Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Babylonian Makeover

Can ya believe it!!? Finally, after all of this time, the Bush administration is making great progress in the Iraq conflagration. Yesterday they announced that they would no longer be using the limited and static phrase, “Stay the Course”. Wow, how big is that, folks? Dubya is a forward looking strategerist alright.

But what will they replace it with? They certainly need a catchy three word phrase for their “new direction”. I offer the following because I am a great American:

‘Til it’s Over…

Success or Death…

Nine Eleven… (Yes I know it’s only two words, but any mention of Iraq must be followed by those two words…It’s the law.)

I think the following is my favorite and is the most accurate: What the F@#k?...

In a related note, Bagwine Ruminations has confirmed that late last night the Congress approved an emergency bill that proffers a large contract between the Department of Defense and cosmetics giant L’Oreal. It seems that the administration doesn’t have nearly enough lipstick to apply to the pig that is the Iraq war. If only they would contract with the makers of Immodium AD in order to curb the diarrhea of lies that oozes forth from the mouths of Dubya, Cheney, Rummy, and Tony Snow.

Unbelievable…I’m sure that the administration will have a comment later in the day about my post. Until then, Cheers, and Happy Birthday to Ryno!!

And Now Our Moment of Motto…

Delaware: “Bigger than Rhode Island, Small Enough to Care”


Unknown said...

Maybe with this contract with L'Oreal, they will be changing the war slogan to: "Because we're worth it!"

Schmoop said...

Ha...Very Good.

Mo and The Purries said...

How 'bout, instead of "Staying the course..."

Treading water while we drown.


Maybe North Korea will just nuke us and it won't matter anymore.

Schmoop said...

I wouldnt doubt that...They hate our freedom, y'know.