that we live about 2 hours away from each other and STILL HAVE NOT MET IN PERSON?!?!?!?! :)

Schmoop said...

Thanks Gouda girl. I believe you havent met Laura because you are never at the Planned Parenthood meetings...And by the way Mizz Thang, I am only SLIGHTLY perverted.

Laura said...

Ahh! Thanks for the shout out! I feel so special! It's a good thing my husband doesn't know about my blogging, lest he find about about all the Satanic Lesbianism. You know, he thinks I'm playing soccer when I go off to those Planned Parenthood meetings. Bwahhaha! Allie is the popper of my blog cherry, too. Allie, we will meet when I go to Olympia to prostest something. Or when I run for state office on the Satanic Lesbian platform.

Unknown said...

Okay, what is all this talk of Satanic Lesbianism about? I'm all caught up on Laura's blog now and I missed it. Although I loved the coffee talk. I need to comment on that. Oh and Laura- I hope your IUD has been safely located. ;)

Matt- I have no further comment. LOL

Mo and The Purries said...

matt-man, while no one here popped any of my cherries, I am glad to have found your site (and now I know I only have about 42 more previous posts to read of yours this weekend!!!)
have some champers for moi,
congrats ∇

Schmoop said...

Will do, Morgen, and thanks...Have a good weekend. Allie, your silence is deafening.

Penrick said...

Kudos on your 50th. I have added you to my blog list and will make the time to read you daily. Thanks for visiting my site.

You have a great blog going, I can't wait to read more.........

jbwritergirl said... mentioned cherry popping and 50 in the same wonders?

Schmoop said...

Thanks for stopping by Penrick and I'll add you as well. Good luck with the judging. I'll look you up Ford and thanks. Nick, "adult buffalo?" Too funny....Yeah jb tons of popping going on in here and not just Nick....Thanks to all.